4 research outputs found

    Resilience in Mexican Women Who Have Experienced a Situation of Sexual Harassment

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    Introduction: Resilience provides victims of violence with the necessary strength to get out of difficult situations, increases self-esteem, and provides tools for women concerning the environment that surrounds them to act on it and create protective barriers. In Mexico, a high number of victims of sexual violence is established, however, no mechanisms or interventions are observed to increase resilience skills in people who have suffered some type of sexual harassment. Objective: to describe the resilience factors in a group of young people who have suffered sexual harassment. Methodology: Quantitative, observational, cross-sectional study with a descriptive scope, applied through a virtual survey using the Google Forms tool. Results: with 88 participants of which 80.7% were female, it is established that most of the subjects were at a high level of 90.9% (80), followed by a medium level of 9.1% (8); with an average of 5.79 (0.59 SD) of identification in the questions (I identify myself easily), while in the total score of 652, with a minimum of 451 and a maximum of 752. For men, the average resilience was 5.72 and for women 5.81, slightly higher. Conclusion: Resilience skills are essential to achieve a better adaptation to bullying situations, and not aggravate the consequences generated by people who exercise this type of violence

    Aspectos básicos del cultivo del acocil Cambarellus montezumae en condiciones controladas

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    In Mexico, the cambarids are on the slope of the Gulf of Mexico, along the transverse neovolvanic axis. Some species in the center and north of the country, in Chiapas and the peninsula of Yucatan, their size is small and reaches a total length of 30 to 50mm. Since prehispanic times, the Mexicas and other indigenous groups installed around the basin of Mexico consumed abundantly the acocil, as part of their daily diet. At present, some indigenous groups in the center of the country are captured and consumed, as well as markets in the state of Morelos, and are quoted in international cuisine in Mexico City.En Mexico, los cambaridos se encuentran en la vertiente del golfo de Mexico, a lo largo del eje neovolvanico transversal. Algunas especies en el centro y norte del pais, en Chiapas y la peninsula de Yucatan, su tamañoi es pequeño y alcanza una longitud total de 30 a 50mm. Desde la epoca prehispanica, los mexicas y otros grupos indigenas instalados alrededor de la cuenca de Mexico consumian con abundancia el acocil, como parte de su dieta diaria. En la actualidad, algunos grupos indigenas en el centro del pais los capturan y consumen, asi como mercados del estado de Morelos y es cotizado en la cocina internacional en la ciudad de Mexico

    Intraoperative positive end-expiratory pressure and postoperative pulmonary complications: a patient-level meta-analysis of three randomised clinical trials.

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