26 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Jaringan Fiber To The Home (FTTH) Berdasarkan Jaringan Telepon Existing di Kampus Universitas Riau(UR) Panam

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    This paper discusses about fiber to the home network (FTTH) at panam Riau university campus. In designing, it is required to determine the closest STO, and the determination of the distribution channels. The analysis of designing will involve two parameters.i.e. power link budget, and rise time budget. The result of power link budget shows a maximum of -27 dBm receiver sensitivity. In the meantime the downlink an uplink total calculation is considered acceptable to conduct the NRZ encoding due to remains within the specification of downlink and uplink bitrate total time.i.e. 0,562 ns and 0,2813 ns, respectively. In overall, it is indicated that the link budget and the rise time budget is complied to NRZ encoding requieremen

    Pengaruh Administrasi Perpajakan, Kualitas Layanan Fiskus, Terhadap Perilaku Wajib Pajak Dan Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak (Studi Pada Wajib Pajak Badan Di Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Kota Malang Selatan 2015)

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    The research was motivated by the demands of the increasing government revenues, especially in the sector of taxation, both form all repair and fundamental change in all aspects of taxation. One of them is the demans on taxpayer compliance. Taxpayer compliance in implementing the tax obligations can not be separated from the role of the tax administration system that has been determined by the government and also the attitude of the public taxpayer itself. In addition, one of the efforts that are not less important is the government’s efforts in improving taxpayer satisfaction through improved quality of service performed by the tax authorities which is expected to have an impact on taxpayer compliance. This study aims to determine the effect of the tax administration and the quality of service performed by tax authorities to taxpayer compliance is mediated by the behavior of taxpayer. This research is explanatory reseach using a quantitative approach. This data using primary data sources are derived from filling the questionnaire and interviews whit taxpayer that registered in tax office south Malang and assisted with a variety of relevant secondary data. Data were collected using accidental sampling method and analyzed by using path analysis in SPSS version 20. The results showed that both the tax administration, the quality of service performed by the tax authorities, and the behavior of taxpayer directly have a significant impact on taxpayer compliance. The results also show that the tax administration and the the quality of service performed by the tax authorities has a significant effect when mediated through the behavior of taxpayer. Therefore, based on the reseach that has been done, then all hypotheses that have been constructed in this study is acceptable. Various limitations faced by researchers is expected to become a challenge for future research to obtain reseach results further illustrate the factor that influence the increase taxpayer compliance

    Aplikasi Persebaran Objek Wisata Di Kota Semarang Berbasis Mobile Gis Memanfaatkan Smartphone Android

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    Semarang City is the capital of Central Java Province. With an area of 373.70 Km2 Semarang City can be classified as a metropolitan city in Central Java. As the provincial capital Semarang City would be progress parameters for other cities in Central Java .Information about attractions will claim the availability of more precise information, one of them through based mobile - geographic information system GIS use Android smartphone . With the increasing use of Android smartphones by society , then made an application that combines GPS (Global Positioning System) technology and LBS (Location Based Service). Manufacturing applications using App Inventor to the programming language visual block , and using Google Maps.With status as a metropolitan city that is filled by a variety of amenities and exciting attractions, Semarang City be one destination for tourists . In the case of tourism , Semarang are doing development and tourism promotion the called program "Ayo Wisata ke Semarang" which started since the end of 2011. Of course, Semarang Municipality has completed some excellent attractions spread around the city of Semarang .Mobile GIS applications of attractions in Semarang City can use as tour guide equipped with features such as the position of Attraction , directions, and information about attractions around Semarang City. The application comes with a wide range of tourism supporting information such as a means of transport , hospitals, hotels , and other information

    Analisis Capability Domain DSS01 Menggunakan COBIT 2019 pada PT Solusi Finansialku Indonesia

