27 research outputs found

    Doubling the Mechanical Properties of Spider Silk by C60 Supersonic Molecular Beam Epitaxy

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    Spider silk is one of the most fascinating natural materials, owing to its outstanding mechanical properties. In fact, it is able to combine usually self-excluding properties, like strength and toughness that synthetic fibers fail to replicate. Here, we report a method to further enhance the already excellent mechanical properties of spider's silk, producing nanocomposite fibers where the matrix of spider silk is reinforced with C60 molecules. These are deposited by Supersonic Molecular Beam Epitaxy (SuMBE) and are able to efficiently interact with silk, as evidenced by XPS analysis. As a consequence, upon proper adjustment of the fullerene kinetic energy, the treated fibers show improved strength, Young's modulus and toughness


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    Preparation of chameleon coatings using an Ionized Jet Deposition (IJD) technique is reported in the present paper. IJD is a new flexible method for thin film deposition developed by Noivion, Srl. The chameleon coatings are thin films characterised by a distinct change of their tribological properties according to the external conditions. The deposited films of SiC and TiN materials were examined by the Raman spectroscopy, SEM and XPS. The results of the Raman spectroscopy have proved an amorphous structure of SiC films. The data from XPS on TiN films have shown that the films are heavily oxidized, but also prove that the films are composed of TiN and pure Ti. The SEM provided information about the size of grains and particles constituting the deposited films, which is important for tribological properties of the films. Deposition of the chameleon coating is very complex problem and IJD could be ideal method for preparation of this coating

    Synthesis of built-in highly strained monolayer MoS2 using liquid precursor chemical vapor deposition

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    Strain engineering is an efficient tool to tune and tailor the electrical and optical properties of 2D materials. The built-in strain can be tuned during the synthesis process of a two dimensional semiconductor, as molybdenum disulfide, by employing different growth substrate with peculiar thermal properties. In this work we demonstrate that the built-in strain of MoS2 monolayers, grown on SiO2/Si substrate using liquid precursors chemical vapor deposition, is mainly dominated by the size of the monolayer. In fact, we identify a critical size equal to 20 um, from which the built-in strain increases drastically. The built-in strain is maximized for 60 um sized monolayer, leading to 1.2% tensile strain with a partial release of strain close to the monolayer triangular vertexes due to formation of nanocracks. These findings also imply that the standard method for evaluation of the number of layers based on the Raman modes separation becomes unreliable for monolayer with a lateral size above 20 um

    Molecular Doping of CVD-Graphene Surfaces by Perfluoroalkyl-Substituted Perylene Diimides Derivatives

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    Non-covalent π-π and dipolar interactions with small aromatic molecules have been widely demonstrated to be a valid option to tune graphene work functions without adding extrinsic scattering centers for charge carriers. In this work, we investigated the interaction between a CVD-graphene monolayer and a thermally evaporated sub-monolayer and the following few-layer thin films of similar perylene diimide derivatives: PDI8-CN2 and PDIF-CN2. The molecular influence on the graphene work function was estimated by XPS and UPS analysis and by investigating the surface potentials via scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy. The perfluorinated decoration and the steric interaction in the early stages of the film growth determined a positive work function shift as high as 0.7 eV in the case of PDIF-CN2, with respect to the value of 4.41 eV for the intrinsic graphene. Our results unambiguously highlight the absence of valence band shifts in the UPS analysis, indicating the prevalence of dipolar interactions between the graphene surface and the organic species enhanced by the presence of the fluorine-enriched moieties

    Structural Characterizations of Palladium Clusters Prepared by Polyol Reduction of [PdCl4]2− Ions

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    Palladium nanoparticles are of great interest in many industrial fields, ranging from catalysis and hydrogen technology to microelectronics, thanks to their unique physical and chemical properties. In this work, palladium clusters have been prepared by reduction of [PdCl4]2− ions with ethylene glycol, in the presence of poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) (PVP) as stabilizer. The stabilizer performs the important role of nucleating agent for the Pd atoms with a fast phase separation, since palladium atoms coordinated to the polymer side-groups are forced at short distances during nucleation. Quasispherical palladium clusters with a diameter of ca. 2.6 nm were obtained by reaction in air at 90°C for 2 hours. An extensive materials characterization by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and other characterizations (TGA, SEM, EDS-SEM, and UV-Vis) has been performed in order to evaluate the structure and oxidation state of nanopalladium

