50 research outputs found

    Short term analysis of lead time movements in dry bulk shipping A linear approach to explore the relationship between lead time and other order-specific determinants of historical voyage orders.

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    This thesis investigates explanatory factors on a microeconomic level that affect lead time movements in the short term. We utilize historical voyage orders from January 2015 to April 2021 to analyze the relationship between contract-specific determinants and the lead time for dry bulk cargo. The data sample mainly includes smaller vessels carrying cargo across a wide range of routes. To determine the key drivers, we apply a linear regression model with an incorporated lasso penalty term. We divide the model into nine different commodity groups, where each model inludes the variables of cargo size, seasonality, infrastructure score, and voyage routes between loading and discharge regions. To find the most prominent factors and evaluate the accuracy of the corresponding coefficients, the model coefficients are validated through a bootstrap resampling process. By analyzing the relationship between lead time and order-specific explanatory factors, we seek to establish whether lead time patterns are connected to the market behaviour of other attributes in the dry bulk sector. Our thesis is the first contribution to lead time analysis in the literature of maritime economics. With the application of pre-fixture order data, we are able to investigate the potential of early market insight through lead time. Results suggest that lead time is affected by the size of cargo for all commodities, except steel products. Among the route dynamics, we find strong evidence of a higher lead time for transpacific routes. On the other hand, intra-Europe voyages have a consistently lower lead time than average. Finally, no seasonal patterns seem to affect the lead time in any direction.nhhma

    The Effects of International Relocation on Adolescents’: Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Suicide Ideation and Self Esteem Development

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    A Thesis Submitted to the School of Humanities and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Master of Arts in Clinical PsychologyRelocation has been known to have potential adverse effects on children and adolescent’s psychological well-being (Fail, Thompson & Walker, 2004; Mok, Web, Appleby & Pedersen, 2016), as well as positive personal gains (Pollock & Van Reken, 2010). This study examined the relationship between international relocation(s) during the formative years of one’s life, and psychological well-being in adolescents at an international high school in Kenya. Fifty high school students were sampled by convenience. Specifically, the level of depression, anxiety, suicide ideation and selfesteem were measured using questionnaires; Beck’s Depression Inventory, Beck’s Anxiety Inventory, the Suicide Behavior Questionnaire-Revised and the Rosenberg’s Self-Esteem Scale. A demographic questionnaire was administered to gain some more details from the participants. To provide deeper insight to the topic, one focus group was arranged with the goal of retrieving information not revealed by the questionnaires. Ten percent of the participants felt miserable or hated moving, 34 percent adjust after a while, and the majority find moving ok or finds it exciting. This study found no relationship between frequency of international relocations and depression, (r(47) = .15, p = .29), anxiety,(r(47) = .09, p=.53), suicide ideation (r(48) = -.183, p = .20), and self-esteem, (r(48) = -.09, p = .54). The focus group revealed a more complex view on international relocation; it was difficult to leave friends behind, change schools, and uproot one-self, but it was also exciting to experience new cultures, learn new languages and meet ne

    Friksjonstesting av kontaktmaterialer i subsea clamps

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    Short term analysis of lead time movements in dry bulk shipping A linear approach to explore the relationship between lead time and other order-specific determinants of historical voyage orders.

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    This thesis investigates explanatory factors on a microeconomic level that affect lead time movements in the short term. We utilize historical voyage orders from January 2015 to April 2021 to analyze the relationship between contract-specific determinants and the lead time for dry bulk cargo. The data sample mainly includes smaller vessels carrying cargo across a wide range of routes. To determine the key drivers, we apply a linear regression model with an incorporated lasso penalty term. We divide the model into nine different commodity groups, where each model inludes the variables of cargo size, seasonality, infrastructure score, and voyage routes between loading and discharge regions. To find the most prominent factors and evaluate the accuracy of the corresponding coefficients, the model coefficients are validated through a bootstrap resampling process. By analyzing the relationship between lead time and order-specific explanatory factors, we seek to establish whether lead time patterns are connected to the market behaviour of other attributes in the dry bulk sector. Our thesis is the first contribution to lead time analysis in the literature of maritime economics. With the application of pre-fixture order data, we are able to investigate the potential of early market insight through lead time. Results suggest that lead time is affected by the size of cargo for all commodities, except steel products. Among the route dynamics, we find strong evidence of a higher lead time for transpacific routes. On the other hand, intra-Europe voyages have a consistently lower lead time than average. Finally, no seasonal patterns seem to affect the lead time in any direction

    Lønnsomhetsanalyse av Byggmax Norge 2016-2020

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    For å fullføre vår bachelorgrad ved NTNU Handelshøyskolen, er denne semesteroppgaven utarbeidet. Den er en del av utdanningsløpet ved vår fordypning, økonomisk styring. Vi har utført en lønnsomhetsanalyse for Byggmax Norge. Tallmaterialet vi har benyttet er regnskapstall innhentet fra perioden 2016-2020. I lønnsomhetsanalysen er det benyttet nøkkeltall tilknyttet likviditeten, soliditeten, finansieringen og lønnsomheten til selskapet for å undersøke utvikling i lønnsomhet og mulige tilhørende årsaker. For å kunne diskutere funnene ytterligere, har vi også her gjennomført en strategisk analyse. For å besvare problemstillingen vår starter vi oppgaven med å innlede teori om de ulike nøkkeltallene vi skal undersøke for Byggmax, for å vurdere lønnsomheten til selskapet. Dette er for å gi en bedre forståelse over hva vi skal drøfte, og hvordan vi skal gjøre det. Deretter gjennomfører vi beregningene av disse nøkkeltallene, og vurderer hvilke svar dette gir oss. Totalt sett har Byggmax gode resultater innenfor alle områdene, og nøkkeltallene er tilfredsstillende. Vi ser også en generell positiv utvikling, hvor det spesielt i 2020 går bedre enn de foregående årene. Videre i analysen av nøkkeltallene foretar vi en benchmarking hvor vi sammenligner Byggmax sine nøkkeltall med Byggmakker og Løvenskiold Handel. Her ser vi at Byggmax generelt sett leverer resultater som ligger over konkurrentene. Avslutningsvis i analysen foretar vi en strategisk analyse, i form av en SWOT-analyse. Dette er for å få en bedre forståelse av nøkkeltallene vi ser fra regnskapet, og å kunne si noe om fremtidige tall