6 research outputs found

    Neuropeptidergic regulation of locomotion inhibition in C. elegans

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    Locomotion, the way animals independently move through space by active muscle contractions, is one of the most apparent animal behaviors. However, in many situations it is more beneficial for animals to actively prevent locomotion, for instance to briefly stop before reorienting with the aim of avoiding predators, or to save energy and recuperate from stress during sleep. The molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying such locomotion inhibition still remain elusive. So, the aim of this study was to utilize the practical genetic model organism Caenorhabditis elegans to efficiently tackle relevant questions on how animals are capable of suppressing locomotion. Nerve cells, mostly called neurons, are known to control locomotion patterns by activating some and inhibiting other muscle groups in a spatiotemporal manner via local secretion of molecules known as neurotransmitters. This study particularly focuses on whether neuropeptides modulate such neurotransmission to prevent locomotion. Neuropeptides are small protein-like molecules that are secreted by specific neurons and that act in the brain by activating G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) expressed in other target neurons. They can act as hormones, neuromodulators or neurotransmitters. DNA sequences coding for neuropeptides and their cognate receptors are similar across diverse species and thus indicate evolutionary conservation of their molecular signaling pathways. This could potentially also imply that regulatory functions of specific neuropeptides are also similar across species and are thus meaningful to unravel more general mechanisms for instance underlying locomotion inhibition. Specifically, we find that the modulatory interneuron RIS constitutes a dedicated stop neuron of which the activity is sufficient to initiate rapid locomotion arrest in C. elegans while maintaining its body posture. Similar to its known function in larval sleep, RIS requires RFamide neuropeptides encoded by the flp 11 gene for this activity, in addition to GABA. Furthermore, we find that spontaneous calcium activity transients in RIS are compartmentalized and correlated with locomotion stop. These findings illustrate that a single neuron can regulate both stopping and sleeping phenotypes. Secondly, we show that C. elegans RPamide neuropeptides encoded by nlp-22 and nlp-2 regulate sleep and wakefulness, respectively. We unexpectedly find that these peptides activate gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)-like receptors dose dependently and we highlight their sequence resemblance to other bilaterian GnRH-like neuropeptides. In addition, we show that these receptors are expressed in distinct subsets of neurons that are associated with motor behavior. Finally, we show that nlp 22 encoded peptides signal through GNNR 6 receptors to regulate larval sleep and that nlp 2 encoded peptides require both GNRR 3 and GNRR 6 receptors to promote wakefulness. In sum, we find that locomotion inhibition in C. elegans is regulated by multiple, but evolutionary conserved RFamide and GnRH-like RPamide neuropeptidergic signaling pathways.Die Fortbewegung, das heißt die Art und Weise, wie sich Tiere mithilfe aktiver Muskelkontraktionen unabhängig durch den Raum bewegen, ist die Grundlage der meisten tierischen Verhaltensweisen. In vielen Situationen ist es für die Tiere jedoch vorteilhafter, ihre Fortbewegung aktiv zu stoppen, zum Beispiel um vor einer Neuorientierung kurz anzuhalten, um einem Raubtier auszuweichen, oder um Energie zu sparen und sich im Schlaf von Stress zu erholen. Die molekularen und zellulären Mechanismen, die dieser motorischen Hemmung zugrunde liegen, sind nur teilweise aufgeklärt. Diese Studie versucht anhand des genetischen Modellorganismus Caenorhabditis elegans die zentrale Forschungsfrage, wie Tiere die Fortbewegung hemmen, effizient zu beantworten. Nervenzellen, gemeinhin als Neuronen bezeichnet, regulieren die Bewegungsmuster, indem sie über die lokale Ausschüttung von Molekülen, so genannter Neurotransmitter, bestimmte Muskelgruppen aktivieren und andere in räumlicher und zeitlicher Hinsicht hemmen. In dieser Arbeit wird speziell untersucht, ob Neuropeptide diese Neurotransmission vermitteln oder modulieren, um die Fortbewegung zu hemmen. Neuropeptide sind kleine Proteinfragmente, die von bestimmten Neuronen abgesondert werden und G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren (GPCRs) in anderen (oder manchmal denselben) Neuronen im Organismus aktivieren. Die DNA-Sequenzen, die für manche Klassen von Neuropeptiden und ihre entsprechenden Rezeptoren kodieren, sind bei verschiedenen Tierarten ähnlich. Dies deutet auf die evolutionäre Konservierung ihrer molekularen Signalwege hin. Es könnte auch bedeuten, dass die regulatorischen Funktionen bestimmter Neuropeptide bei allen Arten ähnlich sind und dass es daher sinnvoll ist, allgemeinere Mechanismen aufzudecken, die beispielsweise dem aktiven Stoppen der Fortbewegung zugrunde liegen. In dieser Studie zeige ich (mit Unterstützung meiner KollegInnen), dass das modulierende Interneuron RIS ein spezielles Stoppneuron ist. Dessen Aktivität reicht aus, um eine schnelle Unterdrückung der Fortbewegung in C. elegans einzuleiten und gleichzeitig die Körperspannung aufrechtzuerhalten. Ähnlich wie bei der bekannten Funktion des RIS Neurons im schlafähnlichen Verhalten der Larven ist RIS, zusätzlich zu GABA, auf RFamid-Neuropeptide angewiesen, welche durch das flp 11 Gen kodiert werden. Unsere Experimente zeigen, dass die spontanen Kalziumtransienten in RIS kompartimentiert sind und mit dem Bewegungsstop korrelieren. