45 research outputs found
On the issue of public-private partnership in housing construction in the Belgorod region
The article discusses the opportunities and prospects for the use of public-private partnership (PPP) tools for the implementation of investment projects in housing construction in the Belgorod region. The application of the PPP concept will allow to attract additional investment resources to the region, will provide an opportunity to strengthen its competitive advantages and unleash innovative potentia
Recommended practices for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of the international educational integration
© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. To achieve and maintain a level of training for competitive specialists who meet modern requirements first and foremost in professional education it requires ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian education services market. In the article the research and methodological practices are proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of international educational integration at the federal (legal and regulatory, organizational and pedagogical, organizational and methodological program), regional (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological, and socially-pedagogical program) and university levels (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, socially-pedagogical, learning and teaching, and information-technology program). The proposed recommendations in the article are of practical value for international departments of higher education institutions in order to optimize the processes of Russian universities entering into the international educational space
Новые подходы в 3D-моделировании роста in vitro первичных культур злокачественных глиом
Background. The incidence of brain gliomas firmly occupies a leading position among all central nervous system tumors – 40–50 % of the cases detected, more than half of them are glioblastoma. Existing cell lines and cultivation methods do not reflect all the features of the three-dimensional (3D) organization of native glioblastoma. The use of temozolomide leads to the development of drug resistance and acute relapse, followed by a poor clinical outcome. The development of resistance is largely associated with the presence of tumor stem cells in the population and intratumoral heterogeneity. Obtaining 3D cultures from the primary material will allow us to save the stem cell pool and tumor-specific features.The study objective. Get a 3D model based on primary cell cultures, which allows you to save a heterogeneous population and the original phenotype of tumor cells.Materials and methods. We used U-87MG human glioma cells and GBM002 primary cell culture obtained from surgical material with a confirmed diagnosis of glioblastoma. Neurospheres were obtained from cell lines, the growth of which was monitored using the InCell Analyzer 6000 automatic cell analysis system. Flow cytometry was used to determine the CD133+ cell content. The expression of the receptor tyrosine kinases VEGFR1, VEGFR2 (endothelial growth factor type 1 and 2 receptors), FGFR2 (fibroblast growth factor receptor type 2) and the hypoxia marker HIF-1α (hypoxia inducible factor, 1α) in the neurospheres was evaluated using confocal microscopy.Results. GBM002 glioblastoma cells isolated from the surgical material formed neurospheres, while the number of CD133+ cells increased from 1–2 to 16–19 % compared with two-dimensional cultures. During long-term cultivation of cells with non-cytotoxic doses of temozolomide, it was found that such cells form smaller neurospheres compared to control cells. It was shown that the expression of receptor tyrosine kinases during cultivation of GBM002 glioblastoma cells in neurospheres differs from that in two-dimensional cultures. We found that in neurospheres, the expression of FGFR2 and VEGFR1, is significantly increased.Conclusion. 3D cultivation of primary cultures allows one to obtain a more heterogeneous population of tumor cells that reflects the spatial heterogeneity of cells, increase the pool of stem cells and recreate hypoxia conditions inside the brain micro-tumors.Введение. Заболеваемость глиомами головного мозга прочно занимает лидирующую позицию среди всех опухолей центральной нервной системы – 40–50 % выявленных случаев, более половины из них представлены глиобластомой. Существующие клеточные линии и методы культивирования не отражают всех особенностей трехмерной (3D) организации нативной глиобластомы. Применение темозоломида приводит к развитию лекарственной устойчивости и острого рецидива с последующим плохим клиническим исходом. Развитие резистентности в значительной степени связано с наличием в популяции опухолевых стволовых клеток и внутриопухолевой гетерогенностью. Получение 3D-культур из первичного материала позволит сохранить пул стволовых клеток и специфические для конкретной опухоли особенности.Цель исследования – получить 3D-модель на основе первичных клеточных культур, позволяющую сохранить гетерогенную популяцию и исходный фенотип опухолевых клеток.Материалы и методы. Использованы клетки линии человеческой глиомы U-87MG и первичная клеточная культура GBM002, полученная из операционного материала, с подтвержденным диагнозом глиобластомы. Из клеточных линий были получены нейросферы, рост которых контролировали с помощью автоматической системы для клеточного анализа InCell Analyzer 6000. Для определения содержания клеток CD133+ использовали метод проточной цитометрии. Оценку экспрессии в нейросферах рецепторных тирозинкиназ VEGFR1, VEGFR2 (рецепторы эндотелиального фактора роста 1‑го и 2‑го типов), FGFR2 (рецептор фактора роста фибробластов 2‑го типа) и маркера гипоксии HIF-1α (фактор, индуцируемый гипоксией, 1α) проводили с помощью конфокальной микроскопии.Результаты. Клетки глиобластомы GBM002, выделенные из операционного материала, образовывали нейросферы, при этом повышалось количество клеток CD133+ с 1–2 до 16–19 % по сравнению с двухмерными культурами. При длительном культивировании клеток с нецитотоксическими дозами темозоломида установлено, что такие клетки образуют нейросферы меньшего размера по сравнению с контрольными клетками. Показано, что экспрессия рецепторных тирозинкиназ при культивировании клеток глиобластомы GBM002 в нейросферах отличается от таковой в двухмерных культурах. Установлено, что в нейросферах в значительной степени увеличивается экспрессия FGFR2 и VEGFR1.Заключение. 3D-культивирование первичных культур позволяет получать более гетерогенную популяцию опухолевых клеток, отражающую пространственную неоднородность клеток, повышать пул стволовых клеток и воссоздавать условия гипоксии внутри микроопухолей головного мозга