    Negative Temperature Coefficient Properties of Natural Clinoptilolite

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    Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) materials are usually based on ceramic semiconductors, and electrons are involved in their transport mechanism. A new type of NTC material, adequate for alternating current (AC) applications, is represented by zeolites. Indeed, zeolites are single charge carrier ionic conductors with a temperature-dependent electrical conductivity. In particular, electrical transport in zeolites is due to the monovalent charge-balancing cations, like K+, capable of hopping between negatively charged sites in the aluminosilicate framework. Owing to the highly non-linear electrical behavior of the traditional electronic NTC materials, the possibility to have alternative types of materials, showing linearity in their electrical behavior, is very desirable. Among different zeolites, natural clinoptilolite has been selected for investigating NTC behavior since it is characterized by high zeolite content, a convenient Si/Al atomic ratio, good mechanical strength due to its compact microstructure, and low toxicity. Clinoptilolite has shown a rapid and quite reversible impedance change under heating, characterized by a linear dependence on temperature. X-ray diffraction (XRD) has been used to identify the natural zeolite, to establish all types of crystalline phases present in the mineral, and to investigate the thermal stability of these phases up to 150 °C. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was used for the chemical characterization of this natural clinoptilolite sample, providing important information on the cationic content and framework composition. In addition, since electrical transport takes place in the zeolite free-volume, a Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analysis of the mineral has also been performed

    The Interaction of C60 on Si(111) 7 × 7 Studied by Supersonic Molecular Beams: Interplay between Precursor Kinetic Energy and Substrate Temperature in Surface Activated Processes

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    Buckminsterfullerene (C60) is a molecule fully formed of carbon that can be used, owing to its electronic and mechanical properties, as “clean” precursor for the growth of carbon-based materials, ranging from π-conjugated systems (graphenes) to synthesized species, e.g., carbides such as silicon carbide (SiC). To this goal, C60 cage rupture is the main physical process that triggers material growth. Cage breaking can be obtained either thermally by heating up the substrate to high temperatures (630°C), after C60 physisorption, or kinetically by using supersonic molecular beam epitaxy techniques. In this work, aiming at demonstrating the growth of SiC thin films by C60 supersonic beams, we present the experimental investigation of C60 impacts on Si(111) 7 × 7 kept at 500°C for translational kinetic energies (KEs) ranging from 18 to 30 eV. The attained kinetically activated synthesis of SiC submonolayer films is probed by in situ surface electron spectroscopies (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy). Furthermore, in these experimental conditions, the C60-Si(111) 7 × 7 collision has been studied by computer simulations based on a tight-binding approximation to density-functional theory. Our theoretical and experimental findings point toward a kinetically driven growth of SiC on Si, where C60 precursor KE plays a crucial role, while temperature is relevant only after cage rupture to enhance Si and carbon reactivity. In particular, we observe a counterintuitive effect in which for low KE (below 22 eV), C60 bounces back without breaking more effectively at high temperature due to energy transfer from excited phonons. At higher KE (22 < K < 30 eV), for which cage rupture occurs, temperature enhances reactivity without playing a major role in the cage break. These results are in good agreement with ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Supersonic molecular beam epitaxy is thus a technique able to drive material growth at low-temperature regime

    Electronic properties of tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin

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    We studied in detail the electronic properties of C44H10F20N4 (tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrin, hereafter H2TPP(F)) via a combined study by photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) and density functional (DF) calculations, shedding new light on the role of the halide in this very interesting molecule for organic electronics. Valence and core levels have been investigated by means of PES on H2TPP(F) thin films deposited on the SiO2/Si(100) native oxide surface by supersonic molecular beam deposition (SuMBD). These experiments have been carefully interpreted on the basis of DF results pertaining to the isolated H2TPP(F). Non-relativistic calculations have been run to investigate valence states, whereas a two component relativistic approach within the zeroth-order regular approximation has been adopted to study core levels. The present results, in conjunction with those obtained previously on the H2TPP parent compound [M. Nardi, R. Verucchi, C. Corradi, M. Pola, M. Casarin, A. Vittadini and S. Iannotta, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2010, 12, 871], pave the way towards designing fully organic p\u2013n junctions by using these macrocycles

    Optimization of a buffer layer for cubic silicon carbide growth on silicon substrates

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    abstract A procedure for the optimization of a 3C–SiC buffer layer for the deposition of 3C–SiC/(001) Si is described. After a standard carbonization at 1125 1C, SiH4 and C3H8 were added to the gas phase while the temperature was raised from 1125 1C to the growth temperature of 1380 1C with a controlled temperature ramp to grow a thin SiC layer. The quality and the crystallinity of the buffer layer and the presence of voids at the SiC/Si interface are related to the gas flow and to the heating ramp rate. In order to improve the buffer quality the SiH4 and C3H8 flows were changed during the heating ramp. On the optimized buffer no voids were detected and a high-quality 1.5 ÎŒm3C–SiC was grown to demonstrate the effectiveness of the described buffe