355 research outputs found

    The effect of local labour market conditions on the decision to migrate among UK graduates

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    Using Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) "first destinations " data we model two key aspects of individual?s higher education experience. First, we explore where UK university entrants choose to study and what factors influence the decision to migrate to another region to study. We are particularly interested in looking at how socio-economic background influences institutional choice for North East residents. The HESA data includes postcode information for the individual?s residence immediately prior to entering HE. Having full postcodes enables us to "super-profile" the individuals, which allows us to make inferences about their backgrounds, including the conditions in their local labour market. Second, we explore the subsequent post-graduation transition into work, looking at how regional mobility influences occupational outcomes. In particular, we are interested in determining the extent to which the "best" graduates are geographically mobile. The inclusion of full postcode data in the HESA data also allows us to look at the exogonous effects of local unemployment rates in the location where the individual studied and also in the location where the individual resides, to determine how this effects the migration decision. Econometric modelling in this context uses the "Mover-Stayer" model with our exogonous data aiding formal identification via exclusion restrictions. After modelling the migration decision, we estimate the economic returns to migration. Using longitundinal data on a sample of approximately 15,000 UK graduates from 1985 and 1990, we estimate earnings equations with the inclusion of a range of mobility questions included as regressors. In particular, we are interested in determining the importance of an early move on one?s future earnings. These are particularly important questions for the UK, where graduate opportunities differ considerably from region to region. One of the principal benefits of increased participation in higher education is a more skilled labour market. However, the distribution of these skills is not equal across regions and one of the principal reasons for this is a lack of opportunity to put these skills to use. Furthermore, our results will have increasing relevance to the higher education system as a whole since it is anticipated that changes in the fees system will cause a large increase in the propensity to go to one?s local university.

    Requirement Analysis of a Signal Database for Power Plant Automation Signals

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    The signal lists used for the control and automation system design of Wärtsilä Power Plants are today made with a spreadsheet software-based configuration tool. The problems with this tool are difficult data maintenance, a large manual workload and traceability of the data of configured signal lists. The maintenance problems are caused by larger power plant sizes, stricter customer requirements and scattered information in different spreadsheet software-files. To solve these problems, a database solution is planned to be developed. In this thesis, the requirements of the database are analyzed, functional descriptions are made and a high-level model of the database solution is created. The main stakeholders of the database system have been identified and interviews have been held with all of them to gather requirements and get information of current problems related to the creation of the signal lists. The development work is done in close cooperation with the Wärtsilä Power Plants R&D department, project management and control system suppliers. Theory of database design and requirements management is collected from scientific literature. This theory is used to identify requirements in the early phases of the database development and in the creation of a conceptual model of the database. The goal was to collect the main requirements, create solutions for current problems and to identify possible solutions for the planned database. The results show the large amount of signal data that is today scattered in different sources. Reasons for problems in power plant project work and control system design have been identified and the main requirements for the database solution have been classified. The planned database functionalities are modelled and possible solutions to fulfill the signal list configuration work are presented. New findings of connectivity to other information systems and lifecycle management of the signal design are brought up to meet future requirements of the power plant signal configuration work.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    How are population-based funding formulae for healthcare composed?

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    Population-based funding formulae act as an important means of promoting equitable health funding structures. To evaluate how policy makers in different jurisdictions construct health funding formulae and build an understanding of contextual influences underpinning formula construction we carried out a comparative analysis of key components of funding formulae across seven high-income and predominantly publically financed health systems: New Zealand, England, Scotland, the Netherlands, the state of New South Wales in Australia, the Canadian province of Ontario, and the city of Stockholm, Sweden.Methods Core components from each formula were summarised and key similarities and differences evaluated from a compositional perspective. We categorised approaches to constructing funding formulae under three main themes: identifying factors which predict differential need amongst populations; adjusting for cost factors outside of needs factors; and engaging in normative correction of allocations for ‘unmet’ need. Results We found significant congruence in the factors used to guide need and cost adjustments. However, there is considerable variation in interpretation and implementation of these factors. Conclusion Despite broadly similar frameworks, there are distinct differences in the composition of the formulae across the seven health systems. Ultimately, the development of funding formulae is a dynamic process, subject to availability of data reflecting health needs, the influence of wider socio-political objectives and health system determinants

    Les prises affectives des lieux en tant qu'expression de l'ambiance urbaine

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    International audienceThe aim of this article is to emphasize the way that the ambiance contributes to the dynamics of the affective relationships with urban places. The ideal-type figures of the evolution of affective relationships with places allow us to bringing to light tendencies of affective appropriation. These tendencies highlight that individual temporalities are predominant in the establishment and evolution of the relation. However, places are not neutral as we underline the affordances of places. Six types of affordances were exposed in their abilities to convey a sensitive experience which can embody one certain ambiance. Thus showing how the ambiance feels according to the affordances of places, we suggest an urbanistic reflexion about the integration of this knowledge in an operational practice of urbanism

