7 research outputs found

    WeMALP (WESTERN MEGARIS ARCHAEOLOGICAL LANDSCAPE PROJECT): ricerche nella Megaride occidentale 2020-2021

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    The project WEMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project) continued the investigations aimed at the reconstruction and the study of the ancient landscape of the Western Megaris. In the 2021 campaign surface archaeological surveys and instrumental surveys were carried out in two selected areas: the site of Dami Mouchlizi West of Megara and the area of Chani Derveni and Palaiopyrgos at the foot of the Geraneia mountain ridge. The research questions involved two landscape dimensions in particular: the nucleated settlement foci and the rural landscape

    WeMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project): the 2022-2023 campaigns

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    Το ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα WeMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project), που ξεκίνησε το 2019, συνέχισε την ερευνητική δραστηριότητα με στόχο την ανακατασκευή και μελέτη του αρχαίου τοπίου στη Δυτική Μεγαρίδα. Κατά την περίοδο 2022-2023, πραγματοποιήθηκαν εντατική επιφανειακή έρευνα, αποτυπώσεις και άνοιγμα ανασκαφικών τομών στις περιοχές Βρέστιζα και Χάνι Δερβένι στις πλαγιές των Γερανείων ορέων, μετά από πυρκαγιά που έπληξε την περιοχή το 2021. Επιπλέον, πραγματοποιήθηκαν έρευνες στην περιοχή δυτικά της αρχαίας θέσης Ντάμι Μουχλίζι, κοντά στην πόλη των Μεγάρων. Οι απαντήσεις που προσφέρει η αρχαιολογική έρευνα για την διαχρονική εξέλιξη του τοπίου αποδεικνύονται όλο και πιο πλούσιες και ποικίλες, και εδώ γίνεται προσπάθεια συστηματοποίησης των πληροφοριών που έχουν συγκεντρωθεί μέχρι στιγμής.Il progetto WeMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project), avviato nel 2019, ha proseguito le indagini volte alla ricostruzione dei paesaggi antichi della Megaride Occidentale. Nel periodo 2022-2023 sono state effettuate ricognizioni archeologiche intensivo-sistematiche di superficie, rilievi strumentali e saggi di scavo nell’area di Vrestiza e di Chani Derveni sulle pendici dei monti Geraneia, a seguito di un incendio che ha colpito la zona nel 2021, e nell’area a ovest del sito di Dami Mouchlizi, in prossimità del centro urbano di Megara. Le risposte che il territorio fornisce alla ricerca delle tracce dell’evoluzione del paesaggio nella diacronia si rivelano sempre più ricche e variegate e si tenta qui di sistematizzare le informazioni raccolte finora.The WeMALP project (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project), started in 2019, has continued its investigations aimed at reconstructing the ancient landscape of Western Megaris. In the period 2022-2023, intensive-systematic archaeological surface surveys, instrumental surveys, and excavation trenches were carried out in the Vrestiza and Chani Derveni areas on the slopes of Mount Geraneia, following a fire that struck the area in 2021. Additionally, surveys were conducted in the area W of the site of Dami Mouchlizi, near the urban centre of Megara. The responses that the terrain offers to the research on the landscape evolution over time are proving increasingly rich and varied, and an attempt is made here to systematize the information gathered so far

    Ricerche nella Megaride Occidentale

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    Il progetto WEMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project) si propone di indagare l’uso rurale del territorio nella diacronia, di studiare le relazioni città-campagna e gli insediamenti nucleati coevi al centro urbano di Megara nelle sue fasi più antiche. Nella campagna 2019 sono state effettuate ricognizioni archeologiche intensivo-sistematiche di superficie e rilievi strumentali in due aree selezionate: il pianoro di Vrestiza, sito di un insediamento fortificato, e la cava antica di calcare in località Mavrospilia.The project WEMALP (Western Megaris Archaeological Landscape Project) aims to examine the rural use of the territory in the long term, to study the relations between city and countryside and the nucleate settlements contemporary to the urban center of Megara in its most ancient phases. In the 2019 campaign surface archaeological surveys and instrumental surveys were carried out in two selected areas: the Vrestiza plateau, site of a fortified settlement, and the ancient limestone quarry in the Mavrospilia area

    Clinical Benefit of Pazopanib in a Patient with Metastatic Chondrosarcoma: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Chondrosarcoma is a rare malignancy characterized by the production of cartilage matrix, displaying heterogeneous histopathology and clinical behavior. Due to lack of effective treatment for advanced disease, the clinical management of metastatic chondrosarcoma is exceptionally challenging. Chondrosarcomas harbor molecular abnormalities, such as overexpression of platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR)-alpha and PDGFR-beta, which are required for cancer development, progression, and metastasis. Pazopanib is a potent and selective multitargeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor, which co-inhibits stem cell growth factor receptor (c-KIT), fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), PDGFR, and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) and has demonstrated clinical activity in patients with advanced previously treated soft tissue sarcoma. Herein, we describe the unique case of a patient with metastatic chondrosarcoma who derived clinical benefit from pazopanib after first-line chemotherapy failure

    Gérer l’eau en Méditerranée au premier millénaire avant J.-C.

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    À l’heure où la disponibilité et la gestion des ressources en eau de la planète sont au cœur des discussions internationales sur l’avenir de l’humanité, on peut s’interroger sur la manière dont les sociétés antiques ont contrôlé cet enjeu, en particulier en Méditerranée. Dans une tradition historiographique qui exalte la civilisation romaine de l’eau et lui accorde une place privilégiée, les travaux menés sur les sociétés antérieures n’ont guère retenu l’attention jusqu’à présent. Le réseau HYDRΩMED propose d’orienter le regard sur l’adaptation des communautés méditerranéennes, grecques, phéniciennes ou autres, à leurs ressources hydriques. Comment ont-elles géré la pénurie ou la surabondance d’eau ? Quelles politiques ont-elles menées pour adapter au mieux leur environnement ? Peut-on distinguer politiques publiques et stratégies individuelles ? Existe-t-il des savoirs technologiques propres aux différentes cultures et peut-on observer des transferts de compétences d’une communauté à une autre ? Le présent volume cherche à répondre à ces questions à travers quatorze articles, avec un focus sur un type d’aménagement hydraulique trop souvent négligé, les citernes, alors qu’il est omniprésent sur les sites méditerranéens. Il est le premier d’une série de quatre livres nés de rencontres internationales qui ont réuni à Athènes, Palerme et Aix-en Provence, des archéologues et des historiens soucieux de mettre en lumière les stratégies hydrauliques des sociétés méditerranéennes au 1er millénaire avant notre ère