361 research outputs found

    Information, Externalities and Socioeconomics of Malaria in Honduras: A Preliminary Analysis

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    This paper explores how different levels of knowledge correlate with desirable preventive and curative practices against malaria in Honduras. The paper additionally analyzes “information externalities” associated with non-specific malaria health services, communicational campaigns and organized community networks. Using the 2004 ENSEMAH survey, the analysis tests for statistical differences in the means of behavioral variables and an index of household malaria knowledge, finding that the adoption of desirable prevention and treatment behaviors correlates with proficient levels of knowledge. Differences in behavior across groups with distinctive levels of proficiency were found statistically significant. Also, while information externalities exist, they nonetheless do not deliver adequate levels of knowledge proficiency to induce desirable anti-malaria behavior.Malaria, Information, Externalities, Honduras

    The Impact of Cloud Computing in Supply Chain Collaborative Relationships, Collaborative Advantage and Relational Outcomes

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    The purpose of this study is to explore the collaborative advantages and relational outcomes that organizations obtain from having strong collaborative relationships. With business competing as supply chains of multiple relationships, the reliance on inter-firm relationships has increased and become central strategy for organizations. Logistics computing technologies in the cloud may facilitate collaboration in the supply chain, although there are conflicting viewpoints regarding cloud viability. This study also evaluates the effect that cloud computing technology has on collaborative advantage and relational outcomes in small and large organizations. The model developed here is based on a cross-disciplinary theoretical perspective, which combines the relational view of the firm, the transaction cost economics and the task technology fit theories. This study demonstrates that maintaining collaborative relationships provide value added capabilities that logistics organizations require in order to remain competitive and be successful in some cases strengthen by the use of cloud computing

    Are Men And Women Different In European Higher Education Area?

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    One of the principles of universities is to include and promote teaching and research in gender equality and non discrimination in all academic fields of training. But this is not easy to measure. This paper proposes a qualitative methodology to measure the problem and applies it to the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)

    An Alternative To Test Independence Between Expectations And Disconfirmation Versus The Positive Version Of The Assimilation Theory. An Application To The Case Of Cultural/Heritage Tourism

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    Despite the emergence of new strategies, models of expectancy/disconfirmation are still very popular in tourist research. This is why they are revisited by presenting an alternative for testing independence between expectations and disconfirmation versus what we call the positive version of the assimilation theory. A derivation of the chi-square statistic including an asymmetric continuity correction is provided to carry out such a test.  This article relies on the information given by 1,500 respondents who were given a small questionnaire specially designed to measure tourist satisfaction in the emblematic part of Toledo, Spain (a UNESCO World Heritage City)

    Measuring The Factors Involved In The Time Spent In Educational Childcare

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    Parents play an extremely important role in their childrens lives and a plethora of research indicates that parents involvement is significantly related to positive child outcomes: Boys who feel that their parents devote time, especially to talk to them about their worries, school work and social lives, almost all emerge as motivated and optimistic men. More specifically, parents involvement in childrens education at age 7 predicts higher educational attainment by age 20, in both boys and girls. Thus, parents involvement in children's education being considered a core factor for success in undergraduate education, in this paper we study the effect of parental socio-educational level on the time they spend in primary educational childcare (reading to children, teaching children, assistance with homework, attending meetings at a child's school, etc.). Given the low rate of success in the Spanish undergraduate education, we focus on the Spanish case. We focus on the Spanish case because we suspect that this factor can be one of the reasons for the low rate of success in the universities. Our study is based on the data provided by the Spanish Time Use Survey 2009-2010

    Quantifying Metal Interactions with the Antimicrobial Peptide Calcitermin

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    Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) are novel therapeutic agents that play important roles in the innate immune system with its ability to kill gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Antibiotics are losing their efficacy, thus requiring a larger dose of medicine for treatment resulting in the increase of antibiotic resistance. AMPs are an attractive approach for exploration due to their broad-spectrum activity and ease of synthesis. Furthermore, fewer bacteria have developed resistance to AMPs. Several AMPs have demonstrated increased antimicrobial activity with metal ions, like Zn(II) and Cu(II) binding to the peptide. In this study, we performed the purification of Calcitermin through high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and will be analyzing the metal-binding thermodynamics through isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC)

