742 research outputs found

    Interpersonal and Ideological Kindness: A Biocultural Approach

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    In accordance with Richard Dawkins’ materialist “selfish gene” theory of human behavior, altruism is a subject matter that is treated conservatively by biologists, whose understanding of the human version of altruism tends toward mutualistic and sometimes reputation-based explanations of charity, kindness, and helping. Trivers (1971) first stated that non-kin altruism could evolve if altruistic behavior is balanced between partners over time, implicating a strictly mutualistic domain for kindness. But kindness herein is defined, beyond mere mutualism or reciprocity, as “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate.” Further, kindness tends to have an action-oriented dimension, as in Goetz et al.’s (2010) definition of compassion, denoting helpfulness, the reduction of another’s suffering, or self-sacrifice. In this paper, I will employ a biocultural approach in exploring the psychological and neuroscientific data on the evolutionary aspect of social behavior as it pertains to kindness. First, I will draw on evolutionary theories of cooperation in suggesting that an individual and ideological ethos of kindness could have evolved as an adaptive orientation that, in a Durkheimian sense, preempted ostracism and cemented alliances as a beneficial balance to the fitness risks inherent in altruism. Then, consulting data on the neurochemical profiles of dopamine and oxytocin, I will describe the sort of human psychological variation that would reveal a complimentary continuum of evolved social proclivities, from selfish to giving. In proposing that non-reciprocal kindness indeed exists, however, I argue that its presence in human societies is statistically rare, as assumptions about human biology suggest. This study thus concludes with a cautious message about the human condition: while the rareness of kindness should have a profoundly fundamental explanatory value in social analysis, scientific confirmation of its fragility would recommend further scholarship designed to highlight its exceptional biological position vis-à-vis the selfish gene


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    In a little mound of dirt about two miles south of Kwanghan, China, lies the remains of the best friend the 425th Bombardment Squadron ever had. Her name was Lady - a name that was symbolic of her character, a name that became synonymous with luck in the only heavy bomber outfit in China

    Humor Styles and Self-Esteem as Mediators of the Relationship between Personality and Life Satisfaction

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    Humor Styles and Self-Esteem as Mediators of the Relationship between Personality and Life Satisfactio

    Who Cares? Suicide and Christian Pastoral Intervention

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    The fallen world we live in presents challenges that often seem too much to bear. How we view those challenges depends not only on our worldview but also on our interpretation of it. These same beliefs help determine if, when, and to whom we go for help. Beliefs and worldviews also drive those who provide help, making the decision of who to see that much more important. This study addresses the dispute between pastoral and secular counseling—Who is better prepared to treat individuals presenting with severe distress? In essence, this quantitative survey is a letter to the churches asking pastors to reflect on their own experiences, articulate their beliefs, and report on their strategies for helping individuals who are fighting depression and contemplating suicide. Further, it is a clarion call for pastors of the Christian faith to stand on the Word of God in a tangible and bold way. Suicide grieves the heart of God. There was a reason Jesus called on His disciples to go into the world and preach the gospel—it equips us to fight evil with Truth, providing hope while saving lives and souls in the process


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    This thesis analyzes the threat of both electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and geomagnetic disturbances (GMD) to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. EMP/GMD events are classified as low-probability/high-impact events that have potential catastrophic consequences to all levels of government as well as the civilian population of the United States. By reviewing current literature and conducting two thought experiments, this thesis determined that various critical infrastructure sectors and modern society are at risk of the effects of EMP/GMD events. Some of the most serious consequences of a large-scale EMP/GMD event include long-term power loss to large geographic regions, loss of modern medical services, and severe communication blackouts that could make recovery from these events extremely difficult. In an attempt to counteract and mitigate the risks of EMP/GMD events, resilience engineering concepts introduced several recommendations that could be utilized by policymakers to mitigate the effects of EMP or GMD events. Some of the recommendations include utilizing hardened micro-grid systems, black start options, and various changes to government agency organizations that would provide additional resilience and recovery to American critical infrastructure systems in a post-EMP/GMD environment.Captain, United States ArmyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Structural Control of Metamaterial Oscillator Strength and Electric Field Enhancement at Terahertz Frequencies

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    The design of artificial nonlinear materials requires control over the internal resonant charge densities and local electric field distributions. We present a MM design with a structurally controllable oscillator strength and local electric field enhancement at terahertz frequencies. The MM consists of a split ring resonator (SRR) array stacked above an array of nonresonant closed conducting rings. An in-plane, lateral shift of a half unit cell between the SRR and closed ring arrays results in a decrease of the MM oscillator strength by a factor of 4 and a 40% change in the amplitude of the resonant electric field enhancement in the SRR capacitive gap. We use terahertz time-domain spectroscopy and numerical simulations to confirm our results and we propose a qualitative inductive coupling model to explain the observed electromagnetic reponse.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure
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