118 research outputs found

    Natural Products Chemistry, Medicinal Resources

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    Division of Natural Products Chemistry

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    Protective Effects of Rosa damascena and Its Active Constituent on Aβ(25–35)-Induced Neuritic Atrophy

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    Dementia is a clinical syndrome characterized by multiple cognitive deficits and causes progressive neurodegeneration leading eventually to death. The incidence of dementia is increasing worldwide with the increase in ageing population. However, no effective treatment is available yet. It has been hypothesized that drugs activating neurite outgrowth might induce neuronal reconstruction and help in the recovery of brain function. Working on this hypothesis, we recently observed that the chloroform extract of the Rosa damascena significantly induced the neurite outgrowth activity and inhibited the Aβ(25–35)-induced atrophy and cell death. Further workup led the isolation of a very long polyunsaturated fatty acid having molecular formula C37H64O2 as an active constituent. The structure of this compound was established by extensive analysis of fragmentations observed in EI-MS mode. The isolated compound protected Aβ(25–35)-induced atrophy and displayed strong neurite outgrowth activity. The length of dendrite in the cells treated with this compound were comparable to those of nerve growth factor (NGF) treated cells

    Antioxidative and antihepatotoxic principles of Tuocha

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    沱茶は中国雲南省のアッサム茶の葉を蒸して作られる緊圧茶で,抗老化,コレステロール低下,免疫増強,血圧降下等の作用があると言われている。我々は,DPPHラジカル捕捉活性を指標として成分検索を行ない,得られた成分についてDPPHラジカル捕捉活性と共にD-GalN/TNF-α誘発マウス肝細胞死阻害活性を測定した。その結果,沱茶がフェノール類,リグナン,フラボノイド,フラバン3オール類などの抗酸化成分を多く含む事を明らかにし,それら成分の構造と活性との関係について考察した。 Tuocha is one of the special varieties of fermented compressed tea leaves, praised for its important health benefits, such as anti-aging, lowering cholesterol, enhancing immune function, lowering of blood pressure, reducing heart attacks etc. In the present study, we carried out fractionation and isolation of the active constituents, guided by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity. In addition, antioxidative and antihepatotoxic potency on D-galactosamine (D-GalN)/tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)-induced cell death in primary cultured mouse hepatocytes was also examined. Our study revealed that, tuocha is rich in antioxidants such as phenolics, lignans, flavanoides and flavan-3-ols, and showed a good understanding between structure and activity relationship

    Division of Natural Products Chemistry

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