13 research outputs found

    The future of Cybersecurity in Italy: Strategic focus area

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    This volume has been created as a continuation of the previous one, with the aim of outlining a set of focus areas and actions that the Italian Nation research community considers essential. The book touches many aspects of cyber security, ranging from the definition of the infrastructure and controls needed to organize cyberdefence to the actions and technologies to be developed to be better protected, from the identification of the main technologies to be defended to the proposal of a set of horizontal actions for training, awareness raising, and risk management

    User Centric Service Level Management in mOSAIC Applications

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    ""\\"Service Level Agreements (SLAs) aims at offering a simple and clear way to build up an agreement between the final users and the service provider in order to establish what is effectively granted by the cloud providers. In this paper we will show the SLA-related activities in mOSAIC, an european funded project that aims at exploiting a new programming model, which fully acquires the flexibility and dynamicity of the cloud environment, in order to build up a dedicated solution for SLA management. The key idea of SLA management in mOSAIC is that it is impossible to offer a single, static general purpose solution for SLA management of any kind of applications, but it is possible to offer a set of micro-functionalities that can be easily integrated among them in order to build up a dedicated solution for the application developer problem. Due to the mOSAIC API approach (which enable easy interoperability among moSAIC components) it will be possible to build up applications enriching them with user-oriented SLA management, from the very early development stages.\\""

    An ontology for the cloud in mOSAIC

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    Cloud Computing has emerged as a model to provide access to large amount of data and computational resources by using simple interfaces. Computing is being transformed to a model consisting of services and they are delivered without regard to where and how services are hosted. The ease of using and configuring resources has made this model widespread and several enterprises now offer Cloud-based services to end users and businesses. Anyway, Cloud Computing is still an emerging architecture, and new providers with different services rise every month. In addition, it is very hard to find a single provider which offers all services needed by end users. For this reason, a way to provide a common access to Cloud services and to discover and use required services in Cloud federations is appealing. This is a problem, since different Cloud systems and vendors have different ways to describe and invoke their services, to specify requirements, and to communicate. The mOSAIC project addresses these problems by defining a common ontology and it aims to develop an open-source platform that enables applications to negotiate Cloud services as requested by users. The main problem in defining the mOSAIC ontology is in the heterogeneity of terms used by Clouds vendors, and in the number of standards which refer to Cloud Systems with different terminology. In this work, the mOSAIC Cloud Ontology is described. It has been built by analyzing Cloud standards and proposals. The Ontology has been then refined by introducing individuals from real Cloud systems