7 research outputs found

    Biokompatibilitas Material Titanium Implan Gigi

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    Titanium merupakan bahan material yang sudah umum digunakan dalam kedokteran gigi, contohnya sebagai kawat dan implan gigi. Implan gigi sudah banyak digunakan tidak hanya untuk kebutuhan penggantian gigi yang hilang, akan tetapi juga banyak digunakan untuk mendukung rekonstruksi kraniofasial dan untuk kebutuhan perawatan ortodonsi. Pemilihan bahan dasar titanium diyakini karena memiliki sifat biokompatibilitas yang baik. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa ketika titanium ditanamkan dalam tulang, jaringan sekitar akan bereaksi terhadap titanium pada tahap awal, dan kekuatan ikatan tulangnya besar. Pemasangan implan gigi berbahan dasar titanium mengaktivasi sistem imun yang menimbulkan reaksi antara host dan bahan biomaterial. Pada proses osseointegrasi terjadi identifikasi dari badan asing titanium oleh sistem imun dan berkembangnya lingkungan yang mendukung proses pembentukan tulang. Hingga saat ini titanium dipercaya masih efektif digunakan sebagai bahan dasar implan gigi

    Hypermedia-Based E-Book

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    E-book is a digital form of printed book which includes digital information in the form of text, image, audio and video. Hypermedia-based e-book is a digital book with text, image, audio, video and animation where these multimedia components are connected.   Thus it enables someone to access information provided from different places quickly. In order to develop hypermedia-based E-book, some learning theories can be taken into consideration such as behaviorist theory, cognitive theory, constructivist theory and system learning approach.  The advantages of hypermedia-based e-book are (1) enabling students to work on assignment individually or in group, (2) monitoring learning progress, (3) attractive size and composition, (4) the content can be customized to suit the learner’s context, (5) learners can be active in constructing the content, (6) mental involvement and higher-order thinking process development, (7)the content of E-book is relevant with the learner’s prior knowledge, (8) the content enables the learners to work together to comprehend the information, (9) teachers can be supervisors, (10) the questions are challenging and realistic for learners, (11) learners can interact with E-book. Besides, E-book also possesses some disadvantages such as (1) special skills to make and design hypermedia-based E-book, (2) special tools needed to access E-book, (3) for inexperienced user, accessing E-book can be quite difficult

    The Development of Hypermedia Based E-Book for Integral Calculus Subject

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    This research focuses on the development and the validity of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus subject. The research questions to be addressed are (1) how is the development of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus? (2) how is the feasibility level of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus subject? (3) is hypermedia based e-book effective in improving integral calculus learning achievement?. The objectives of the study are (1)to find out the process of developing hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus class, (2) to determine the level of feasibility of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus class, (3) to find out the effectiveness of hypermedia based e-book used at integral calculus class. The research method employed was a research and development (R &amp; D) based on Lee and Owens model. The subjects of this research included a design expert, a media expert, a mathematics expert and students at mathematics department at Halu Oleo University. The data collected through questionnaire, interview and a test. The data then were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that (1) the development of hypermedia based e-book using Lee and Owen model consists of need assessment, front-end analysis, development, implementation and evaluation, (2) hypermedia based e-book was feasible to be used at integral calculus class after being tested formatively, (3) the use of hypermedia based e-book was effective to improve students’ integral calculus learning achievement.</p

    The Development of Hypermedia Based E-Book for Integral Calculus Subject

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    This research focuses on the development and the validity of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus subject. The research questions to be addressed are (1) how is the development of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus? (2) how is the feasibility level of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus subject? (3) is hypermedia based e-book effective in improving integral calculus learning achievement?. The objectives of the study are (1)to find out the process of developing hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus class, (2) to determine the level of feasibility of hypermedia based e-book for integral calculus class, (3) to find out the effectiveness of hypermedia based e-book used at integral calculus class. The research method employed was a research and development (R &amp; D) based on Lee and Owens model. The subjects of this research included a design expert, a media expert, a mathematics expert and students at mathematics department at Halu Oleo University. The data collected through questionnaire, interview and a test. The data then were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings revealed that (1) the development of hypermedia based e-book using Lee and Owen model consists of need assessment, front-end analysis, development, implementation and evaluation, (2) hypermedia based e-book was feasible to be used at integral calculus class after being tested formatively, (3) the use of hypermedia based e-book was effective to improve students’ integral calculus learning achievement

    Ekonomi politik kebijakan monorail Provinsi DKI Jakarta

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    Low-Level Laser Therapy to the Major Salivary Glands Increases Salivary Flow and MUC5B Protein Secretion in Diabetic Patients with Hyposalivation: A Preliminary Study

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    Background: To investigate the effect of low-level laser therapy to salivary gland function in diabetic patients with hyposalivation. Methods: Twelve diabetic patients were recruited. A 940-nm indium-gallium-arsenide-phosphide low-power semiconductor diode laser was used to stimulate the major salivary glands with an irradiation time of 40 s; this was done three times a week for 2 consecutive weeks. Patients were given questionnaires related to dry mouth symptoms. Salivary flow rates, questionnaire responses as well as MUC7, MUC5B and histatin 5 protein salivary concentrations were assessed at the first and sixth visits after laser therapy as well at the 6-week follow-up visit. Results: The unstimulated salivary flow rate and MUC5B concentration at the follow-up visit significantly increased (p < 0.01). Histatin 5 concentration significantly decreased at the follow-up visit compared with that at the first visit (p < 0.05). The mean dry mouth score revealed a significant decrease in dry mouth symptoms at the sixth visit and follow-up visit compared with those at the first visit (p < 0.001). The positive correlation between dry mouth score and flow rate was the strongest at the sixth visit (rs = 0.549). Conclusions: Low-level laser therapy increased the salivary flow rate and decreased dry mouth symptoms in diabetic patients

    Low-Level Laser Therapy to the Major Salivary Glands Increases Salivary Flow and MUC5B Protein Secretion in Diabetic Patients with Hyposalivation: A Preliminary Study

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    Background: To investigate the effect of low-level laser therapy to salivary gland function in diabetic patients with hyposalivation. Methods: Twelve diabetic patients were recruited. A 940-nm indium-gallium-arsenide-phosphide low-power semiconductor diode laser was used to stimulate the major salivary glands with an irradiation time of 40 s; this was done three times a week for 2 consecutive weeks. Patients were given questionnaires related to dry mouth symptoms. Salivary flow rates, questionnaire responses as well as MUC7, MUC5B and histatin 5 protein salivary concentrations were assessed at the first and sixth visits after laser therapy as well at the 6-week follow-up visit. Results: The unstimulated salivary flow rate and MUC5B concentration at the follow-up visit significantly increased (p &lt; 0.01). Histatin 5 concentration significantly decreased at the follow-up visit compared with that at the first visit (p &lt; 0.05). The mean dry mouth score revealed a significant decrease in dry mouth symptoms at the sixth visit and follow-up visit compared with those at the first visit (p &lt; 0.001). The positive correlation between dry mouth score and flow rate was the strongest at the sixth visit (rs = 0.549). Conclusions: Low-level laser therapy increased the salivary flow rate and decreased dry mouth symptoms in diabetic patients.&nbsp