11,541 research outputs found

    Irreversible magnetization under rotating fields and lock-in effect on ErBa_2Cu_3O_7 single crystal with columnar defects

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    We have measured the irreversible magnetization M_i of an ErBa_2Cu_3O_7 single crystal with columnar defects (CD), using a technique based on sample rotation under a fixed magnetic field H. This method is valid for samples whose magnetization vector remains perpendicular to the sample surface over a wide angle range - which is the case for platelets and thin films - and presents several advantages over measurements of M_L(H) loops at fixed angles. The resulting M_i(\Theta) curves for several temperatures show a peak in the CD direction at high fields. At lower fields, a very well defined plateau indicative of the vortex lock-in to the CD develops. The H dependence of the lock-in angle \phi_L follows the H^{-1} theoretical prediction, while the temperature dependence is in agreement with entropic smearing effects corresponding to short range vortex-defects interactions.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    On the Structure of Dark Matter Halos at the Damping Scale of the Power Spectrum with and without Relict Velocities

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    We report a series of high-resolution cosmological N-body simulations designed to explore the formation and properties of dark matter halos with masses close to the damping scale of the primordial power spectrum of density fluctuations. We further investigate the effect that the addition of a random component, v_rms, into the particle velocity field has on the structure of halos. We adopted as a fiducial model the Lambda Warm Dark Matter cosmology with a non-thermal sterile neutrino mass of 0.5 keV. The filtering mass corresponds then to M_f = 2.6x10^12 M_sun/h. Halos of masses close to M_f were simulated with several million of particles. The results show that, on one hand, the inner density slope of these halos (at radii <~0.02 the virial radius Rvir) is systematically steeper than the one corresponding to the NFW fit or to the CDM counterpart. On the other hand, the overall density profile (radii larger than 0.02Rvir) is less curved and less concentrated than the NFW fit, with an outer slope shallower than -3. For simulations with v_rms, the inner halo density profiles flatten significantly at radii smaller than 2-3 kpc/h (<~0.010-0.015Rvir). A constant density core is not detected in our simulations, with the exception of one halo for which the flat core radius is ~1 kpc/h. Nevertheless, if ``cored'' density profiles are used to fit the halo profiles, the inferred core radii are ~0.1-0.8 kpc/h, in rough agreement with theoretical predictions based on phase-space constrains, and on dynamical models of warm gravitational collapse. A reduction of v_rms by a factor of 3 produces a modest decrease in core radii, less than a factor of 1.5. We discuss the extension of our results into several contexts, for example, to the structure of the cold DM micro-halos at the damping scale of this model.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    A model to assess customer alignment through customer experience concepts

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    Business and Information Technology Alignment (BITA) has been one of the main concerns of IT and Business executives and directors due to its importance to overall company performance, especially today in the age of digital transformation. For BITA has been developed several models which in general has focused in the implementation of alignment strategies for the internal operation of the organizations and in the measurement of this internal alignment, but, there is still a big gap in measurement models of the alignment with the external environment of the organizations. In this paper is presented the design and application of a maturity measurement model for BITA with the customers, where the customers are actors of the external environment of the companies. The proposed model involves evaluation criteria and business practices which the companies ideally do for improve the relationship with their customers.Comment: 12 pages, Preprint version, BIS 2019 International Workshops, Seville, Spain, June 26 to 28, 2019, Revised Paper

    Avaliação da adoção de produtos biofortificados.

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    O projeto Biofort é uma iniciativa da Embrapa Agroindústria de Alimentos em parceria com várias outras unidades da Embrapa e outras instituições que busca desenvolver tecnologias e/ou produtos biofortificados. Para avaliar o impacto dos produtos desenvolvidos nesse projeto foi preciso desenvolver uma metodologia específica que captasse informações desde o momento da adoção. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo é apresentar a metodologia para monitoramento e avaliação da adoção de produtos biofortificados que será utilizada para levantamento de informações acerca desse processo de adoção, identificando o perfil do produtor interessado em plantar, consumir e/ou vender esses produtos diferenciados, bem como, identificar os fatores que levaram o produtor a adotar e consumir um produto biofortificado. O produto final desse estudo é apresentar uma metodologia organizada e padronizada de modo a atender a demanda de avaliação do projeto a ser aplicada em todas as comunidades que serão alvos da transferência dos produtos biofortificados

    Avaliação dos impactos de produtos biofortificados: metodologia de referência.

