2,230 research outputs found


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    Consciousness is the last great frontier of science. Here we discuss what it is, how it differs fundamentally from other scientific phenomena, what adaptive function it serves, and the difficulties in trying to explain how it works. The emphasis is on the adaptive function.

    When All is Said and Done, How Should You Play and What Should You Expect?

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    Modern game theory was born in 1928, when John von Neumann published his Minimax Theorem. This theorem ascribes to all two-person zero-sum games a value–what rational players may expect–and optimal strategies–how they should play to achieve that expectation. Seventyseven years later, strategic game theory has not gotten beyond that initial point, insofar as the basic questions of value and optimal strategies are concerned. Equilibrium theories do not tell players how to play and what to expect; even when there is a unique Nash equilibrium, it it is not at all clear that the players “should” play this equilibrium, nor that they should expect its payoff. Here, we return to square one: abandon all ideas of equilibrium and simply ask, how should rational players play, and what should they expect. We provide answers to both questions, for all n-person games in strategic form.

    Correlated Equilibria of Classical Strategic Games with Quantum Signals

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    Correlated equilibria are sometimes more efficient than the Nash equilibria of a game without signals. We investigate whether the availability of quantum signals in the context of a classical strategic game may allow the players to achieve even better efficiency than in any correlated equilibrium with classical signals, and find the answer to be positive.Comment: 8 pages, LaTe

    When Can Limited Randomness Be Used in Repeated Games?

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    The central result of classical game theory states that every finite normal form game has a Nash equilibrium, provided that players are allowed to use randomized (mixed) strategies. However, in practice, humans are known to be bad at generating random-like sequences, and true random bits may be unavailable. Even if the players have access to enough random bits for a single instance of the game their randomness might be insufficient if the game is played many times. In this work, we ask whether randomness is necessary for equilibria to exist in finitely repeated games. We show that for a large class of games containing arbitrary two-player zero-sum games, approximate Nash equilibria of the nn-stage repeated version of the game exist if and only if both players have Ω(n)\Omega(n) random bits. In contrast, we show that there exists a class of games for which no equilibrium exists in pure strategies, yet the nn-stage repeated version of the game has an exact Nash equilibrium in which each player uses only a constant number of random bits. When the players are assumed to be computationally bounded, if cryptographic pseudorandom generators (or, equivalently, one-way functions) exist, then the players can base their strategies on "random-like" sequences derived from only a small number of truly random bits. We show that, in contrast, in repeated two-player zero-sum games, if pseudorandom generators \emph{do not} exist, then Ω(n)\Omega(n) random bits remain necessary for equilibria to exist

    The existence of an inverse limit of inverse system of measure spaces - a purely measurable case

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    The existence of an inverse limit of an inverse system of (probability) measure spaces has been investigated since the very beginning of the birth of the modern probability theory. Results from Kolmogorov [10], Bochner [2], Choksi [5], Metivier [14], Bourbaki [3] among others have paved the way of the deep understanding of the problem under consideration. All the above results, however, call for some topological concepts, or at least ones which are closely related topological ones. In this paper we investigate purely measurable inverse systems of (probability) measure spaces, and give a sucient condition for the existence of a unique inverse limit. An example for the considered purely measurable inverse systems of (probability) measure spaces is also given

    Strong Completeness for Markovian Logics

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    In this paper we present Hilbert-style axiomatizations for three logics for reasoning about continuous-space Markov processes (MPs): (i) a logic for MPs defined for probability distributions on measurable state spaces, (ii) a logic for MPs defined for sub-probability distributions and (iii) a logic defined for arbitrary distributions.These logics are not compact so one needs infinitary rules in order to obtain strong completeness results. We propose a new infinitary rule that replaces the so-called Countable Additivity Rule (CAR) currently used in the literature to address the problem of proving strong completeness for these and similar logics. Unlike the CAR, our rule has a countable set of instances; consequently it allows us to apply the Rasiowa-Sikorski lemma for establishing strong completeness. Our proof method is novel and it can be used for other logics as well

    On the optimality of gluing over scales

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    We show that for every α>0\alpha > 0, there exist nn-point metric spaces (X,d) where every "scale" admits a Euclidean embedding with distortion at most α\alpha, but the whole space requires distortion at least Ω(αlog⁥n)\Omega(\sqrt{\alpha \log n}). This shows that the scale-gluing lemma [Lee, SODA 2005] is tight, and disproves a conjecture stated there. This matching upper bound was known to be tight at both endpoints, i.e. when α=Θ(1)\alpha = \Theta(1) and α=Θ(log⁥n)\alpha = \Theta(\log n), but nowhere in between. More specifically, we exhibit nn-point spaces with doubling constant λ\lambda requiring Euclidean distortion Ω(log⁥λlog⁥n)\Omega(\sqrt{\log \lambda \log n}), which also shows that the technique of "measured descent" [Krauthgamer, et. al., Geometric and Functional Analysis] is optimal. We extend this to obtain a similar tight result for LpL_p spaces with p>1p > 1.Comment: minor revision

    Acoustic Performance of a Real-Time Three-Dimensional Sound-Reproduction System

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    The Exterior Effects Room (EER) is a 39-seat auditorium at the NASA Langley Research Center and was built to support psychoacoustic studies of aircraft community noise. The EER has a real-time simulation environment which includes a three-dimensional sound-reproduction system. This system requires real-time application of equalization filters to compensate for spectral coloration of the sound reproduction due to installation and room effects. This paper describes the efforts taken to develop the equalization filters for use in the real-time sound-reproduction system and the subsequent analysis of the system s acoustic performance. The acoustic performance of the compensated and uncompensated sound-reproduction system is assessed for its crossover performance, its performance under stationary and dynamic conditions, the maximum spatialized sound pressure level it can produce from a single virtual source, and for the spatial uniformity of a generated sound field. Additionally, application examples are given to illustrate the compensated sound-reproduction system performance using recorded aircraft flyover

    Cooperation Between Multiple Newsvendors with Warehouses

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