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein einziges Neuron sowohl den Schlaf als auch die Beendigung der Fortbewegung steuern kann. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, dass die RPamid-Neuropeptide von C. elegans, welche von den Genen nlp 22 und nlp 2 kodiert werden, Schlaf und Wachphasen regulieren. Unerwarteterweise stellten wir fest, dass diese Peptide Gonadotropin-Releasing-Hormon (GnRH)-ähnliche Rezeptoren dosisabhängig aktivieren. Wir weisen in diesem Zusammenhang auf Sequenzähnlichkeiten mit anderen GnRH-ähnlichen Neuropeptiden in Bilateria hin. Wir zeigen, dass diese GnRH-Rezeptoren in verschiedenen Untergruppen von Neuronen exprimiert werden, die mit motorischem Verhalten in Verbindung stehen. Schließlich konnten wir zeigen, dass nlp 22-kodierte Peptide über GNNR-6-Rezeptoren signalisieren, um larveles Schlafverhalten zu regulieren, und dass nlp 2-kodierte Peptide sowohl GNRR 3 als auch GNRR 6 Rezeptoren benötigen, um das Wachsein zu fördern. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass evolutionär konservierte RFamid- und GnRH-ähnliche RPamid-Neuropeptid-Signalwege an der Regulierung der motorischen Hemmung in C. elegans beteiligt sind.Voortbeweging, de manier waarop dieren zich zelfstandig door de ruimte bewegen door middel van actieve spiercontracties, vormt de basis van de meeste gedragingen bij dieren. In vele situaties is het voor dieren echter gunstiger om hun motoriek actief te verhinderen, om bijvoorbeeld kortstondig te stoppen alvorens zich te heroriënteren met als doel een roofdier te ontwijken, of om energie te besparen en te recupereren van stress tijdens slaap. De moleculaire en cellulaire mechanismen die aan de basis liggen van deze motorische inhibitie zijn nog steeds niet opgehelderd. Deze studie tracht de centrale onderzoeksvraag over hoe dieren hun voortbeweging verhinderen, op efficiënte wijze te beantwoorden, hierbij gebruik makend van het genetisch modelorganisme Caenorhabditis elegans. Zenuwcellen, meestal neuronen genoemd, reguleren patronen van voortbeweging door bepaalde spiergroepen te activeren en andere te inhiberen op een ruimtelijk en tijdsgebonden manier, via plaatselijke secretie van moleculen die bekend staan als neurotransmitters. Deze thesis focust specifiek op de vraag of neuropeptiden zulke neurotransmissie reguleren om voortbeweging te verhinderen. Neuropeptiden zijn kleine eiwitmoleculen die uitgescheiden worden door specifieke neuronen en die in andere (of soms ook dezelfde) neuronen in de hersenen G proteïne gekoppelde receptoren (GPCRs) activeren. DNA-sequenties die coderen voor neuropeptiden en hun overeenkomstige receptoren zijn gelijkaardig in diverse diersoorten en duiden daarom op de evolutionaire conservatie van hun moleculaire signaalwegen. Dit kan mogelijks ook impliceren dat de regulatorische functies van specifieke neuropeptiden ook gelijkend zijn over diersoorten heen en dat het dus zinvol is om meer algemene mechanismen aan het licht te brengen die bijvoorbeeld onderliggend zijn aan de verhindering van de voortbeweging. In deze studie tonen we aan dat het modulatorisch interneuron RIS een toegewijd stop-neuron is waarvan de activiteit voldoende is om een snelle onderdrukking van de voortbeweging te initiëren bij C. elegans en waarbij de lichaamshouding bovendien ondersteund blijft. Gelijkend aan de gekende functie van het RIS neuron in larvale slaap, doet RIS, naast GABA, hiervoor beroep op RFamide neuropeptiden die gecodeerd worden door het flp 11 gen. Onze experimenten tonen aan dat de spontane transiënte calcium activiteiten in RIS onderverdeeld zijn in compartimenten en gecorreleerd zijn met het stoppen van voortbeweging. Onze bevindingen illustreren dat één neuron zowel slaap als het stoppen van voortbeweging kan reguleren. Daarnaast tonen we ook aan dat C. elegans RPamide neuropeptiden gecodeerd door nlp 22 en nlp 2 respectievelijk slaap en waakzaamheid reguleren. We vinden onverwachts dat deze peptiden gonadotropine-vrijzettend hormoon (GnRH)-gelijkende receptoren activeren op een dosisafhankelijke wijze en we benadrukken de sequentiegelijkenissen met andere GnRH gelijkende neuropeptiden. We tonen aan dat deze GnRH receptoren in afzonderlijke subgroepen van neuronen tot expressie komen die geassocieerd zijn met motorisch gedrag. Finaal brachten we aan het licht dat de nlp 22 gecodeerde peptiden via GNNR 6 receptoren signaleren om larvale slaap te reguleren en dat nlp 2 gecodeerde peptiden zowel GNRR 3 als GNRR 6 receptoren vereisen om waakzaamheid te bevorderen. Samengevat, evolutionair geconserveerde RFamide en GnRH gelijkende RPamide neuropeptiderge signaalwegen zijn betrokken bij de regulatie van motorische inhibitie bij C. elegans

