43 research outputs found

    Recent developments and strategies in pediatric pharmacology research in the USA

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    Research in pediatric pharmacology has undergone major changes in the last ten years, with an expansion in both publicly and privately funded activities. A number of pharmacokinetics studies and multi-site controlled efficacy trials have been conducted, so that treatment of children and adolescents can now be better informed and evidence-based. Regulatory financial incentives to industry in return for studies on drugs still covered by patent exclusivity have resulted in a substantial increase in pediatric research funded by pharmaceutical companies. In parallel, public funding has supported research on off-patent medications and other clinical important aspects of treatment, such as comparisons between active treatments, including non-pharmacological interventions. With greater interest by industry in pediatric research, the role of government funding agencies has been redefined to avoid duplication and ensure better integration of efforts and utilization of resources. The present review discusses some of the recent developments in pediatric pharmacology with focus on psychiatric medications

    Suivi biologique de quatre marais saumĂątres Ă  Bourgneuf en Retz et Les Moutiers en Retz (Loire Atlantique)

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    Le suivi biologique des quatre marais saumùtres de Bourgneuf et des Moutiers-en-Retz réalisé en 1985 (objet d'un précédent rapport), s'est poursuivi en 1986 et 1987. Ce rapport présente les résultats de ces deux derniÚres années de suivi, cependant les principales caractéristiques physico-chimiques et biologiques ont été analysées en considérant également les données obtenues en 1985

    Etude de la prolifération des algues vertes dans le bassin d'Arcachon

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    [Notes_IRSTEA]Nous disposons également du rapport de 1993 (DOC POL 31 bis) de la société d'assainissement du Bassin d'Arcachon [Departement_IRSTEA]GT [TR1_IRSTEA]GT6-Modes d'utilisation de l'espace ruralCette étude a porté uniquement sur l'algue verte Monostroma obscurum dont le développement était largement le plus préoccupant. Devant la lourdeur et la complexité d'une telle étude et dans le délai imparti, il eut été présomptueux et inefficace de vouloir traiter l'ensemble des proliférations observées dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Néanmois, la somme d'observations recueillies au cours de cette étude, confrontée aux résultats des travaux concernant les proliférations d'autres espÚces dans d'autres sites, permettra de mieux comprendre les mécanismes d'apparition et de développement de ces phénomÚnes à travers l'exemple de Monostroma obscurum

    Phytoplankton versus macrophyte contribution to primary production and biogeochemical cycles of a coastal mesotidal system. A modelling approach

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    International audienceThis study presents an assessment of the contributions of various primary producers to the global annual production and N/P cycles of a coastal system, namely the Arcachon Bay, by means of a numerical model. This 3D model fully couples hydrodynamic with ecological processes and simulates nitrogen, silicon and phosphorus cycles as well as phytoplankton, macroalgae and seagrasses. Total annual production rates for the different components were calculated for different years (2005, 2007 and 2009) during a time period of drastic reduction in seagrass beds since 2005. The total demand of nitrogen and phosphorus was also calculated and discussed with regards to the riverine inputs. Moreover, this study presents the first estimation of particulate organic carbon export to the adjacent open ocean. The calculated annual net production for the Arcachon Bay (except microphytobenthos, not included in the model) ranges between 22,850 and 35,300 tons of carbon. The main producers are seagrasses in all the years considered with a contribution ranging from 56% to 81% of global production. According to our model, the -30% reduction in seagrass bed surface between 2005 and 2007, led to an approximate 55% reduction in seagrass production, while during the same period of time, macroalgae and phytoplankton enhanced their productions by about +83% and +46% respectively. Nonetheless, the phytoplankton production remains about eightfold higher than the macroalgae production. Our results also highlight the importance of remineralisation inside the Bay, since riverine inputs only fulfill at maximum 73% nitrogen and 13% phosphorus demands during the years 2005, 2007 and 2009. Calculated advection allowed a rough estimate of the organic matter export: about 10% of the total production in the bay was exported, originating mainly from the seagrass compartment, since most of the labile organic matter was remineralised inside the bay

    Suivre les mĂ©diations entre connaissances et dĂ©cisions dans les dispositifs participatifs de gestion de l’eau : nouveau cadre pour comparer l’application de la DCSMM et de la DCE

