4 research outputs found

    Equatorial Ionosphere Characterization for Sub-Saharan Africa SBAS

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    Performance Based Navigation (PBN) is a concept developed by ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization) that specifies the operational performance required in an airspace, route or approach procedure. A Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) enhances the performances of the existing satellite navigation system. It is used to deploy Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) approach for PBN procedures. The required performance level for vertical guidance is directly linked to approach category criteria. The real performance provided by an SBAS for a single-frequency user depends on the physical characteristics of the ionospheric layer. As Sub-Saharan Africa corresponds to geomagnetic equator region, the question of ionosphere dynamics characterization in equatorial zone is central to gauge what SBAS performance level can be achievable. In the equatorial zone the dynamics of the ionosphere is subject to complex physical phenomena, involving rapid recombination of ion-electron pairs. Moreover these phenomena are transient with high local spatial and temporal gradients. These zones promote the occurrence of scintillation phenomena, bubbles (strong local fall of TEC (Total Electron Content)), and small scale gradients, which must be evaluated for the ionosphere modeling and integrity data generation. Based on a large volume of GNSS measurements covering more than four years of data collected, Thales Alenia Space associated with IRAP (Astrophysics and Planetology Research Institute, Toulouse, France), present a panorama of observed physical events through the ionosphere in Sub-Saharan Africa zone. The main purpose of this study is to establish a clear view on the physical mechanisms that drive the equatorial ionosphere dynamics and the effects on GNSS measurements. This study is supported by information coming from TEC values, TEC gradients amplitudes, and the nature of scintillation events as intensity, impact area and occurrence in time. Conclusion of these activities is to highlight that ionosphere conditions above sub-Saharan area are consistent with the performances level of SBAS approach with vertical guidance. Indeed scientific analyses show that a precise service level is possible on this zone with a very good level of availability above the main airports

    The phylogenomic analysis of the anaphase promoting complex and its targets points to complex and modern-like control of the cell cycle in the last common ancestor of eukaryotes

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    Abstract Background The Anaphase Promoting Complex or Cyclosome (APC/C) is the largest member of the ubiquitin ligase [E3] family. It plays a crucial role in the control of the cell cycle and cell proliferation by mediating the proteolysis of key components by the proteasome. APC/C is made of a dozen subunits that assemble into a large complex of ~1.5 MDa, which interacts with various cofactors and targets. Results Using comparative genomic and phylogenetic approaches, we showed that 24 out of 37 known APC/C subunits, adaptors/co-activators and main targets, were already present in the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor (LECA) and were well conserved to a few exceptions in all present-day eukaryotic lineages. The phylogenetic analysis of the 24 components inferred to be present in LECA showed that they contain a reliable phylogenetic signal to reconstruct the phylogeny of the domain Eucarya. Conclusions Taken together our analyses indicated that LECA had a complex and highly controlled modern-like cell cycle. Moreover, we showed that, despite what is generally assumed, proteins involved in housekeeping cellular functions may be a good complement to informational genes to study the phylogeny of eukaryotes.</p