17 research outputs found

    Review of: Nature of life: Readings in biology

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    WOS: 000355062000010A field trial was conducted at the experimental fields of Ege University in Bornova and Odemis in 2006 and 2007. The effects of two soil textures (heavy and light) and four cultivars (TT-2008, TT-2009, P-5683 and Elci) on the yield and chemical compositions of some alfalfa cultivars were evaluated under the Mediterranean climatic conditions. The experimental design was a Randomized Complete Blocks with four replications. Results indicated that, the effects of soil texture on yield and quality traits of crop material were significant. TT-2008 and P-5683 alfalfa cultivars had better performances than the other cultivars with regard to yield (fresh herbage, dry matter and crude protein) and quality (contents of dry matter, crude protein, crude ash, ADF and NDF values) characteristics. The overall mean of alfalfa yield at light textured soil condition was significantly higher as compared to the heavy textured soil

    Performances of some warm-season turfgrasses under Mediterranean conditions

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    WOS: 000270306500025This study was conducted in order to determine the performances of some world wide used C(4) warmseason turfgrasses (Buchloe dactyloides, Cynodon dactylon, C. dactylon x C. transvaalensis, Stenotaphrum secundatum, S. variegatum, Paspalum notatum, P. vaginatum, Pennisetum clandestinum, Zoysia japonica) under mediterranean ecological conditions of Izmir/Turkey in 2006 - 2007. The experimental design was a randomised complete blocks with four replications. Results indicated that, all tested warm-season turfgrasses except Z. japonica cultivars and Stenotaphrum variegatum, performed very well on the experimental area in terms of leaf blade width, ground cover, weed competition, total clipping yield, spring green-up, fall colour retention and visiual turf quality.Stanley Baker, Meadowland Seed Company, USAThe authors wish to thank Stanley Baker, Meadowland Seed Company, USA, for their kind help providing research materials and financial support. Special thanks are also for Neville Coleman, UK, for critical reading of manuscript. This research work was supported by Ege University Scientific Research Project Commission

    Effects of different row spacings on the seed yield and some other characteristics of phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia Bentham.) varieties

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    WOS: 000266192600070This study was conducted in order to determine the effects of different row spacings (17.5-35.0-52.5 cm) on the seed yield and some other related characteristics of two phacelia varieties (Menemen and Barcelia) under Mediterranean ecological conditions of Izmir,Turkey, in 2006-2007. The experimental design was a randomised complete blocks with four replications. Results indicated that row spacings significantly affected the plant stand, plant height, number of branch and flower per plant, seed yields and other related traits. The highest seed yield was obtained from 17.5 cm row spacing and Barcelia yielded higher than Menemen cv


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    WOS: 000505981800019The purpose of this study was to detect the agronomic and sports field characteristics of some turf type tall fescue and traditional cool season sports turf mixture mowed at different heights in a Mediterranean environment. the trial was carried out in the experimental fields of Bayindir Vocational School, Izmir (Turkey), using three different turf alternatives under 12, 22 and 32 mm mowing height regime. Visual turf quality, texture and weed invasion traits were determined and shock absorption and vertical deformation were also measured as playing quality parameters for sports turf. Turf alternatives of tall fescue except traditional cool season sports turf mixture showed an adaptation to low mowing height which increased shoot density and promoted a finer leaf texture. Shock absorption and vertical deformation traits were significantly affected by mowing heights; the highest value was recorded for the lowest mowing heights. Nevertheless, a good sports field quality was determined for the tall fescue and tall fescue + perennial ryegrass plots. the results of the present work showed that tall fescue, if maintained at low mowing height regime, could provide a dense and fine textured turf suitable for sport fields with a high visual turf quality.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [112O130]Research study (112O130) funded by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)

    Intercropping of corn with cowpea and bean: Biomass yield and silage quality

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    WOS: 000261383600020An experiment was carried out at the Bornova experimental fields of Field Crops Department of Agriculture Faculty., Ege Univ., Turkey during 2004-2005 growing season in order to determine biomass yield and silage quality of corn (Zea mays indendata) mixed with legumes such as various cowpea (Vigna ungiuculata) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars monocropped or intercropped in same or alternate-rows. Results indicated that intercropping system affected many characteristics such as plant height, fresh biomass and dry matter (DM) yield, pH level and crude protein (CP) content and yield of silage material. Intercropped corn with legumes were far more effective than monocrop corn to produce higher DM yield and roughage for silage with better quality. Practicing alternate-row sowings and benefiting from climbing types of legumes as component crop had better performances than same-row sowings and dwarf type legume

    Performances of some cool season turfgrass species in Mediterranean environment: i. Lolium perenne l., festuca arundinacea schreb., poa pratensis l., and agrostis tenuis sibth

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    The commitment to turf research is more recent and is challenged by the diversity of climatic conditions occurring throughout the Anatolian peninsula in Turkey, thereby complicating the recommendation of species and cultivars. Assessing the peculiarities of turfs during the growing period and the efficient use of turf for establishing lawns requires field evaluation of the existing cultivars particularly in the sites with a Mediterranean climate. Our study is aimed at evaluating the adaptability and quality of the popular cultivars (introductions) of cool season turfgrass species in a Mediterranean site in western Turkey, Bornova/IZMIR. Six cultivars of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), four cultivars of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), four cultivars of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa prates:six L.) and four cultivars of colonial bentgrass (Agrostis lenuis Sibth) were tested for 3 years in a replicated experimental block group design. Turf cover, colour and quality traits of each cultivar in each species were evaluated by using a visual score (1-9) and assessed in each season from 2003 to 2005. Cultivars of tall fescue and to some extent perennial ryegrass species were better able than those of Kentucky bluegrass and colonial bentgrass to cope with the existing Mediterranean climatic condition. All species performed better in winter, spring and autumn than summer season, except for tall fescue. Kentucky bluegrass and colonial bentgrass cultivars were not found recommendable for Mediterranean environment

    An investigation on the yield and quality performances of some rotation pasture mixtures under different harvest treatments

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    WOS: 000284481800015This rotation pasture study was conducted in the experimental fields of Field Crops Department of Agriculture Faculty in Ege University, Bornova, Izmir-Turkey under Mediterranean climatic conditions in the years 2004/05. Two grasses (Festuca arundinacea and Cynodon dactylon) and three legumes (Medicago sativa, Trifolium repens and Lotus corniculatus) were sown at different rates of mixtures in the same or alternate rows. Finally, they were compared under cutting or grazing regimes. F. arundinacea and M. sativa mixture was the most favourable alternative both under cutting (15.71 t ha(-1) dry matter and 3.78 t ha(-1) crude protein) and grazing (15.14 t ha(-1) dry matter and 3.46 t ha(-1) crude protein) practices. Furthermore, average yield performance of grazing treatments was higher than cutting in both years (12.44 t ha(-1) dry matter and 18.73% crude protein). Mixture of Cd + Fa + Tr also displayed promising performance. However, this study suggests that further investigations has to be done for more detailed information