11 research outputs found
Schematic representation of the main target genes of the microRNAs differentially regulated between Normal (N) and Ames dwarf (df/df) mice at both ages (6 and 22 months).
<p>Green鈥搕arget gene of a regulated miRNA; Blue鈥搉on regulated target gene.</p
Enriched KEGG pathways and GO Terms for biological processes for the genes targeted by miRNA differentially expressed between Ames dwarf and Normal mice at both young and older ages.
<p>Enriched KEGG pathways and GO Terms for biological processes for the genes targeted by miRNA differentially expressed between Ames dwarf and Normal mice at both young and older ages.</p
Diagn贸stico patol贸gico y caracterizaci贸n molecular de Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands en el cultivo de aguacate Persea americana en las tierras altas volc谩nicas de Guatemala.
La presente investigaci贸n se realiz贸 en tierras altas volc谩nicas de Guatemala, la producci贸n del cultivo de Aguacate Persea americana L ha incrementado su superficie de producci贸n cercana a m谩s de 5,000 ha. Cultivadas (1). No obstante a esto, uno de los principales problemas fitosanitarios en el cultivo, es la enfermedad denominada 鈥昑risteza del aguacate, causada por Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands. Con el objetivo de poder conocer la diversidad gen茅tica del fitopat贸geno se hizo la colecta de plantas de aguacate afectadas por dicho agente fitopat贸geno en viveros de aguacate comerciales, los aislamientos del oomycete consistieron en realizar cultivos trampa como la manzana verde y posteriormente purificarla en medio nutritivo espec铆fico para el desarrollo de P. cinnamomi Rands y poder as铆 realizar siembras en el medio nutritivo PDA (Papa- Dextrosa-Agar) para la extracci贸n de micelio que fue utilizado en la obtenci贸n de ADN molde y realizar el proceso de PCR por medio del uso de 5 primers microsat茅lites como lo fueron: a) (GTG)5; b) (GT)7; c) (TCG)5; d) (CGA)5 y e) (CA)7. Obteni茅ndose al final 85 tipos de bandas amplificadas de las cuales con 29 bandas de las 85 obtenidas se lograba explicar la variaci贸n gen茅tica de la especie en estudio.
Encontr谩ndose con un 20% de variaci贸n gen茅tica la existencia de 3 grupos de este fitopat贸geno, en donde la variaci贸n gen茅tica presente puede deberse a las mutaciones frecuentes que suceden en los nucle贸tidos cuando la reproducci贸n es de forma asexual y como tambi茅n al intercambio gen贸mico existente debido a la recombinaci贸n gen茅tica de forma sexual
MicroRNAs differentially expressed during aging in Normal and Ames dwarf mice.
<p>MicroRNAs differentially expressed during aging in Normal and Ames dwarf mice.</p
Unsupervised hierarchical clustering ordered by the adjusted level of miRNA expression for the top 50 most expressed miRNAs in ovaries of df/df (n = 10; Young鈥揇Y and Old鈥揇O) and N mice (n = 10; Young鈥揘Y and Old鈥揘O).
<p>Unsupervised hierarchical clustering ordered by the adjusted level of miRNA expression for the top 50 most expressed miRNAs in ovaries of df/df (n = 10; Young鈥揇Y and Old鈥揇O) and N mice (n = 10; Young鈥揘Y and Old鈥揘O).</p
Endotoxin levels in follicular fluid and in circulation.
<p>A) Endotoxin levels in follicular fluid were higher in NOV cows compared with OV cows (n = 43, * = <i>P</i> < 0.05). B) Plasma endotoxin levels were not different between NOV and OV cows but were higher (*, <i>P</i> < 0.05) on day 7 prepartum compared with day 7 and 14 postpartum.</p
Number of uterine samples that cultured positive for mycoplasma and ureaplasma collected on the day of calving (sample 1), the day of follicle aspiration 卤 1 (sample 2), and at 35 卤 1 days postpartum (sample 3).
<p>Number of uterine samples that cultured positive for mycoplasma and ureaplasma collected on the day of calving (sample 1), the day of follicle aspiration 卤 1 (sample 2), and at 35 卤 1 days postpartum (sample 3).</p
Scatterplot for follicular fluid and plasma paraoxonase.
<p>The association between the follicular fluid and plasma paraoxonase concentrations was linear and significant (<i>P</i> < 0.001). No differences were detected between OV and NOV groups.</p
Seroprevalence estimate and associated risk factors for neosporosis in dairy cattle in the northwest region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil
<div><p>ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to estimate neosporosis seroprevalence and its associated risk factors in milk herds (Bos taurus taurus) located in the northwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil. Three hundred twenty-two blood samples were collected from dairy cows on 18 farms in 17 cities of this region. An epidemiologic questionnaire was completed for each farm. It consisted of questions about the general characteristics of the herd, reproduction, and animal management. Serum samples were tested for Neospora caninum using a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Results indicated a seroprevalence of Neospora in 88.9% (16/18) of herds and 31.1% (100/322) of individuals. Risk factor analyses demonstrated that culling by reproductive disorder (OR = 0.6), flooding (OR = 0.5), and commercial sale (OR = 0.4) were associated with seroprevalence. Nevertheless, the purchase of replacement animals in the herd played an important role in disease occurrence (OR = 2.2). Results of this study suggested that Neospora caninum was present in the studied herds under investigation and that there are risk factors associated with its seroprevalence on the farms of the northwestern of Rio Grande do Sul.</p></div
Image_2_Blood Serum From Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma Patients Induces Altered MicroRNA and Target Gene Expression Profile in Treated Cells.tif
<p>The head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) represents one of the most common cancers in humans. Close to 600,000 new diagnoses are made every year worldwide and over half of diagnosed patients will not survive. In view of this low survival rate, the development of novel cell-based assays for HNSCC will allow more mechanistic approaches for specific diagnostics for each individual patient. The cell-based assays will provide more informative data predicting cellular processes in treated patient, which in effect would improve patient follow up. More importantly, it will increase the specificity and effectiveness of therapeutic approaches. In this study, we investigated the role of serum from HNSCC patients on the regulation of microRNA (miRNA) expression in exposed cells in vitro. Next-generation sequencing of miRNA revealed that serum from HNSCC patients induced a different miRNA expression profile than the serum from healthy individuals. Out of 377 miRNA detected, we found that 16 miRNAs were differentially expressed when comparing cells exposed to serum from HNSCC or healthy individuals. The analysis of gene ontologies and pathway analysis revealed that these miRNA target genes were involved in biological cancer-related processes, including cell cycle and apoptosis. The real-time PCR analysis revealed that serum from HNSCC patients downregulate the expression level of five genes involved in carcinogenesis and two of these genes鈥擯53 and SLC2A1鈥攁re direct targets of detected miRNAs. These novel findings provide new insight into how cancer-associated factors in circulation regulate the expression of genes and regulatory elements in distal cells in favor of tumorigenesis. This has the potential for new therapeutic approaches and more specific diagnostics with tumor-specific cell lines or single-cell in vitro assays for personalized treatment and early detection of primary tumors or metastasis.</p