113 research outputs found

    Accelerated Expansion of the Early and Late Universe in Terms of the Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation. I

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    © 2017 Springer Science+Business Media New YorkThe basic idea behind the evolutionary development of the early universe is that the hot stage was preceded by the inflationary stage. In most modern concepts of the inflationary regime, it is assumed that a specific scalar field (inflaton) is present which expands space at enormous rates, while the temperature falls rapidly, real particles almost vanish, and the universe is filled by a vacuum with the equation of state P = – ɛ. In the first part of this article, the cosmological scalar of the modified Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JBD) theory is chosen to be the inflaton. Problems in the “Einstein” and proper representations of the JBD theory are considered

    Some Properties of Stationary Gravitational Fields

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    © 2015 Springer Science+Business Media New York The problem of stationary gravitational fields is still far from solved, since there is no exact general solution of the Einstein equations for stationary gravitational fields. This paper examines an approach to this problem employing isotropic coordinates which, in particular, make it possible to understand which simplifications yield the Kerr solution

    Integrated pest management of major pests and diseases in eastern Europe and the Caucasus

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    This book promotes Integrated Pest Management, to contribute to reduced reliance on pesticides and the avoidance of adverse impacts from pesticide use on the health and safety of farming communities, consumers and the environment. Through the IPM approach, technical advice is provided to help plan methods and measures to control major pests and diseases occurring or expected to occur in the countries of Western Asia and Eastern Europe. The specific descriptions contain a short summary of the biology of the species, completed with information on methods and tools of monitoring and control. Preventive control methods are also discussed

    Vacuum Quantum Effects for Parallel Plates Moving by Uniform Acceleration in Static de Sitter Space

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    The Casimir forces on two parallel plates moving by uniform proper acceleration in static de Sitter background due to conformally coupled massless scalar field satisfying Dirichlet boundary conditions on the plates is investigated. Static de Sitter space is conformally related to the Rindler space, as a result we can obtain vacuum expectation values of energy-momentum tensor for conformally invariant field in static de Sitter space from the corresponding Rindler counterpart by the conformal transformation.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Cosmological evolution with negative energy densities

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    For general number of spatial dimensions we investigate the cosmological dynamics driven by a cosmological constant and by a source with barotropic equation of state. It is assumed that for both those sources the energy density can be either positive or negative. Exact solutions of the cosmological equations are provided for flat models. For models with curved space and with zero cosmological constant the general solutions are expressed in terms of the hypergeometric function. The qualitative evolution is described for all values of the equation of state parameter. We specify the values of that parameter and the combinations of the signs for the cosmological constant and matter energy density for which the cosmological dynamics is nonsingular. An example is considered with positive cosmological constant and negative matter energy density induced by the polarization of the hyperbolic vacuum.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. Discussion and references added, accepted for publication in Astrophysic

    Multiple Monoenergetic Gamma Radiography (MMGR) with a compact superconducting cyclotron

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    Smuggling of special nuclear materials (SNM) and nuclear devices through borders and ports of entry constitutes a major risk to global security. Technologies are needed to reliably screen the flow of commerce for the presence of high-ZZ materials such as uranium and plutonium. Here we present an experimental proof-of-concept of a technique which uses inelastic (p,p′p,p') nuclear reactions to generate monoenergetic photons, which provide means to measure the areal density and the effective-ZZ (ZeffZ_{\text{eff}}) of an object with an accuracy which surpasses that achieved by current methods. We use an ION-12SC^{ \text{SC}} superconducting 12~MeV proton cyclotron to produce 4.4, 6.1, 6.9, and 7.1~MeV photons from a variety of nuclear reactions. Using these photons in a transmission mode we show that we are able to accurately reconstruct the areal densities and ZeffZ_{\text{eff}} of a test object. This methodology could enable mobile applications to screen commercial cargoes with high material specificity, providing a means of distinguishing common cargo materials from high-Z materials that include uranium and plutonium

    The Armenian and NW Anatolian ophiolites: new insights for the closure of the Tethys domain and obduction onto the South Armenian Block and Anatolian-Tauride Platform before collision through dynamic modeling

