8,222 research outputs found

    Theclinae of Rondonia, Brazil: Gigantorubra and Angulopis : with descriptions of new species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

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    The species of Gigantombra and Angulopis encountered in the Caca ulandia area of central Rondonia, Brazil, are reviewed. These include ten species (all new) of Gigantombra (G. microserrata, G. dl:vergens, G. quadramacula, G. ampla, G. fuscafascia, G. silva, G. rondonia, G. obscura, G. pelplexa, G. pUlpura) and one new species of Angulo pis (A. tenuis). Thecla sangala Hewitson (1868) is recognized as having priority over Theela autoelea Hewitson (1863-1878 [1877]), new synonym. Rondonia continues to appear as a center ofthecline endemism and to provide abundant examples of sibling species diversity

    Theclinae of Rondonia, Brazil: Strymon Hübner : with descriptions of new species (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)

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    Twenty-two species of Strymon are known from the vicinity of Cacaulandia in Rondonia, Brazil, of which 14 are new species. These belong to 5 species groups: the "oreala" group [Strymon megarus (Godart)]; the "ziba" group [Strymon ziba (Hewitson), Strymon thulia (Hewitson), Strymon spinatus new species, Strymon latamaculus new species, Strymon pallidulus new species, Stlymon tholus new species]; "valentina" group [Strymon rotundum new species]; "crossoea" group [Strymon crossoea (Hewitson), Strymon crambusa (Hewitson), Stlymon germana new species, Strymon novasignum new species, Strymon clavus new species, Strymon implexus new species, Strymon inmirum new species, Strymon incanus new species, Strymon faunalia (Hewitson), Strymon halos new species, Strymon conspergus new species, Strymon bazochii (Godart), Strymon diagonalis new species]; and "eurytulus" group [Strymon bubastus (Stoll)]. Tentative subgroups of species are suggested for the "crossoea" group as they occur in Rondonia. A neotype is designated for Tmolus basilides and the name synonymized with Strymon megarus. The "basilides" group of Johnson et al. (1990) is renamed the "ziba" group. Based on lectotype designations and superficial and genital differences, S. ziba and S. thu.lia are elevated to specific status

    Latinos in the Military

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    What roles have the Latino American community had in the United States military historically and how did they impact it? How are Latinos shaping the military today? Through historical records, personal accounts, and reputable journals this study leads to the conclusion that Latino Americans regardless of the racial tensions of the past have always been ready and willing to serve for a multitude of reasons including, patriotism, educational benefits, economic advancement, and most importantly equality. There is a trend of increasing numbers of Latinos enlisting in the military. Since the 1980s the number of Hispanic active-duty troops has risen from barely 3% to 13.4% in 2015 according to study by the Population Reference Bureau (Mady Weschler Segal). These findings conclude that the military has benefited greatly and been greatly shaped by not just the long list of heroic award winning Latinos who have served but also the impact that their service had on public opinion

    Covid-19’s Impact on Healthcare

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    Abstract Covid-19 is a highly infectious virus that has drastically impacted healthcare systems across the world. This virus had such a unique makeup that modern-day medicine did not have an answer for it and the impact it’d have on the population as it rapidly swept across the planet. Due to the severity of this virus, effects can be seen regarding supply shortages, healthcare staff shortages, and everyday PPE requirements. Even by looking past the humanitarian effects caused by Covid-19, the financial burden on the healthcare systems cannot be ignored. Although this pandemic is generally viewed as a negative part of history, some positives did come from the ramifications of it including telemedicine and its rise to becoming a significant part of our future of healthcare. Though experts believe the Coronavirus is in a decline, the pandemic will have lasting effects throughout the healthcare systems for a long time

    What use is music in an ocean of sound? Towards an object-orientated arts practice

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    What Use is Music in an Ocean of Sound? is a reflective statement upon a body of artistic work created over approximately five years. This work, which I will refer to as "object- orientated", was specifically carried out to find out how I might fill artistic spaces with art objects that do not rely upon expanded notions of art or music nor upon explanations as to their meaning undertaken after the fact of the moment of encounter with them. My drive to create these objects was fuelled by a reaction against the work of other practitioners that I felt did not fulfil these criteria and lacked the self-awareness required to appreciate the cultural context within which it is produced. The title of this thesis is metaphorical and refers to the idea that cultural production is no use if it is not distinct from that which surrounds it. My practice is an attempt to produce objects that are self-consciously and self-reliantly distinct. It is no use for anything other than that

    Cryptocurrencies: Their Current Validity and Future as Currency and as a Part of an Investment Strategy

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    This paper examines the current and future prospects of cryptocurrencies with a focus on the most well-known and highest valued cryptocurrency, Bitcoin. Specifically, it will address how Bitcoin can be utilized as a currency and as part of an investment strategy and whether its utilization makes financial sense now and will in the future. The paper showcases the past behavior of Bitcoin, how the Bitcoin system functions, how Bitcoin acts as a currency, how Bitcoin can be used as an investment asset, and why it will continue to be employed as such in the future. This paper will show that using cryptocurrencies as a transaction method and holding them as a part of an investment strategy has the potential to gain in popularity and result in an increase in value of cryptocurrencies in the future

    Chapter 12: A Shared Vision for Online Teaching Effectiveness of K-12 STEAM Minority Teachers

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    This chapter presents a model to improve the online teaching effectiveness of K-12 science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) educators who teach underrepresented minority (URM) students. Further, K-12 institutions must consider the imperative by creating a STEAM professional advocacy network (SPAN) through which the online teaching effectiveness of K-12 STEAM teachers is improved. Ultimately, SPAN seeks to broaden the participation of URM students in STEAM from high-need, racially diverse learning environments nationwide. There is an initiated three-phase process through SPAN that begins with a pre-launch phase to convene an advisory board. The three phases of SPAN are program implementation, convene, and refinement. Educational leaders are accountable for the well-being of teachers and student achievement, and this model adapts to continuous improvement efforts for K-12 organizations
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