494 research outputs found

    Interrogatives as relativization markers in Indo-European

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    The use of interrogative pronouns as relative clause markers is often mentioned as a typical feature of European languages. This study presents an empirical approach to the distribution of interrogative pronouns as relative clause markers in time and space in the Indo-European language family. Based on a comprehensive sample of ancient and modern Indo-European languages, it is shown that interrogative-marked relative clauses are present in all stages of Indo-European within and outside of Europe. An analysis by branch suggests that this constitutes a case of parallel innovations subsequently spreading via language contact. The study also shows that interrogatives are used as relative clause markers independently of whether they are inflected pronouns or invariable markers.1. Introduction 2. Data collection and analysis 2.1 Sample 2.2 Coding 2.3 Working definitions and concepts - Relativization and its markers - Interrogative - Complementizer 3. Overview by branch 3.1 Tocharian 3.2 Indo-Iranian 3.2.1 Indic 3.2.2 Iranian 3.3 Anatolian 3.4 Armenian 3.5 Greek 3.6 Albanian 3.7 Balto-Slavic 3.7.1 Slavic 3.7.2 Baltic 3.8 Italic 3.9 Germanic 3.10 Celtic 4. Moving through time and space 5. (Non-)Correlations with other features 6. Conclusio

    Measuring and assessing indeterminacy and variation in the morphology-syntax distinction (advance online)

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    We provide a discussion of some of the challenges in using statistical methods to investigate the morphology-syntax distinction cross-linguistically. The paper is structured around three problems related to the morphology-syntax distinction: (i) the boundary strength problem; (ii) the composition problem; (iii) the architectural problem. The boundary strength problem refers to the possibility that languages vary in terms of how distinct morphology and syntax are or the degree to which morphology is autonomous. The composition problem refers to the possibility that languages vary in terms of how they distinguish morphology and syntax: what types of properties distinguish the two systems. The architecture problem refers to the possibility that languages vary in terms of whether a global distinction between morphology and syntax is motivated at all and the possibility that languages might partition phenomena in different ways. This paper is concerned with providing an overarching review of the methodological problems involved in addressing these three issues. We illustrate the problems using three statistical methods: correlation matrices, random forests with different choices for the dependent variable, and hierarchical clustering with validation techniques

    Brisons le silence sur les soins infirmiers et l'homosexualité: une revue étoffée de littérature : que savons-nous actuellement sur la relation entre un infirmier et une (e) patiente(e) lesbienne, gay, bisexuel(le) ou transgenre ?

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    Les infirmiers sont probablement quotidiennement en contact avec des patients LGBT, qui restent encore fortement stigmatisés et discriminés dans la société. Un silence existe sur les patients LGBT autant dans la littérature que dans les formations en soins infirmiers. Les soins infirmiers comportent une dimension relationnelle, qui est, entre autre, influencée par les attitudes personnelles des infirmiers, leurs croyances, préjugés et valeurs. Ainsi, ce travail s’intéresse aux connaissances liées à la relation entre un patient LGBT et un infirmier.Die Pflegefachleute sind wahrscheinlich jeden Tag im Kontakt mit LGBT-Patienten, die immer noch stark in der Gesellschaft stigmatisiert und diskriminiert werden. Es herrscht ein Stillschweigen über die LGBT-Patienten sowohl in der Literatur als auch in den Ausbildungen für angehende Pflegefachleute. Die Pflege enthält eine relationale Dimension, die unter vor allem durch die persönliche Haltungen der Pflegefachleuten, ihren Glauben, ihren Vorurteilen und Werte beeinflusst wird. Aus diesen Gründen befasst sich diese Arbeit mit den Kenntnissen über die Beziehungen zwischen einem LGBT-Patienten und einer Pflegefachpersonen

    Störfaktoren in der Tierfabrik: Rezension zu "Revolution im Stall: Landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung in Deutschland 1945-1990" von Veronika Settele

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    Veronika Settele: Revolution im Stall - Landwirtschaftliche Tierhaltung in Deutschland 1945-1990. Kritische Studien zur Geschichtswissenschaft, Bd. 239. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2020. 978-3-525-31122-

    Die Unentbehrlichen: Rezension zu "Kalkulierte Mobilität: Ökonomische und biographische Perspektiven auf Saisonarbeit" von Judith Schmidt

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    Judith Schmidt: Kalkulierte Mobilität - Ökonomische und biographische Perspektiven auf Saisonarbeit. Frankfurt am Main u.a.: Campus Verlag 2021. 978-3-593-51448-

    The prominent role of neutrophils during the initial phase of infection by Leishmania parasites.

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    Neutrophils are rapidly and massively recruited to the site of Leishmania inoculation, where they phagocytose the parasites, some of which are able to survive within these first host cells. Neutrophils can thus provide a transient safe shelter for the parasites, prior to their entry into macrophages where they will replicate. In addition, neutrophils release and synthesize rapidly several factors including cytokines and chemokines. The mechanism involved in their rapid recruitment to the site of parasite inoculation, as well as the putative consequences of their massive presence on the microenvironment of the focus of infection will be discussed in the context of the development of the Leishmania-specific immune response

    Die bäuerliche Welt von Gestern: Rezension zu "Ein Hof und elf Geschwister: Der stille Abschied vom bäuerlichen Leben in Deutschland" von Ewald Frie

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    Ewald Frie: Ein Hof und elf Geschwister: Der stille Abschied vom bäuerlichen Leben in Deutschland. München: C.H. Beck 2023. 978-3-406-79717-

    Losing your virginity safely? A Swiss national survey.

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    Good practice and knowledge in terms of contraception at first sexual intercourse may lead adolescents to a safer sexual life. To date, research studies have mostly focused on women when investigating contraception use or on condom use only when addressing both genders. The present study adds to the current knowledge by offering a more in-depth view of contraception use at first intercourse among youths. This is achieved through a large selection of variables, the fact that we address both males and females and that we have considered a wide range of contraceptive means. To determine the rate of contraception use at first intercourse by youth in Switzerland and its association with social and personal characteristics. Data were obtained from a self-administrated national survey on sexual behaviour among young adults (mean age 26 years). Participants (n = 4036) were divided into three groups based on the means of contraception used at first intercourse: condom, with or without contraceptive (86.4%), contraceptive only (8.3%) and non-use (5.3%). Only 5.3% did not use any contraception. Compared with the condom group, individuals in the non-use group were more likely to report a lower family socioeconomic status, to be foreign born, to have foreign-born parents, to have a non-intact family and to live in a Catholic canton. They were also more likely to have had their first intercourse in the context of a casual relationship, to have been intoxicated at the time and more likely to regret it. Participants in the contraceptive group reported a higher family socioeconomic status, had intact families, did not live in Catholic cantons, were older and in a steady relationship at first intercourse. Contraception is generally used at first intercourse in Switzerland. Improvements can still be made concerning contraception use in the most vulnerable social strata such as low income families or foreign status