    La ville et le sablier: Sentir les temps urbains

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    International audienceLes réflexions urbanistiques actuelles portent un intérêt de plus en plus marqué au rapport sensible des habitants et usagers envers la ville en analysant les liens sensoriel, poétique, émotionnel et affectif des individus à ses différents lieux. Quels sont les fondements de ces liens ? Dépendent-ils des individus ? Des lieux ? De l’un et l’autre ? Ce rapport affectif à la ville n’est pas figé, il ne peut l’être ; il évolue sans cesse au fil des expériences, des connaissances, des apprentissages que chacun fait de la ville. La ville est elle aussi dynamique ; les lieux ont une histoire qui s’écrit aux rythmes des pas de ceux qui la pratiquent et des projets de ceux qui la fabriquent. C’est en confrontant les temporalités propres à l’individu et propres aux lieux urbains que des figures idéales-typiques de cette relation si particulière sont ressorties. En les croisant, quatre tendances d’appropriation affective des lieux sont dévoilées. Elles mettent en évidence que ce sont principalement les individus, selon leur avancée dans la vie et leur ancienneté de connaissance des lieux, qui déterminent l’évolution du rapport affectif au lieu. Cependant, et c’est ainsi que la réflexion s’oriente vers une portée opérationnelle, les lieux possèdent des « prises affectives ». Elles sont ici présentées dans leur diversité et surtout dans leur capacité à susciter une réflexion sur la possibilité de tendre vers un urbanisme aimable

    Playoff Uncertainty, Match Uncertainty and Attendance at Australian National Rugby League Matches

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    This paper develops a new simulation-based measure of playoff uncertainty and investigates its contribution to modelling match attendance compared to other variants of playoff uncertainty in the existing literature. A model of match attendance that incorporates match uncertainty, playoff uncertainty, past home-team performance and other relevant control variables is fitted to Australian National Rugby League data for seasons 2004-2008 using fixed effects estimation. The results suggest that playoff uncertainty and home-team success are more important determinants of match attendance than match uncertainty. Alternative measures of playoff uncertainty based on points behind the leader, although more ad hoc, also appear able to capture the effects of playoff uncertainty.playoff uncertainty, match uncertainty, sports league attendance, Australian National Rugby League, fixed effects estimation

    Measurement of neutron spectra in liquid hydrogen final report

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    Neutron spectrum measurement in liquid hydrogen and wate

    Saisir l'affectif urbain. Proposition originale par la cartographie de réactivation des discours

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    International audienceDans cette communication, les auteurs exposent en quoi les principales techniques visant à recueillir l'information auprès de personnes interviewées ne sont pas spécifiquement adaptées lorsqu'il s'agit de débusquer le rapport affectif des individus aux lieux ou à la ville, bien que chacune (observation in situ, carte mentale, entretien semi-directif, parcours commenté, discours réactivé) apportent des éléments relatifs à l'affectif ou révélateur de celui-ci (affects, repères spatio-temporels, représentations mentales, comportements). Les auteurs proposent alors une technique originale, par une approche cartographique, suivie d'une phase de réactivation qui permet à l'interviewé de se livrer plus avant dans la sphère de l'intime

    Scenarios optimization for a servicing inhabited space station at Earth-Moon Lagrangian point (EML2)

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    Human Space exploration is nowadays at a turning point of its history. Space agencies collaborate in order to determine next steps in this context, through for example, the International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG). Agreement has been reached to identify that human beings will be sent in the upcoming decades to Mars, Moon or asteroids surface. Among all the selected scenarios, locating a deep-space habitat in the vicinity of the Earth Moon Lagrangian (EML) points has been designated as being a cornerstone of the human space exploration strategy. This paper examines how to design a low cost mission, using the natural dynamics for station integration, crew rotations, cargo delivery and disposal. Moreover, it focuses on the impacts of the station architecture on the global optimization (in term of duration and delta-v) of the trajectories from LEO (Low Earth Orbit) departure to rendezvous in EML and return. Several scenarios have been studied to compare transfer strategies (direct, indirect, lunar flyby, weak stability boundaries) and modeling types (four-body problem, restricted circular three-body problem, ephemeris). Actually, optimization criteria strongly depend on the mission phase. When crew transit is considered, mission duration has mainly to be minimized, while cargo transportation will minimize the global delta-v. The main contribution of this paper lies in the rendezvous dimensioning encompassing both the architectural point of view and the dynamics point of view. This is the first time a study optimizes mission duration and delta-v over all phases of the journey for Human exploration

    How universal are universal pre-school health and developmental screens? Evidence from New Zealand’s Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI)

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    In New Zealand, children participate in a pre-school screen to ensure they are reaching key developmental milestones and not having significant physical, emotional or behavioural issues. This pre-school screen is called the Before School Check (B4SC) and it is intended to be implemented after the child's fourth birthday and before they enter school, after their fifth birthday. If children fall short of key developmental milestones or have other health or behavioural issues, they may be referred to other services so that they these problems can be remediated prior to entry to primary school. In New Zealand, B4SC participation is high, with greater than 90% of the eligible population participating each year. However, the rates of completion are lower, with many children not completing all components. We speculate that non-participation in the B4SC, is concentrated among the most vulnerable of children – those who would most likely benefit from an intervention. In New Zealand, government collected administrative files, including the B4SC are housed in the Statistics New Zealand Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI). We link B4SC records to a variety of data files, including health records, census and measures of residential mobility and find conventional risk factors significantly predict B4SC participation
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