947 research outputs found

    Isolation and amino acid sequence analysis of a 4,000-dalton dynorphin from porcine pituitary

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    A 4,000-dalton dynorphin was isolated from porcine pituitary. It has 32 amino acids (Mr = 3,986), with the previously described heptadecapeptide (now called dynorphin A) at its amino terminus and a related tridecapeptide, dynorphin B, at its carboxyl terminus. The two peptides are separated by the "processing signal" Lys-Arg

    First-Principles Study of Optical Absorption Energies, Ligand Field and Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters of Cr<sup>3+</sup> Ions in Emeralds

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    Herein, we study the electronic structure, energies, and vibronic structure of optical d-d transitions of Cr3+ ions doped in beryl (Be3Si6Al2O18:Cr3+, emerald). A computational protocol is developed that combines periodic density functional theory (for modeling of the bulk crystalline lattice of emerald) and the multireference configuration interaction complete active space self-consistent field method supplemented with n-electron valence second-order perturbation theory (for the calculation of the energy levels, wave functions, and spin-Hamiltonian and ligand-field parameters of the trigonal Cr3+ centers in the [CrO6]9– clusters embedded in an extended point charge field). Ligand-field parameters were extracted from mapping the effective ligand-field Hamiltonian onto the full many-particle Hamiltonian from one side and from a direct fit to energies of computed d-d transitions on the other side. These have been analyzed using ab initio ligand-field theory. The quality of the theoretical predictions is critically assessed through a detailed comparison with the available experimental data

    Minimally invasive approach to colorectal tumors - 3 years of experience in a private hospital

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    Spitalul Privat ”Sanador”, București, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Abordul minim invaziv al tumorilor colo-rectale reprezintă o preocupare a colectivului Spitalului privat Sanador, în pofida adresabilității crescute a cancerelor în stadii avansate, procentul acestora din totalul intervențiilor chirurgicale pentru această patologie rămânând constant, printr-o atentă selecție a pacienților, care sa beneficieze de avantajele laparoscopiei. Material și metode: Studiul prezent analizează intervențiile chirurgicale pentru tumori colo-rectale efectuate între anii 2016-2018 în Spitalul Sanador București. Din totalul de 214 intervenții chirurgicale pentru patologia colo-rectală, 41 au fost prin abord minim invaziv, reprezentând procentual 20% din totalul intervențiilor pentru această patologie, procentul fiind constant în fiecare din acești ani: 2016 – 13 intervenții prin abord minim invaziv din totalul de 68 (19.11%); 2017 – 17 intervenții prin abord minim invaziv din totalul de 79 (21.5%); 2018 – 11 intervenții chirurgicale prin abord minim invaziv dintr-un total de 57 (19.3%). Rezultate: Cele mai frecvente localizări ale tumorilor pentru care indicația a fost de abord minim invaziv, au fost cele recto-sigmoidiene (28). Selecția pacienților s-a facut după stadializarea preoperatorie, admitându-se ca și abord laparoscopic tumori T1, T2, T3, în rare cazuri T4. În cazul tumorilor avansate, substadializate preoperator, s-a tentat efectuarea a cât mai multor timpi din cadrul rezecției, prin abord minim invaziv, iar cazurile in care anastomozele au fost efectuate extracorporeal nu au fost interpretate ca și conversie. Concluzii: Rezultatele bune se înscriu în rândul celor ale centrelor cu volum și experiența mari în abordarea minim invazivă a tumorilor colo-rectale și constituie premize pentru creșterea procentului de astfel de intervenții în clinica noastră.Introduction: The minimally invasive approach of colorectal tumors is a concern of the Sanador private hospital team, despite the increased addressability of cancers in advanced stages, their percentage of total surgical interventions for this pathology remaining constantly through a careful selection of patients who benefit from the advantages of laparoscopy. Material and methods: The present study examines surgical interventions for colorectal tumors performed between 2016-2018 at Sanador Hospital Bucharest. Of the total of 214 surgical procedures for rectal pathology, 41 were by minimally invasive approach, accounting for 20% of all interventions for this pathology, the percentage being constant in each of these years: 2016-13 interventions through the minimally invasive approach of the total of 68 (19.11%); 2017 - 17 interventions through minimally invasive approach from the total of 79 (21.5%); 2018 - 11 minimally invasive surgical interventions from a total of 57 (19.3%). Results: The most common tumor localizations for which the indication was minimally invasive were the recto-sigmoid (28). Selection of patients was made after preoperative staging, admitting as a laparoscopic approach T1, T2, T3 tumors, in rare cases T4. In the case of advanced tumors, pre-operative substations, it was tempting to perform as many times as possible in the resection through a minimally invasive approach, and the cases in which the anastomoses were performed extracorporeally were not interpreted as conversion. Conclusions: Good results are among those with large volume centers and great experience in the minimally invasive approach of colorectal tumors and are prerequisites for increasing the percentage of such interventions in our clinic

    Boiling and condensation in a liquid-filled enclosure

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    A combined experimental and analytical investigation of boiling and condensation in a liquid-filled enclosure, with water and Freon- 113 as the working fluids, is described. The operating characteristics of a boiling system, utilizing a condenser submerged in the fluid, are presented and related to specific operational modes and thermal transport mechanisms. A lower bound of operation, corresponding to natural convection heat transfer at both the heated and condenser surfaces, is identified. Similarly, for the commonly encountered range of system operation, a condensive upper bound is identified and shown to correspond to vapor space condensation. A nondimensional vapor bubble collapse length, L c/W, is found to govern the rate and mechanism of heat transfer at the submerged condenser surface. LValues of wC > 1 condensation is found to dominate thermal transport at the condenser surface. 4 possible technique for augmenting condensation heat transfer on horizontal surfaces is examined in an attempt to raise the condensive upper bound of submerged condenser operation. A doubly-rippled surface with small, constant radius of curvature undulations is shown to yield a factor of two increases in the rate of vapor space condensation based on the projected area of the condenser surface.(cont.) A systematic design procedure for submerged condenser systems utilizing the proposed models and correlations is described and related to typical design considerations

    On Semi-Periods

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    The periods of the three-form on a Calabi-Yau manifold are found as solutions of the Picard-Fuchs equations; however, the toric varietal method leads to a generalized hypergeometric system of equations which has more solutions than just the periods. This same extended set of equations can be derived from symmetry considerations. Semi-periods are solutions of this extended system. They are obtained by integration of the three-form over chains; these chains can be used to construct cycles which, when integrated over, give periods. In simple examples we are able to obtain the complete set of solutions for the extended system. We also conjecture that a certain modification of the method will generate the full space of solutions in general.Comment: 18 pages, plain TeX. Revised derivation of Δ\Delta^* system of equations; version to appear in Nuclear Physics

    Reduction and reconstruction of stochastic differential equations via symmetries

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    An algorithmic method to exploit a general class of infinitesimal symmetries for reducing stochastic differential equations is presented and a natural definition of reconstruction, inspired by the classical reconstruction by quadratures, is proposed. As a side result the well-known solution formula for linear one-dimensional stochastic differential equations is obtained within this symmetry approach. The complete procedure is applied to several examples with both theoretical and applied relevance