    Neuromedin U signaling in experience-dependent salt chemotaxis

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    Neuromedin U signaling in experience-dependent salt chemotaxis Jan Watteyne1, Petrus Van der Auwera1, Katleen Peymen1, Liliane Schoofs1, Isabel Beets1,2 1 Department of Biology, Functional Genomics and Proteomics Group, KU Leuven, Belgium 2 Cell Biology Division, Medical Research Council Laboratory of Molecular Biology, United Kingdom Behavior is highly flexible and adaptive, and the brain’s ability to learn and remember from experience allows making predictions on future events and adjusting choices appropriately. Neuropeptides are important behavioral neuromodulators that are mainly thought to exert their function through G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Caenorhabditis elegans displays various adaptive behaviors, including experience-driven modulation of salt chemotaxis, a type of associative learning in which normal chemotaxis towards salt is modulated by pre-exposure to this substance in the absence of food. The evolutionarily conserved NMUR-1 receptor was found to potentiate this behavior when assaying various GPCR mutant worms in a candidate gene based approach. Neuromedin U like peptidesneuropeptides were found to activate the receptor by an in vitro reverse pharmacology approach. The behavior of worms defective in NMUR-1 neuropeptidergic signaling was quantified by video-tracking. Localization and rescue experiments showed the receptor to be present in various interneurons and sensory neurons, while neuropeptide expression is restricted to one sensory neuron, ASG. Neuronal silencing and imaging techniques are currently being utilized on this neuropeptide-releasing neuron to uncover the timing and cues leading to peptide release.Poster presentationstatus: accepte

    Functionally asymmetric motor neurons contribute to coordinating locomotion of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Locomotion circuits developed in simple animals, and circuit motifs further evolved in higher animals. To understand locomotion circuit motifs, they must be characterized in many models. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans possesses one of the best-studied circuits for undulatory movement. Yet, for 1/6th of the cholinergic motor neurons (MNs), the AS MNs, functional information is unavailable. Ventral nerve cord (VNC) MNs coordinate undulations, in small circuits of complementary neurons innervating opposing muscles. AS MNs differ, as they innervate muscles and other MNs asymmetrically, without complementary partners. We characterized AS MNs by optogenetic, behavioral and imaging analyses. They generate asymmetric muscle activation, enabling navigation, and contribute to coordination of dorso-ventral undulation as well as anterio-posterior bending wave propagation. AS MN activity correlated with forward and backward locomotion, and they functionally connect to premotor interneurons (PINs) for both locomotion regimes. Electrical feedback from AS MNs via gap junctions may affect only backward PINs