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    Pada era bisnis yang semakin terdigitalisasi, perusahaan seperti PT Solusi Finansialku Indonesia, yang menawarkan layanan perencanaan keuangan berbasis SaaS, mendapatkan perhatian yang meningkat dalam manajemen operasional TI yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis tingkat kemampuan proses Manajemen Operasional TI (DSS01) di PT Solusi Finansialku Indonesia menggunakan framework COBIT 2019. Metode pengumpulan data yang peneliti gunakan dalam penelitian ini ialah metode kuesioner, yang melibatkan 49 responden. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata Capability Level Domain DSS01 adalah sebesar 2,73. Hasil ini mengindikasikan bahwa perusahaan telah mencapai tingkat kapabilitas di level 3 (Defined process) dalam manajemen operasional TI berdasarkan kerangka kerja COBIT 2019. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi signifikan dalam konteks peningkatan manajemen operasional TI PT Solusi Finansialku Indonesia. Dengan pemahaman tentang tingkat kapabilitas yang sudah dicapai, perusahaan dapat merencanakan langkah-langkah perbaikan yang lebih terarah untuk memastikan efisiensi dan keandalan dalam penyediaan layanan operasional teknologi informasi. Hal ini akan memberikan manfaat bagi perusahaan dalam merencanakan perkembangan perusahaan di masa depan, mengambil keputusan yang tepat, dan memenuhi harapan klien

    Alokasi Waktu Kerja dan Peran Istri Nelayan dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Keluarga di Kelurahan Petoaha Kecamatan Nambo Kota Kendari

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    This research aimed (1) To describe the working time allocation and role of the fisherman's wife as a fish seller for activities in the household, social activities and economic activities, (2) To know the contribution of fisherman's wife in improving family economy and (3) To know the relation between family income and working time allocation of fisherman's wife. This research was conducted in the Petoaha, the districts of Nambo. The population of this research was the entire of the fisherman's wife of Petoaha, the districts of Nambo as a fish seller. Sample determination using purposive sampling technique. The number of samples is determined using Slovin formula and based on the calculation result using the formula, the total sample is 43 respondents. The results of this research showed that the average allocation of working time and the role of fisherman's wife for household activities is 66.56%, social activities 1.29% and economic activities 14.94%. The average income contribution of fishermen's wife to family income is 42%. The relationship between family income and the fisherman's wife working is the family income in the lower category, the allocation time of fisherman's wife in economy activity increasin

    Green Open Space Management in Bone Regency

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    Green open space is one of the problems that must be considered and considered together at this time, where the condition of this area is increasingly displaced by urban areas. This study aims to analyze the management of green open space in Bone Regency with the hope that the results of the analysis can be a reference for revising the spatial plan that has been implemented but is not on target. The stages of the research method, starting from theoretical studies and empirical studies, preparation of proposals, testing the validity and reliability, data collection, analysis, and discussion. From a government perspective that sees green open space from the side to beautify urban spaces with various aesthetic touches in green open space settings. In-depth studies of environmental impacts and in-depth socio-cultural aspects carried out by the private sector have a more favorable effect on the development of green open spaces in Bone Regency. From the perspective of the community itself, who want green open space to be used for a variety of activities that can be carried out, for example by carrying out microeconomic development in areas that are built

    Efektivitas Pelayanan Digital Program Samsat Keliling Di Kota Mataram

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    The effectiveness of the digital SAMSAT mobile service program is a success in improving the welfare of its members and the community in general with the aim of research to determine the effectiveness of digital services on the SAMSAT mobile program in the city of Mataram and what are the supporting factors and obstacles the city of Mataram. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques, namely interviews, observation, literature study, and documentation. Data analysis in qualitative research, carried out at the time of data collection takes place, namely reduction data, display data, and draw conclusions. The results of this study are the effectiveness of the mobile SAMSAT digital service program in the city of Mataram. So far the services carried out by mobile SAMSAT have been effective. the number that has paid PKB as many as 7.507 vehicles and the amount of money as much as Rp. 3,542,442,111. while SAMSAT mobile 2 operates in the cakra and gebang sub-district offices, the number of which has paid PKB is 2,382 vehicles and the amount of money is Rp. 1,236,041,341. the last being SAMSAT mobile 3 which operates in the sindu market and the udayana roundabout, the number of those who have paid PKB is 2,538 vehicles and the amount of money is Rp. 913,443,402. and those who paid PKB in 2018, traveling around SAMSAT 1 in Sangkareang Park and Mayure Village Office, the number of those who had paid PKB was 10,522 vehicles and the amount of money was Rp. 6,627,326,321. while SAMSAT around 2 operates in the cakra and gebang sub-district offices, the number of which has paid PKB as much as 6,603 vehicles and Rp. 3,708,124,026. the last being SAMSAT mobile 3 which operates in the sindu market and the udayana roundabout, the number of which has paid PKB as many as 3,617 vehicles and the amount of money as much as Rp. 2,740,330,200. judging from the increase in the number of people who have paid PKB from 2017-2018, according to the scale of the assessment made, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of digital services on the SAMSAT mobile program in the city of Mataram has been effective