6 research outputs found

    Site fidelity and range size of wintering Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis

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    Barnacle Geese restrict their movements to relatively few key sites and exhibit considerable variation in ranging behaviour. To examine individual and seasonal variation in site fidelity, habitat use, range size and foraging strategies of Barnacle Geese Branta leucopsis, the movements of 18 male Barnacle Geese tagged in two discrete areas were tracked for 3–6 months from late autumn until departure on the spring migration. Tagged geese concentrated their feeding in a relatively small proportion of apparently suitable habitat. Geese moved increasingly further afield in midwinter, and there was a clear predeparture shift to the largest area of relatively undisturbed, and possibly more nitrogen-rich, saltmarsh on the Solway. Birds from one of the two capture sites tended to be more sedentary and have smaller home ranges

    Process flow and component diagram for a modeling and simulation workflow with StochSS.

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    <p>The biochemical model and domain is defined as part of the problem specification. The ODE, spatial stochastic, and well-mixed simulation tools generate realizations of these models. The parameter estimation and parameter sensitivity tools allow for analysis of models. The output and visualization tools present the data.</p