    RPamide neuropeptides NLP-22 and NLP-2 act through GnRH-like receptors to promote sleep and wakefulness in C. elegans

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    International audienceSleep and wakefulness are fundamental behavioral states of which the underlying molecular principles are becoming slowly elucidated. Transitions between these states require the coordination of multiple neurochemical and modulatory systems. In Caenorhabditis elegans sleep occurs during a larval transition stage called lethargus and is induced by somnogenic neuropeptides. Here, we identify two opposing neuropeptide/receptor signaling pathways: NLP-22 promotes behavioral quiescence, whereas NLP-2 promotes movement during lethargus, by signaling through gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) related receptors. Both NLP-2 and NLP-22 belong to the RPamide neuropeptide family and share sequence similarities with neuropeptides of the bilaterian GnRH, adipokinetic hormone (AKH) and corazonin family. RPamide neuropeptides dose-dependently activate the GnRH/AKH-like receptors GNRR-3 and GNRR-6 in a cellular receptor activation assay. In addition, nlp-22-induced locomotion quiescence requires the receptor gnrr-6. By contrast, wakefulness induced by nlp-2 overexpression is diminished by deletion of either gnrr-3 or gnrr-6. nlp-2 is expressed in a pair of olfactory AWA neurons and cycles with larval periodicity, as reported for nlp-22, which is expressed in RIA. Our data suggest that the somnogenic NLP-22 neuropeptide signals through GNRR-6, and that both GNRR-3 and GNRR-6 are required for the wake-promoting action of NLP-2 neuropeptides

    A GABAergic and peptidergic sleep neuron as a locomotion stop neuron with compartmentalized Ca2+ dynamics

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    Animals must slow or halt locomotion to integrate sensory inputs or to change direction. In Caenorhabditis elegans, the GABAergic and peptidergic neuron RIS mediates developmentally timed quiescence. Here, we show RIS functions additionally as a locomotion stop neuron. RIS optogenetic stimulation caused acute and persistent inhibition of locomotion and pharyngeal pumping, phenotypes requiring FLP-11 neuropeptides and GABA. RIS photoactivation allows the animal to maintain its body posture by sustaining muscle tone, yet inactivating motor neuron oscillatory activity. During locomotion, RIS axonal Ca2+ signals revealed functional compartmentalization: Activity in the nerve ring process correlated with locomotion stop, while activity in a branch correlated with induced reversals. GABA was required to induce, and FLP-11 neuropeptides were required to sustain locomotion stop. RIS attenuates neuronal activity and inhibits movement, possibly enabling sensory integration and decision making, and exemplifies dual use of one cell across development in a compact nervous system.status: publishe

    RPamide neuropeptides NLP-22 and NLP-2 act through GnRH-like receptors to promote sleep and wakefulness in C. elegans

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    Sleep and wakefulness are fundamental behavioral states of which the underlying molecular principles are becoming slowly elucidated. Transitions between these states require the coordination of multiple neurochemical and modulatory systems. In Caenorhabditis elegans sleep occurs during a larval transition stage called lethargus and is induced by somnogenic neuropeptides. Here, we identify two opposing neuropeptide/receptor signaling pathways: NLP-22 promotes behavioral quiescence, whereas NLP-2 promotes movement during lethargus, by signaling through gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) related receptors. Both NLP-2 and NLP-22 belong to the RPamide neuropeptide family and share sequence similarities with neuropeptides of the bilaterian GnRH, adipokinetic hormone (AKH) and corazonin family. RPamide neuropeptides dose-dependently activate the GnRH/AKH-like receptors GNRR-3 and GNRR-6 in a cellular receptor activation assay. In addition, nlp-22-induced locomotion quiescence requires the receptor gnrr-6. By contrast, wakefulness induced by nlp-2 overexpression is diminished by deletion of either gnrr-3 or gnrr-6. nlp-2 is expressed in a pair of olfactory AWA neurons and cycles with larval periodicity, as reported for nlp-22, which is expressed in RIA. Our data suggest that the somnogenic NLP-22 neuropeptide signals through GNRR-6, and that both GNRR-3 and GNRR-6 are required for the wake-promoting action of NLP-2 neuropeptides.status: publishe