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    National audienceAvant 2000, la rĂ©glementation europĂ©enne a longtemps traitĂ© de l’eau et des espĂšces halieutiques comme des ressources sans tenir compte des interdĂ©pendances entre espĂšces et milieux. La directive cadre europĂ©enne sur l’eau (DCE 2000) a Ă©tĂ© perçue par de nombreux acteurs comme un instrument permettant de mieux prendre en compte les Ă©cosystĂšmes dans la gouvernance de l’eau en Ă©largissant la participation des parties prenantes par rapport Ă  la rĂ©glementation antĂ©rieure. C’est Ă©galement en ces termes qu’est prĂ©sentĂ©e la directive cadre stratĂ©gie pour le milieu marin (DCSMM 2008) par rapport Ă  la DCE. On observe que les acteurs redĂ©finissent souvent ce qu’est une « vĂ©ritable » approche Ă©cosystĂ©mique et la diversitĂ© des connaissances qu’elle requiert. Est-ce que la mise en Âœuvre de ces directives ouvre effectivement la dĂ©cision Ă  de nouveaux acteurs et de nouveaux savoirs ? Quelle est la portĂ©e de cette participation et comment la saisir ? Est-ce que les insuffisances de la DCE ont Ă©tĂ© prises en compte dans la DCSMM et satisfont les acteurs qui attendent une « vĂ©ritable » approche Ă©cosystĂ©mique ? Le projet ECOGOV (LabEx COTE, UniversitĂ© de Bordeaux) propose un nouveau cadre conceptuel interdisciplinaire (les 4 A) pour qualifier les diffĂ©rentes formes de participation en fonction des connaissances prises en compte dans les processus de gouvernance des Ă©cosystĂšmes. Ce cadre conceptuel identifie quatre dynamiques de mĂ©diation entre connaissances et dĂ©cisions : (1) l’Acquisition des connaissances et ressources politiques, (2) leur AgrĂ©gation, (3) leur usage dans l’Argumentation de la dĂ©cision et (4) leur Accumulation. Pour cela nous nous sommes appuyĂ©s sur une revue de la littĂ©rature en science politique et en Ă©cologie sur : (a) les relations entre chercheurs, amateurs, utilisateurs, acteurs impliquĂ©s et dĂ©cideurs ; (b) ’approche Ă©cosystĂ©mique et la participation; (c) les dĂ©fis scientifiques et politiques du changement climatique

    Nouveau cadre analytique pour saisir la transformation des relations entre la science et la politique : la gestion européenne participative du littoral et du milieu marin

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    International audienceIn European coastal zone management, the ‘Ecosystem Approach’ has become a central governing principle potentially fostering new forms of participatory management. But, how can interdisciplinary research rigorously grasp changing configurations of stakeholders and science/knowledge which this invites - especially when complex debates on climate change additionally demand new forms of science/knowledge and new governing approaches? The interdisciplinary project ECOGOV (LabEx COTE, University of Bordeaux) proposes a new integrated inter-disciplinary framework to grasp these transforming science-politics ‘coupling practices’. The framework emerges from a ‘state of the art’ review of natural and political science theories: i) on relations between scientists, user knowledge holders and policy makers; ii) on ecosystem based management and stakeholder participation; iii) on climate change challenges for science and policy. The framework identifies four sets of dynamic ‘coupling practice’: i) acquisition, ii) aggregation, iii) articulation, iv) accumulation. More specifically to define coastal zone problems, science/knowledge must be acquired. Studying acquisition (i) enables research to identify which scientific/knowledge sources are perceived as ‘authoritative’, and why. Once different sciences/knowledges (e.g., ecological, economic, societal) are acquired, they must be aggregated. Studying aggregation (ii) reveals how compromises are reached over coastal zone futures and why some sciences/knowledges ‘win out’ when setting instruments. How actors legitimise choices made and communicate these in public arena can be grasped through studying articulation (iii). Coastal futures and coupling practices are accumulated over time. Studying accumulation (iv) reveals their broader consequences both for science/knowledge and participatory management. This framework will be applied to cases where participatory management takes place (ie, setting up of a marine park or implementation of the EU marine strategy directive). The poster will illustrate the originality of this framework for grasping iterative participatory management