6 research outputs found

    Morphological and Molecular Characterization of Bova Olive Cultivar and Aroma Fingerprint of Its Oil

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    Svrha je ovog interdisciplinarnog istraživanja bila pridonijeti karakterizaciji sorata maslina i maslinovog ulja u Istri (Hrvatska), prikazujući po prvi put morfološki i genetički profil sorte Bova, te kemijske i senzorske karakteristike njezinog ulja. Morfološke su karakteristike sorte Bova određene u skladu s metodologijom Međunarodnog vijeća za masline, a molekularna je karakterizacija izvršena pomoću jedanaest mikrosatelitnih markera. Sorta Bova morfološki je i genetički drukčija od ostalih dosad opisanih istarskih sorata maslina. Mikrosatelitni profil sorte Bova bio je jedinstven i u usporedbi s više od 200 različitih talijanskih genotipova dobivenih korištenjem istog seta biljega. Kako bi se okarakteriziralo ulje sorte Bova, prikupljeni su plodovi s tri stabla maslina istog stupnja zrelosti, te odvojeno prerađeni u jednakim uvjetima. Sastav hlapljivih tvari u dobivenim uzorcima ulja utvrđen je mikroekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi i plinskom kromatografijom/masenom spektrometrijom. Određeno je oko 50 hlapljivih spojeva, uglavnom ugljikovodika (34,69 % ukupne površine pikova), zatim aldehida (25,80 %), alkohola (22,24 %), ketona (8,76 %), organskih kiselina (4,08 %), terpena (2,10 %), estera (2,18 %) i furana (0,26 %). Ulje sorte Bova bilo je bogato ukupnim C6 (39,87 %) i C5 hlapljivim tvarima (13,85 %), nastalim u lipooksigenaznom putu. Najzastupljeniji hlapljivi spoj bio je C6 aldehid E-2-heksenal. Panel za senzorsku analizu proveo je kvantitativnu deskriptivnu senzorsku analizu ispitivanih uzoraka maslinovog ulja. Senzorski profil ulja okarakteriziran je srednjim intenzitetom arome ploda masline, zelenog lišća i trave, zatim blagim mirisom po rajčici i aromatičnom bilju, te naposljetku laganim notama jabuke i drugog zrelog voća. Okus je okarakteriziran gorčinom srednjeg do jakog intenziteta, popraćenom umjerenom pikantnosti te blagom slatkoćom.This interdisciplinary study aims to contribute to the characterization of Istrian (Croatia) olive cultivars and oil, giving for the first time the morphological and genetic profile of Bova cultivar, and chemical and sensorial characteristics of its oil. Morphological features of Bova cv. were determined according to the International Olive Council methodology, while molecular characterization was performed using eleven microsatellite markers. Bova cultivar was morphologically and genetically different from other described Istrian olive cultivars. The microsatellite profile of Bova was also unique when compared to more than 200 different Italian genotypes using the same set of markers. In order to characterize the oil from Bova cv., fruits from three trees at the same ripening stage were harvested and processed separately under the same conditions. Volatile composition of the obtained oil samples was determined using solid-phase microextraction with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. About 50 volatiles were detected, mostly hydrocarbons (34.69 % of total peak area), followed by aldehydes (25.80 %), alcohols (22.24 %), ketones (8.76 %), organic acids (4.08 %), terpenes (2.10 %), esters (2.18 %) and furans (0.26 %). Bova oil was rich in total C6 (39.87 %) and C5 volatiles (13.85 %), biogenerated through the lipoxygenase pathway. The most prevalent volatile compound was C6 aldehyde E-2-hexenal. Quantitative descriptive sensory analysis of the investigated olive oil samples was carried out by a sensory panel. The sensory profile was characterized by medium intensities of olive fruity, green leaves and grass, light tomato and aromatic herbs flavours with mild apple and other ripe fruit notes. The taste was characterized by medium to strong bitterness, followed by medium pungency and mild sweetness

    The content of selected minerals and vitamin C for potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) from the high Tiber Valley area, southeast Tuscany

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    Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) from the high Tiber valley area (TVA; Tuscany, Italy), have been sampled and analyzed for selected mineral content (Na, Mg, K, Ca, and Mn, Fe, Cu and Zn) and vitamin C, the year 2012; some samples from 2011 and 2013 crops were also collected and analyzed. The varieties were Daytona (DAY), Kennebec (MEN), Sifra (SIF) and Volare (VOL). Control samples consisted of mixed commercial varieties from the local market, namely C1, C2 and C3. The low content of sodium, especially for KEN (46 +/- 3 mg/kg FD (freeze dry), year 2012) and SIF (47 +/- 3) (VOL (55 +/- 3) and DAY (61 +/- 3) have a little higher values) is worth of note and in agreement with the scarce concentration of Na in the soil (291 +/- 12 mg/kg DM). Magnesium was abundant in KEN (1434 +/- 75 mg/kg FD, year 2012) and VOL (1334 +/- 70). The content of K for DAY and KEN (13,147 +/- 900 and 13,185 +/- 900 mg/kg FD) was higher than for VOL and SIF; whereas Ca was in the range 340 +/- 16-490 +/- 28 mg/kg FD. The contents of Cu and Zn were higher in KEN (8.1 +/- 0.3 and 25 +/- 1 mg/kg FD) when compared to the other varieties and controls. The content of vitamin C is high for KEN and SIF and decreased significantly upon cooking (50% for KEN)

