1,352 research outputs found

    Surface doping in T6/ PDI-8CN2 Heterostructures investigated by transport and photoemission measurements

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    In this paper, we discuss the surface doping in sexithiophene (T6) organic field-effect transistors by PDI-8CN2. We show that an accumulation heterojunction is formed at the interface between the organic semiconductors and that the consequent band bending in T6 caused by PDI-8CN2 deposition can be addressed as the cause of the surface doping in T6 transistors. Several evidences of this phenomenon have been furnished both by electrical transport and photoemission measurements, namely the increase in the conductivity, the shift of the threshold voltage and the shift of the T6 HOMO peak towards higher binding energies.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Destilaria: um material didático desenvolvido para o ensino de tópicos iniciais de química orgânica

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    Anais do 3° Encontro Nacional de Jogos e Atividades Lúdicas no Ensino de Química, Física e Biologia (Jalequim - Level III) - Núcleo de Desenvolvimento de Pesquisas em Ensino de Química/Ciências da UNILA (NuDDEQ)O estudo da Química Orgânica, embora fundamental para o desenvolvimento da sociedade, requer dos estudantes abstração e raciocínio espacial, tanto no ensino médio quanto nos cursos de graduação, cujos tópicos básicos são comuns a ambos os níveis (O’ DWYER; CHILDS, 2017). Dentre os grandes obstáculos enfrentados pelos alunos está o complexo sistema de nomenclatura desenvolvido pela IUPAC (SILVA JÚNIOR; BIZERRA, 2015)

    Single-Inclusive Jet Production in Polarized pp Collisions at O(alpha_s^3)

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    We present a next-to-leading order QCD calculation for single-inclusive high-p_T jet production in longitudinally polarized pp collisions within the ``small-cone'' approximation. The fully analytical expressions obtained for the underlying partonic hard-scattering cross sections greatly facilitate the analysis of upcoming BNL-RHIC data on the double-spin asymmetry A_{LL}^{jet} for this process in terms of the unknown polarization of gluons in the nucleon. We simultaneously rederive the corresponding QCD corrections to unpolarized scattering and confirm the results existing in the literature. We also numerically compare to results obtained with Monte-Carlo methods and assess the range of validity of the ``small-cone'' approximation for the kinematics relevant at BNL-RHIC.Comment: 23 pages, 8 eps-figure

    Tadalafil modulates aromatase activity and androgen receptor expression in a human osteoblastic cell in vitro model

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    Purpose Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor (PDE5i) tadalafil administration in men with erectile dysfunction is associated with increased testosterone/estradiol ratio, leading to hypothesize a potential increased effect of androgen action on target tissues. We aimed to characterize, in a cellular model system in vitro, the potential modulation of aromatase and sex steroid hormone receptors upon exposure to tadalafil (TAD). Methods Human osteoblast-like cells SAOS-2 were chosen as an in vitro model system since osteoblasts are target of steroid hormones. Cells were tested for viability upon TAD exposure, which increased cell proliferation. Then, cells were treated with/without TAD for several times to evaluate potential modulation in PDE5, aromatase (ARO), androgen (AR) and estrogen (ER) receptor expression. Results Osteoblasts express significant levels of both PDE5 mRNA and protein. Exposure of cells to increasing concentrations of TAD (10−8–10−7 M) decreased PDE5 mRNA and protein expression. Also, TAD inhibited ARO mRNA and protein expression leading to an increase in testosterone levels in the supernatants. Interestingly, TAD increased total AR mRNA and protein expression and decreased ERα, with an increased ratio of AR/ER, suggesting preferential androgenic vs estrogenic pathway activation. Conclusions Our results demonstrate for the first time that TAD decreases ARO expression and increases AR protein expression in human SAOS-2, strongly suggesting a new control of steroid hormones pathway by PDE5i. These findings might represent the first evidence of translational actions of PDE5i on AR, which leads to hypothesize a growing relevance of this molecule in men with prostate cancer long-term treated with TAD for sexual rehabilitation. Keywords Tadalafil · Osteoblasts · Aromatase · Androgen receptor · Estrogen recepto

    Lipomatous hypertrophy: an accidental finding in heart

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    Lipomatous hypertrophy is an uncommon benign lesion of the atrium, generally asymptomatic, characterized by unencapsulated accumulation of adipose tissue entrapping cardiomyocytes. This pathology generally remains unnoticed and often emerges as an occasional finding. Here, we report two cases from our hospital including a review of the available literature

    Impact of Chemical Endocrine Disruptors and Hormone Modulators on the Endocrine System