    Pollution And Environmental Indicators Using A Multicriteria Analysis

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    Pollution and environmental factors are a core topic because they influence in air quality of the different areas of a city. This is why in this article we propose to apply a multicriteria decision aid method (the Promethee) to establish a ranking among twenty one districts of Madrid city. To develop this ranking we use objective and subjective criteria that contain information about pollution and environmental indicators in these districts. The results show that some districts are the worse and the best regardless the used criteria

    Effectively Serving The Needs Of Todays Business Student: The Product Life Cycle Approach To Class Organization

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    We illustrate a class organization process utilizing the concept of the Product Life Cycle to meet the needs of todays millennial student. In the Introduction stage of a business course, professors need to build structure to encourage commitment. In the Growth stage, professors need to promote the structure through multiple, brief activities that can keep the attention of business students. In the Mature stage, professors need to use the structure to stabilize engagement levels and learning rates but be willing to make adjustments to prevent apathy in the course. Finally, in the Decline stage, professors need to dismantle the structure while allowing opportunities for utilizing materials for future business courses and addressing todays millennial students need for achievement and sense of entitlement with the course grades. The value is that this paper illustrates an approach to aid professors in organizing business courses that can be utilized in a variety of courses to better serve millennial students

    Evaluación del Potencial turístico de la finca El Cacao, comunidad El Hular, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, II semestre 2016

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    El siguiente trabajo investigativo permitió Evaluar el potencial turístico de la finca El cacao, comunidad El Hular, Matagalpa, Nicaragua, II semestre 2016. Para el cumplimiento de los objetivos se hizo uso de metodología fundamentada en enfoque cualitativo con implicancias cuantitativas. A través de del enfoque cualitativo se tuvo en cuenta las experiencias, actitudes, pensamiento y reflexiones del entrevistado en este caso el propietario de la finca teniendo en valoración sus propios puntos de vistas. La implicancia del enfoque cuantitativo por el uso de guías de observación y encuestas para la recopilación de información para identificar los atractivos potenciales. La información fue recopilada a través de entrevistas, guías de información y análisis documental; para cada técnica se diseñó un instrumento. Este trabajo será útil para dirigir al dueño de la finca en toma de decisiones a corto, mediano y largo plazo y así alcanzar determinados objetivos en pro de la inserción de la actividad Turística como una alternativa para el aprovechamiento de los recursos y compartir con los visitantes. El propietario podrá acoplar la actividad turística a sus actividades agrícolas para una posible mejora de sus ingresos económicos al igual que la generación de empleo directa e indirecta, fomentando las alianzas con la comunidad para involucrarse en dicha activida

    NIA 400 Evaluación del Riesgo y Control Interno : Estudio de la aplicación de las NIAS 400 evaluación del riesgo y control interno en el área de tesoreria de la Alcaldia Municipal de Tipitapa para el año 2017

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    El presente documento contiene las generalidades de las normas internas de auditoria los conceptos y normativas esenciales con el fin de dar a conocer su impacto en el sector público en este caso el área de tesorería del municipio de Tipitapa. Las normas internacionales de auditoria nos proporcionan lineamientos para obtener una mayor comprensión de los sistemas de contabilidad y control interno sobre el riesgo de auditoria y sus componentes como son el riesgo inherente el riesgo de control y el riesgo de detención. Se estudiaran las políticas y procedimientos adoptados por la administración, para ayudar a lograr el objetivo de la administración con el fin de relacionarlo a la aplicabilidad en el sector público. La auditoría interna en un control de dirección que tienen por objeto la medida y evaluación de la eficacia de otros controles. Surge con posterioridad a la auditoría externa, ante la necesidad de mantener un control permanente y más eficaz dentro de la empresa y la necesidad de hacer más rápida y eficaz la función de