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    A proposta apresentada neste estudo busca levantar os impactos preliminares da utilização de produtos biofortificados. Essa avaliação constitui-se numa preparação dos pesquisadores entrevistadores e dos agricultores adotantes para a realização de uma posterior avaliação ex-post de impactos, propriamente dita. Em suma, objetiva diagnosticar os primeiros impactos que a adoção de tais tecnologias causa sobre os aspectos econômicos, sociais e ambientais nas localidades adotantes

    Resistance of Echinochloa crusgalli var. mitis to imazapyr+imazapic herbicide and alternative control in irrigated rice

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    A introdução do sistema Clearfield® de produção de arroz irrigado proporcionou estratégia eficaz no controle seletivo de plantas daninhas. No entanto, a pressão de seleção causada pelo uso contínuo de herbicidas como imazapyr+imazapic, pertencente ao grupo químico das imidazolinonas, sem o adequado manejo integrado de plantas daninhas, tem favorecido a seleção de acessos de plantas daninhas resistentes. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram confirmar a resistência aos inibidores da ALS em acessos de E. crusgalli var.mitis coletados em lavouras do RS e avaliar o controle desses acessos com herbicidas alternativos registrados para o controle da espécie daninha na cultura do arroz irrigado. Foram conduzidos três experimentos em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se sementes provenientes de plantas que sobreviveram à aplicação do herbicida imazapyr+imazapic, coletadas em lavouras com escapes suspeitos de resistência, em regiões produtoras de arroz irrigado. Para o estudo de curva de dose-resposta, foram selecionados três biótipos resistentes (ECH1 - Pelotas/RS, ECH27 - Arroio Grande/RS e ECH38 - Rio Grande/RS) e dois suscetíveis (ECH14 - Pelotas/RS e ECH44 - Rio Grande/RS) (fator A) e 11 doses do herbicida imazapyr+imazapic (fator B). Os resultados indicam que os acessos resistentes de capim-arroz apresentam elevado fator de resistência ao imazapyr+imazapic. Os herbicidas inibidores da ALS como imazethapyr+imazapic, bispyribac-sodium e penoxsulam, não controlaram os acessos resistentes também. O manejo integrado de plantas daninhas deveria ser adotado e mecanismos de ação alternativos como inibidores da ACCAse (cyhalofop-butyl, profoxydim e clethodim) e da EPSPS (glyphosate) ainda são eficientes em controlar acessos de capim-arroz resistentes a ALS

    A New Strategy for Deep Wide-Field High Resolution Optical Imaging

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    We propose a new strategy for obtaining enhanced resolution (FWHM = 0.12 arcsec) deep optical images over a wide field of view. As is well known, this type of image quality can be obtained in principle simply by fast guiding on a small (D = 1.5m) telescope at a good site, but only for target objects which lie within a limited angular distance of a suitably bright guide star. For high altitude turbulence this 'isokinetic angle' is approximately 1 arcminute. With a 1 degree field say one would need to track and correct the motions of thousands of isokinetic patches, yet there are typically too few sufficiently bright guide stars to provide the necessary guiding information. Our proposed solution to these problems has two novel features. The first is to use orthogonal transfer charge-coupled device (OTCCD) technology to effectively implement a wide field 'rubber focal plane' detector composed of an array of cells which can be guided independently. The second is to combine measured motions of a set of guide stars made with an array of telescopes to provide the extra information needed to fully determine the deflection field. We discuss the performance, feasibility and design constraints on a system which would provide the collecting area equivalent to a single 9m telescope, a 1 degree square field and 0.12 arcsec FWHM image quality.Comment: 46 pages, 22 figures, submitted to PASP, a version with higher resolution images and other supplementary material can be found at http://www.ifa.hawaii.edu/~kaiser/wfhr

    On the Space Time of a Galaxy

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    We present an exact solution of the averaged Einstein's field equations in the presence of two real scalar fields and a component of dust with spherical symmetry. We suggest that the space-time found provides the characteristics required by a galactic model that could explain the supermassive central object and the dark matter halo at once, since one of the fields constitutes a central oscillaton surrounded by the dust and the other scalar field distributes far from the coordinate center and can be interpreted as a halo. We show the behavior of the rotation curves all along the background. Thus, the solution could be a first approximation of a ``long exposition photograph'' of a galaxy.Comment: 8 pages REVTeX, 11 eps figure