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    There is growing concern regarding the health and safety issues of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs). Long-term exposure to EDCs has alarming adverse health effects through both hormone-direct and hormone-indirect pathways. Non-chemical agents, including physical agents such as artificial light, radiation, temperature, and stress exposure, are currently poorly investigated, even though they can seriously affect the endocrine system, by modulation of hormonal action. Several mechanisms have been suggested to explain the interference of EDCs with hormonal activity. However, difficulty in quantifying the exposure, low standardization of studies, and the presence of confounding factors do not allow the establishment of a causal relationship between endocrine disorders and exposure to specific toxic agents. In this review, we focus on recent findings on the effects of EDCs and hormone system modulators on the endocrine system, including the thyroid, parathyroid glands, adrenal steroidogenesis, beta-cell function, and male and female reproductive function

    Synergic strategies to improve the PBF-LB/M processability of a cracking-sensitive alloy

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    The Powder Bed Fusion-Laser Beam\Metals (PBF-LB\M) is a promising additive manufacturing process that can be used to directly produce functional components with a complex shape for a wide variety of applications. However, the layer-by-layer scanning and high cooling rates result in a high thermal gra- dient and thus, in thermally induced stresses. The stresses developed during the additive process could lead to undesirable cracking and delamination phenomena that can seriously affect the performance of the final component. The alloy composition can exacerbate crack and delamination formation, however, the need to expand the portfolio of high-strength materials processable for PBF-LB\M makes the resolu- tion of these undesirable phenomena a primary challenge in the additive manufacturing field. This works aims to systematically investigate some strategies to make processable non-standard compositions. As no standard compositions, the promising pre-alloyed AlSi10Cu8Mg composition was chosen for the present work. Based on the results obtained from a condition of severe delamination, the synergetic use of appro- priate process parameters and support structures can lead to crack-free and fully dense specimens also when platform heating is not allowed. The developed approach could also be applied to adapt other cracking-sensitive alloys for PBF-LB\M production

    Jets and produced particles in pp collisions from SPS to RHIC energies for nuclear applications

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    Higher-order pQCD corrections play an important role in the reproduction of data at high transverse momenta in the energy range 20 GeV s200 \leq \sqrt{s} \leq 200 GeV. Recent calculations of photon and pion production in pppp collisions yield detailed information on the next-to-leading order contributions. However, the application of these results in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions is not straightforward. The study of nuclear effects requires a simplified understanding of the output of these computations. Here we summarize our analysis of recent calculations, aimed at handling the NLO results by introducing process and energy-dependent KK factors.Comment: 4 pages with 5 eps figures include

    Black hole and galaxy coevolution from continuity equation and abundance matching

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    We investigate the coevolution of galaxies and hosted supermassive black holes (BHs) throughout the history of the universe by a statistical approach based on the continuity equation and the abundance matching technique. Specifically, we present analytical solutions of the continuity equation without source terms to reconstruct the supermassive BH mass function from the active galactic nucleus (AGN) luminosity functions. Such an approach includes physically motivated AGN light curves tested on independent data sets, which describe the evolution of the Eddington ratio and radiative efficiency from slim- to thin-disk conditions. We nicely reproduce the local estimates of the BH mass function, the AGN duty cycle as a function of mass and redshift, along with the Eddington ratio function and the fraction of galaxies with given stellar mass hosting an AGN with given Eddington ratio. We exploit the same approach to reconstruct the observed stellar mass function at different redshift from the ultraviolet and far-IR luminosity functions associated with star formation in galaxies. These results imply that the build-up of stars and BHs in galaxies occurs via in situ processes, with dry mergers playing a ☉marginal role at least for stellar masses ≤ 3 × 1011 M☉ and BH masses 109 M where the statistical data are more secure and less biased by systematic errors. In addition, we develop an improved abundance matching technique to link the stellar and BH content of galaxies to the gravitationally dominant dark matter (DM) component. The resulting relationships constitute a testbed for galaxy evolution models, highlighting the complementary role of stellar and AGN feedback in the star formation process. In addition, they may be operationally implemented in numerical simulations to populate DM halos or to gauge subgrid physics. Moreover, they may be exploited to investigate the galaxy/AGN clustering as a function of redshift, mass, and/or luminosity. In fact, the clustering properties of BHs and galaxies are found to be in full agreement with current observations, thus further validating our results from the continuity equation. Finally, our analysis highlights that (i) the fraction of AGNs observed in the slim-disk regime, where most of the BH mass is accreted, increases with redshift; and (ii) already at z\gtrsim 6$ a substantial amount of dust must have formed over timescales 108 yr in strongly star-forming galaxies, making these sources well within the reach of ALMA surveys in (sub)millimeter bands