    Propicimex tucmatiani (Wygodzinsky, 1951) (Hemiptera, Cimicidae, Cimicinae): A new bat ectoparasite for the Corrientes province, Argentina

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    The literature cites 4 species of bat-parasiting Cimicidae in Argentina: Cimex lectularius Linnaeus, 1758, Propicimex tucmatiani (Wygodzinsky 1951) (both Cimicinae), Latrocimex spectans (Lent 1941) (Latrocimicinae), and Bucimex chilensis Usinger 1963 (Primicimicinae), all with few known records. Propicimex tucmatiani has formerly been cited in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Salta, Santiago del Estero, and Tucuman. Data presented in this work extends its distribution into the province of Corrientes, approximately 850 km north of the last recorded finding in Buenos Aires.Fil: Di Benedetto, Ingrid María Desireé. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; ArgentinaFil: Autino, Analia Gladys. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales e Instituto Miguel Lillo. Programa de Investigación de Biodiversidad Argentina; ArgentinaFil: González, Carlos Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; ArgentinaFil: Argoitia, María Antonella. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales y Agrimensura; Argentin

    Educación vial como aporte al compromiso y responsabilidad ciudadana con la seguridad en el tránsito Road education as contribution to the commitment and civil responsibility with the safety in the traffic

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    El presente trabajo pretende dar a conocer los lineamientos de una investigación UBACyT 2010-2012, proyecto que se enfrenta con la situación problemática de evaluar la eficacia de los cursos de Educación Vial y la incidencia en el comportamiento de los conductores que transgreden la normativa de conducir. Se propone como objetivo general que el compromiso ciudadano de los automovilistas los conduzca al acatamiento de las normas que hacen a la seguridad en el tránsito a in de reducir la tasa de morbi-mortalidad en accidentes automotores en la vía pública. Son sujetos de esta investigación las personas que demandan la recuperación de puntos perdidos por infracciones (scoring). Como recurso metodológico utilizamos la triangulación de los datos obtenidos por: encuesta, entrevistas grupales y entrevistas a informantes claves. Se hará un seguimiento de los sujetos que han perdido puntos y desean recuperarlos realizando para tal fin el curso. Concibiendo la educación desde la "pedagogía de la autonomía" de Paulo Freire, buscamos relevar el conocimiento de la experiencia que presentan los asistentes, las estrategias de afrontamiento que implementan en situaciones de riesgo, transformando por la vía de la enseñanza esta experiencia en aporte epistemológico para los programas de los cursos de Educación Vial. Nuestra expectativa apunta a que los resultados sean transferidos a los Organismos de Planificación de Politicas Públicas como Prevención de siniestralidad, contando con sensibilizar a los medios para la difusión de los hallazgos.<br>This work aims at divulging the features of a research conducted by the Investigación UBACyT 2010-2012. This project faces the problematic situation of assessing the eficiency of Driving Courses and their incidence in the behavior of drivers who break driving regulations. Its general objective is that citizens commit to being the rules that reinforce trafic safety in order to reduce the rate of morbidity and mortality caused by trafic accidents. The subjects of this research are people who ask for a restitution of the points that they lost due to infractions (scoring system) The methodology consist of the triangulation of data that come from surveys, group interviews and interviews to key informers. The behavior of the subjects that attend the course in order to have their points back will also be analyzed. Regarding education from the point of view of autonomy pedagogy, as stated by Paulo Freire, we seek to favour a dialectic movement by revealing both the knowledge from experience that attendants have and the facing estrategies that they put to use in risk involving situations. This project aims at turning these experiences into epistemological contributions to the trafic safety education training programs. Our expectations are that wiht the help of the media results will be transferred to the society at large as a means of preventing trafic accidents

    An Ankyrin Repeat-Containing Protein, Characterized as a Ubiquitin Ligase, Is Closely Associated with Membrane-Enclosed Organelles and Required for Pollen Germination and Pollen Tube Growth in Lily

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    Exhibiting rapid polarized growth, the pollen tube delivers the male gametes into the ovule for fertilization in higher plants. To get an overall picture of gene expression during pollen germination and pollen tube growth, we profiled the transcription patterns of 1,536 pollen cDNAs from lily (Lilium longiflorum) by microarray. Among those that exhibited significant differential expression, a cDNA named lily ankyrin repeat-containing protein (LlANK) was thoroughly studied. The full-length LlANK cDNA sequence predicts a protein containing five tandem ankyrin repeats and a RING zinc-finger domain. The LlANK protein possesses ubiquitin ligase activity in vitro. RNA blots demonstrated that LlANK transcript is present in mature pollen and its level, interestingly contrary to most pollen mRNAs, up-regulated significantly during pollen germination and pollen tube growth. When fused with green fluorescent protein and transiently expressed in pollen, LlANK was found dominantly associated with membrane-enclosed organelles as well as the generative cell. Overexpression of LlANK, however, led to abnormal growth of the pollen tube. On the other hand, transient silencing of LlANK impaired pollen germination and tube growth. Taken together, these results showed that LlANK is a ubiquitin ligase associated with membrane-enclosed organelles and required for polarized pollen tube growth