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    International audienceIn the Lesser Caucasus three main domains are distinguished from SW to NE: (1) the South Armenian Block (SAB), a Gondwanian-derived continental terrane; (2) scattered outcrops of ophiolites coming up against the Sevan-Akera suture zone; and (3) the Eurasian plate. The Armenian ophiolites represent remnants of an oceanic domain which disappeared during Eurasia-Arabia convergence. Previous works using geochemical whole-rock analyses, 40Ar/39Ar and paleontological dating have shown that the ophiolite outcrops throughout this area were emplaced during the Late Cretaceous as one non-metamorphic preserved ophiolitic nappe of back-arc origin that formed during Middle to Late Jurassic. From these works, tectonic reconstructions include two clearly identified subductions, one related to the Neotethys subduction beneath the Eurasian margin and another to intra-oceanic subduction responsible for the opening of the back-arc basin corresponding to the ophiolites of the Lesser Caucasus. The analysis of the two stages of metamorphism of the garnet amphibolites of the ophiolite obduction sole at Amasia (M1: HT-LP peak of P = 6-7 kbar and T > 630°C; M2; MP-MT peak at P = 8-10 kbar and T = 600°C) has allowed us to deduce the onset of subduction of the SAB at 90 Ma for this locality, whichage coincides with other paleontological ages at the obduction front. A preliminary paleomagnetic survey has also brought quantification to the amount of oceanic domain which disappeared by subduction between the SAB and Eurasia before collision. We propose a dynamic finite element model using ADELI to test the incidence of parameters such as the density of the different domains (or the interval between the densities), closing speed (or speeds if sporadic), the importance and interactions of mantle discontinuities with the subducting lithosphere and set a lithospheric model. Our field observations and analyses are used to validate combinations of factors. The aim is to better qualify the predominant factors and quantify the conditions leading to the onset of obduction, the paradox of dense oceanic lithosphere emplaced on top of a continental domain, after subduction and prior to collision. The results of this modeling are also compared to new observations of the assumed eastward extension of this ophiolitic nappe in NW Anatolia. Analyses of the Refahiye ophiolites show similar geochemical signatures as the Armenian ophiolites, due to a similar setting of formation (back-arc). The impact of the obduction of such a vast oceanic domain is not to be taken for granted when considering the following collision stage

    Casimir energy in the Fulling--Rindler vacuum

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    The Casimir energy is evaluated for massless scalar fields under Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, and for the electromagnetic field with perfect conductor boundary conditions on one and two infinite parallel plates moving by uniform proper acceleration through the Fulling--Rindler vacuum in an arbitrary number of spacetime dimension. For the geometry of a single plate the both regions of the right Rindler wedge, (i) on the right (RR region) and (ii) on the left (RL region) of the plate are considered. The zeta function technique is used, in combination with contour integral representations. The Casimir energies for separate RR and RL regions contain pole and finite contributions. For an infinitely thin plate taking RR and RL regions together, in odd spatial dimensions the pole parts cancel and the Casimir energy for the whole Rindler wedge is finite. In d=3d=3 spatial dimensions the total Casimir energy for a single plate is negative for Dirichlet scalar and positive for Neumann scalar and the electromagnetic field. The total Casimir energy for two plates geometry is presented in the form of a sum of the Casimir energies for separate plates plus an additional interference term. The latter is negative for all values of the plates separation for both Dirichlet and Neumann scalars, and for the electromagnetic field.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, references added, typos corrected, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    On the energy-momentum tensor for a scalar field on manifolds with boundaries

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    We argue that already at classical level the energy-momentum tensor for a scalar field on manifolds with boundaries in addition to the bulk part contains a contribution located on the boundary. Using the standard variational procedure for the action with the boundary term, the expression for the surface energy-momentum tensor is derived for arbitrary bulk and boundary geometries. Integral conservation laws are investigated. The corresponding conserved charges are constructed and their relation to the proper densities is discussed. Further we study the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor in the corresponding quantum field theory. It is shown that the surface term in the energy-momentum tensor is essential to obtain the equality between the vacuum energy, evaluated as the sum of the zero-point energies for each normal mode of frequency, and the energy derived by the integration of the corresponding vacuum energy density. As an application, by using the zeta function technique, we evaluate the surface energy for a quantum scalar field confined inside a spherical shell.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, section and appendix on the surface energy for a spherical shell are added, references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
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