Gender gaps in education
This chapter reviews the growing body of research in economics which concentrates on the education gender gap and its evolution, over time and across countries. The survey first focuses on gender differentials in the historical period that roughly goes from 1850 to the 1940s and documents the deep determinants of the early phase of female education expansion, including preindustrial conditions, religion, and family and kinship patterns. Next, the survey describes the stylized facts of contemporaneous gender gaps in education, from the 1950s to the present day, accounting for several alternative measures of attainment and achievement and for geographic and temporal differentiations. The determinants of the gaps are then summarized, while keeping a strong emphasis on an historical perspective and disentangling factors related to the labor market, family formation, psychological elements, and societal cultural norms. A discussion follows of the implications of the education gender gap for multiple realms, from economic growth to family life, taking into account the potential for reverse causation. Special attention is devoted to the persistency of gender gaps in the STEM and economics fields
Gender Gaps in Education
This chapter reviews the growing body of research in economics which concentrates on the education gender gap and its evolution, over time and across countries. The survey first focuses on gender differentials in the historical period that roughly goes from 1850 to the 1940s and documents the deep determinants of the early phase of female education expansion, including preindustrial conditions, religion, and family and kinship patterns. Next, the survey describes the stylized facts of contemporaneous gender gaps in education, from the 1950s to the present day, accounting for several alternative measures of attainment and achievement and for geographic and temporal differentiations. The determinants of the gaps are then summarized, while keeping a strong emphasis on an historical perspective and disentangling factors related to the labor market, family formation, psychological elements, and societal cultural norms. A discussion follows of the implications of the education gender gap for multiple realms, from economic growth to family life, taking into account the potential for reverse causation. Special attention is devoted to the persistency of gender gaps in the STEM and economics fields
Recommended practices for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of the international educational integration
© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. To achieve and maintain a level of training for competitive specialists who meet modern requirements first and foremost in professional education it requires ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian education services market. In the article the research and methodological practices are proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of international educational integration at the federal (legal and regulatory, organizational and pedagogical, organizational and methodological program), regional (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological, and socially-pedagogical program) and university levels (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, socially-pedagogical, learning and teaching, and information-technology program). The proposed recommendations in the article are of practical value for international departments of higher education institutions in order to optimize the processes of Russian universities entering into the international educational space
Recommended practices for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of the international educational integration
© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. To achieve and maintain a level of training for competitive specialists who meet modern requirements first and foremost in professional education it requires ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian education services market. In the article the research and methodological practices are proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of international educational integration at the federal (legal and regulatory, organizational and pedagogical, organizational and methodological program), regional (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological, and socially-pedagogical program) and university levels (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, socially-pedagogical, learning and teaching, and information-technology program). The proposed recommendations in the article are of practical value for international departments of higher education institutions in order to optimize the processes of Russian universities entering into the international educational space
Recommended practices for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of the international educational integration
© 2015, Review of European Studies. All right reserved. To achieve and maintain a level of training for competitive specialists who meet modern requirements first and foremost in professional education it requires ensuring the competitiveness of the Russian education services market. In the article the research and methodological practices are proposed for improving the competitiveness of the Russian education services market under the conditions of international educational integration at the federal (legal and regulatory, organizational and pedagogical, organizational and methodological program), regional (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, organizational and methodological, and socially-pedagogical program) and university levels (legal and regulatory, organizational and administrative, socially-pedagogical, learning and teaching, and information-technology program). The proposed recommendations in the article are of practical value for international departments of higher education institutions in order to optimize the processes of Russian universities entering into the international educational space