1,154 research outputs found

    Maximum length sequence and Bessel diffusers using active technologies

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    Active technologies can enable room acoustic diffusers to operate over a wider bandwidth than passive devices, by extending the bass response. Active impedance control can be used to generate surface impedance distributions which cause wavefront dispersion, as opposed to the more normal absorptive or pressure-cancelling target functions. This paper details the development of two new types of active diffusers which are difficult, if not impossible, to make as passive wide-band structures. The first type is a maximum length sequence diffuser where the well depths are designed to be frequency dependent to avoid the critical frequencies present in the passive device, and so achieve performance over a finite-bandwidth. The second is a Bessel diffuser, which exploits concepts developed for transducer arrays to form a hybrid absorber–diffuser. Details of the designs are given, and measurements of scattering and impedance used to show that the active diffusers are operating correctly over a bandwidth of about 100 Hz to 1.1 kHz. Boundary element method simulation is used to show how more application-realistic arrays of these devices would behave

    Active diffusers : some prototypes and 2D measurements

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    Diffusing devices are used to improve room acoustics in a wide variety of applications. The dispersion generated by current diffuser technologies is often limited to mid-to-high frequencies because low-frequency diffusers are usually too large to be easily accommodated. To extend the bandwidth of diffusers to a lower frequency a new approach is proposed, that is to use active control technology. In particular, active impedance techniques have been exploited to create non-absorbing diffusers, and hybrid structures that partly absorb while dispersing any reflected sound. This paper presents results mostly from a feedforward structure. It is found that achieving active dispersion without absorption other a worthwhile bandwidth can be more difficult than achieving active absorption due to the more complex target impedance that the controller needs to learn. Measurements on polar responses provide evidence that the active diffusers can achieve wider bandwidth dispersion. Boundary element modelling has enabled the design of these structures to be examined in more application-realistic set-ups

    An algorithm for a general class of routing problems derived from Huygens' principle

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    If a set of N points or nodes with a nonnegative cost associated with each ordered pair is known, it is desired to find a path from one given node to another given node which minimizes the cost sum. An algorithm is presented which yields a global minimum solution after at most N - 1 iterations or on a typical large third-generation computer, after 1 hour of computation time for a 10,000-node problem. The rapid-access data storage capacity demanded by the algorithm is approximately 3N words for costs read in from slow-access storage or 2N words for calculable costs. The time-storage requirements of the algorithm known to the authors. When the problem is viewed as a discretized optimal control problem, after N-1 iterations, an optimal control or node transition is established for each of the N nodes or states; thus, the algorithm can be applied to situations were there may be errors in the control that necessitate a closed loop control that necessitate a closed loop control philosophy

    ATM-CMG control system stability

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    Stability analyses and simulation data and results are presented for an initial Control Moment Gyroscope system proposed for the Apollo Telescope Mount cluster (later named Skylab) using momentum vector feedback. A compensation filtering technique is presented which significantly improved analytical and simulation performance of the system. This technique is quite similar to the complementary filtering technique and represents an early NASA application

    Oral History Interview: Rev. Avis L. Hill

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    This interview is one of a series conducted concerning the Kanawha County textbook controversy. The subject of this interview is the Kanawha county textbook controversy, where numerous people protested materials taught in school that they believed immoral, resulting in some violence. Rev. Hill describes his beliefs and family values, his attempts to protest the books, as well as threats made against his family.https://mds.marshall.edu/oral_history/1238/thumbnail.jp

    A robust pseudo-inverse spectral filter applied to the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) scanning channels

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    Computer simulations of a least squares estimator operating on the ERBE scanning channels are discussed. The estimator is designed to minimize the errors produced by nonideal spectral response to spectrally varying and uncertain radiant input. The three ERBE scanning channels cover a shortwave band a longwave band and a ""total'' band from which the pseudo inverse spectral filter estimates the radiance components in the shortwave band and a longwave band. The radiance estimator draws on instantaneous field of view (IFOV) scene type information supplied by another algorithm of the ERBE software, and on a priori probabilistic models of the responses of the scanning channels to the IFOV scene types for given Sun scene spacecraft geometry. It is found that the pseudoinverse spectral filter is stable, tolerant of errors in scene identification and in channel response modeling, and, in the absence of such errors, yields minimum variance and essentially unbiased radiance estimates

    On the Relationship between Convex Bodies Related to Correlation Experiments with Dichotomic Observables

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    In this paper we explore further the connections between convex bodies related to quantum correlation experiments with dichotomic variables and related bodies studied in combinatorial optimization, especially cut polyhedra. Such a relationship was established in Avis, Imai, Ito and Sasaki (2005 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 38 10971-87) with respect to Bell inequalities. We show that several well known bodies related to cut polyhedra are equivalent to bodies such as those defined by Tsirelson (1993 Hadronic J. S. 8 329-45) to represent hidden deterministic behaviors, quantum behaviors, and no-signalling behaviors. Among other things, our results allow a unique representation of these bodies, give a necessary condition for vertices of the no-signalling polytope, and give a method for bounding the quantum violation of Bell inequalities by means of a body that contains the set of quantum behaviors. Optimization over this latter body may be performed efficiently by semidefinite programming. In the second part of the paper we apply these results to the study of classical correlation functions. We provide a complete list of tight inequalities for the two party case with (m,n) dichotomic observables when m=4,n=4 and when min{m,n}<=3, and give a new general family of correlation inequalities.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figure

    Image processing mini manual

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    The intent is to provide an introduction to the image processing capabilities available at the Langley Research Center (LaRC) Central Scientific Computing Complex (CSCC). Various image processing software components are described. Information is given concerning the use of these components in the Data Visualization and Animation Laboratory at LaRC

    Noise Thresholds for Higher Dimensional Systems using the Discrete Wigner Function

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    For a quantum computer acting on d-dimensional systems, we analyze the computational power of circuits wherein stabilizer operations are perfect and we allow access to imperfect non-stabilizer states or operations. If the noise rate affecting the non-stabilizer resource is sufficiently high, then these states and operations can become simulable in the sense of the Gottesman-Knill theorem, reducing the overall power of the circuit to no better than classical. In this paper we find the depolarizing noise rate at which this happens, and consequently the most robust non-stabilizer states and non-Clifford gates. In doing so, we make use of the discrete Wigner function and derive facets of the so-called qudit Clifford polytope i.e. the inequalities defining the convex hull of all qudit Clifford gates. Our results for robust states are provably optimal. For robust gates we find a critical noise rate that, as dimension increases, rapidly approaches the the theoretical optimum of 100%. Some connections with the question of qudit magic state distillation are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 1 table; Minor changes vs. version
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