4,787 research outputs found

    Studies of highly-boosted top quarks near the TeV scale using jet masses at the LHC

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    Studies of highly-boosted top quarks produced inclusively in pp collisions at 14 TeV are discussed. The hadronic decays of boosted top quarks was studied in a data-driven approach by analysing shapes of jet-mass distributions. Using Monte Carlo models after a fast detector simulation, it is shown that inclusive production of boosted top quarks can be observed if it has a cross section at least twice larger than the prediction from the approximate next-to-next-to-leading-order (aNNLO) calculation for the ttbar process. The ttbar process with the nominal aNNLO strength can be measured using the masses of jets after a b-tagging.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Probing nn-Spin Correlations in Optical Lattices

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    We propose a technique to measure multi-spin correlation functions of arbitrary range as determined by the ground states of spinful cold atoms in optical lattices. We show that an observation of the atomic version of the Stokes parameters, using focused lasers and microwave pulsing, can be related to nn-spin correlators. We discuss the possibility of detecting not only ground state static spin correlations, but also time-dependent spin wave dynamics as a demonstrative example using our proposed technique.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Chromosomal aberrations in a natural population of chironomus tentans exposed to chronic low-level environmental radiation

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    The salivary gland chromosomes of Chironomus tentans larvae collected from White Oak Creek, an area contaminated by radioactive waste from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and from six uncontaminated areas were examined for chromosomal aberrations. White Oak Creek populations were exposed to absorbed doses as high as 230 rads per year or about 1000 times background. Chromosomal maps were constructed to make a general comparison of the banding pattern of the salivary chromosomes of the C. tentans in the East Tennessee area with those of Canada and Europe. These maps were used as a reference in scoring aberrations. Fifteen different chromosomal aberrations were found in 365 larvae taken from the irradiated population as compared with five different aberrations observed in 356 larvae from six control populations, but the mean number of aberrations per larva did not differ in any of the populations. The quantitative amount of heterozygosity was essentially the same in the irradiated and the control population, but there were three times the variety of chromosomal aberrations found in the irradiated area. From this evidence it was concluded that chronic low-level irradiation from radioactive waste was increasing the variability of chromosomal aberrations without significantly increasing the frequency. It was also concluded that chromosomal polymorphism can be maintained in a natural population without superiority of the heterozygous individuals. (C.H.

    Nearby Doorways, Parity Doublets and Parity Mixing in Compound Nuclear States

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    We discuss the implications of a doorway state model for parity mixing in compound nuclear states. We argue that in order to explain the tendency of parity violating asymmetries measured in 233^{233}Th to have a common sign, doorways that contribute to parity mixing must be found in the same energy neighbourhood of the measured resonance. The mechanism of parity mixing in this case of nearby doorways is closely related to the intermediate structure observed in nuclear reactions in which compound states are excited. We note that in the region of interest (233^{233}Th) nuclei exhibit octupole deformations which leads to the existence of nearby parity doublets. These parity doublets are then used as doorways in a model for parity mixing. The contribution of such mechanism is estimated in a simple model.Comment: 11 pages, REVTE

    Antiferromagnetic noise correlations in optical lattices

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    We analyze how noise correlations probed by time-of-flight (TOF) experiments reveal antiferromagnetic (AF) correlations of fermionic atoms in two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) optical lattices. Combining analytical and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) calculations using experimentally realistic parameters, we show that AF correlations can be detected for temperatures above and below the critical temperature for AF ordering. It is demonstrated that spin-resolved noise correlations yield important information about the spin ordering. Finally, we show how to extract the spin correlation length and the related critical exponent of the AF transition from the noise.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Fine Structure Discussion of Parity-Nonconserving Neutron Scattering at Epithermal Energies

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    The large magnitude and the sign correlation effect in the parity non-conserving resonant scattering of epithermal neutrons from 232^{232}Th is discussed in terms of a non-collective 2p1h2p-1h local doorway model. General conclusions are drawn as to the probability of finding large parity violation effects in other regions of the periodic table.Comment: 6 pages, Tex. CTP# 2296, to appear in Z. Phys.

    Effective Spin Quantum Phases in Systems of Trapped Ions

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    A system of trapped ions under the action of off--resonant standing--waves can be used to simulate a variety of quantum spin models. In this work, we describe theoretically quantum phases that can be observed in the simplest realization of this idea: quantum Ising and XY models. Our numerical calculations with the Density Matrix Renormalization Group method show that experiments with ion traps should allow one to access general properties of quantum critical systems. On the other hand, ion trap quantum spin models show a few novel features due to the peculiarities of induced effective spin--spin interactions which lead to interesting effects like long--range quantum correlations and the coexistence of different spin phases.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figure

    Instability of charge ordered states in doped antiferromagnets

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    We analyze the induced interactions between localized holes in weakly-doped Heisenberg antiferromagnets due to the modification of the quantum zero point spin wave energy; i.e. the analogue of the Casimir effect. We show that this interaction is uniformly attractive and falls off as r^{-2 d+1} in d dimensions. For ``stripes'', i.e parallel (d-1)-dimensional hypersurfaces of localized holes, the interaction energy per unit hyperarea is attractive and falls, generically, like r^{-d}. We argue that, in the absence of a long-range Coulomb repulsion between holes, this interaction leads to an instability of any charge-ordered state in the dilute doping limit.Comment: Revtex, 5 pages two-column format, 3 ps figures (epsf). Two references added and some textual change

    Orientational phase transitions in anisotropic rare-earth magnets at low temperatures

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    Orientational phase transitions are investigated within the Heisenberg model with single-site anisotropy. The temperature dependence of the cone angle is calculated within the spin-wave theory. The role of the quantum renormalizations of anisotropy constants is discussed. A comparison with the experimental data on the cone-plane orientational transition in holmium is performed.Comment: 9 pages, LaTeX, 3 figure