296 research outputs found

    Early effects of mood stabilizers on the Akt/GSK-3β signaling pathway and on cell survival and proliferation

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    Rationale: Lithium, some of the anticonvulsants, and several second-generation antipsychotic drugs are common medications widely prescribed to treat bipolar disorder. Molecular targets and cellular events that mediate their effects have been described for these drugs but are only partially unraveled. Few comparative studies have been performed. Objectives: We evaluated seven mood stabilizers (MS) in the same in vitro system and found several differences and similarities in their cellular mechanisms (proliferation and cell survival). As some MS were previously shown to activate the Akt/GSK-3β axis, this pathway was explored for other drugs. Materials and methods: The SH-SY5Y cells were cultured in RPMI-1640 medium. Effects of MS drugs on serum-induced cell proliferation and on slowing of cell death were analyzed. Phosphorylation and expression of Akt-1 and GSK-3β mRNA and protein were assessed for the seven drugs as well. Results: Lithium, Valproate, Olanzapine, and Clozapine enhance proliferation and protect cells against serum withdrawal-induced injury. These drugs also activate Akt-1 and GSK-3β phosphorylation. Interestingly, gene expression of Akt-1 mRNA and protein, but not GSK-3β, was increased. The other drugs Lamotrigine, Haloperidol, and Carbamazepine did not affect cellular events nor activate Akt/GSK-3β axis. Conclusion: Valproate and atypical antipsychotics (Olanzapine and Clozapine) regulate SH-SY5Y cell proliferation and survival, activate the Akt/GSK-3β axis, and stimulate gene expression of Akt-1 mRNA and protein, as does Lithium. The other medications have no effect. The study shows the importance of the Akt/GSK-3 axis in MS actions but also pinpoints a different dependence of these drugs on this signaling axi

    New dating of the «mask» of La Roche-Cotard (Langeais, Indre-et-Loire, France)

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    Le «masque» de la Roche-Cotard a été découvert au sein d’une couche contenant une industrie lithique de technologie et typologie caractéristiques du Paléolithique moyen. Après une première datation de la couche, supérieure à 32 ka BP et deux autres datations par le 14C attribuant à la couche un âge supérieur à 40 ka, une datation sur quartz par la méthode de la luminescence (OSL) donne un âge de 75,6 ± 5,8 ka au dépôt alluvial qui contient le «masque». Ce nouveau résultat confirme que les datations 14C par Spectrométrie de Masse par Accélérateur (AMS) obtenues sur des fragments osseux de cette même couche sont au-delà de la limite de la validité de la méthode de datation par le radiocarbone. Nous exposons, en annexe, le principe de la méthode des datations OSL qui doivent être retenues pour dater l’occupation néandertalienne de La Roche Cotard II d’où provient le masque, et leurs implications.The "mask" of La Roche-Cotard was discovered in a layer containing a characteristic Middle Paleolithic lithic industry. After a first 14C result of 32 ka BP, two further 14C dates now assign the layer to more than 40 ka, but above all an OSL date obtained on quartz attributes to the layer containing the «mask» an age of 75.6 ± 5.8 ka. This new result confirms that 14C dates with Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, obtained on bones of that layer are beyond the limit of validity of the radiocarbon dating method. We present the principle of the method of luminescence dating that should be retained for the Neanderthal occupation of the Roche Cotard II level 7 and its implications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Principales matières premières lithiques disponibles au Paléolithique entre le Bassin parisien et l'Auvergne: partie 2 - Loir-et-Cher, Indre-et-Loire. Le cas du Turonien inférieur et supérieur.

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    Dans le sud du Bass in parisien, les silex du Turonien inférieur - dits silex blonds - et supérieur - dits silex du Grand-Pressigny - constituent des ressources de première importance au Paléolithique supérieur. Leur exploitation préhistorique est reconnue dans tout le Berry, la Touraine, le Poitou et l'Auvergne. Ils se retrouvent également en petite quantité dans les séries lithiques du Paléolithique supérieur du Bassin parisien, de la vallée du Rhône, de l' Aquitaine et des Charentes. Ces ressources, malgré leur importance, n'avaient jusqu'alors pas fait l'objet d'une description pétrographique détaillée et ont été parfois confondues avec des silicifications cénozoïques localisées dans l'est et le sud du Massif central. Nous présentons une synthèse de nos observations sur plus de 700 échantillons issus de 104 gîtes différents et sur plusieurs milliers d'artefacts lithiques, étayée par une revue bibliographique des publications, cartes géologiques et mémoires universitaires ayant trait au sujet. En conclusion, rapport massif de silex du Turonien et notamment du Turonien inférieur comme élément structurant des assemblages lithiques du Paléolithique supérieur se cantonne pour l'essentiel dans un espace contraint au sud par le seuil du Poitou et les Combrailles creusoises au nord et à l'est par la Loire. Leur circulation sur plusieurs centaines de kilomètres n'est plus un rait anecdotique mais un élément structurant du fonctionnement des sociétés préhistoriques.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Affective Temperaments in Alcohol and Opiate Addictions

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    Temperament is considered as a biological disposition reflected by relatively stable features related to mood and reactivity to external and internal stimuli, including variability in emotional reactions. The aim of the present study is to test the hypothesis that affective temperaments might differ according to co-occurring mood disorders among patients with alcohol and/or opiate dependence; to explore the relationship between temperaments and dual substance use disorders (SUDs, alcohol and other drugs). Ninety-two patients attending an alcohol addiction treatment facility and 47 patients in an opiate addiction treatment facility were assessed for SUDs, mood disorders and affective temperaments using the Temperament Evaluation of Memphis, Pisa, Paris and San Diego 39-item auto-questionnaire. Comparison of patients with bipolar disorder, depressive unipolar disorder and no (or substance-induced) mood disorder revealed significant differences for the cyclothymic subscale, with highest scores among patients with bipolar disorder. No difference was observed for the depressive, irritable, hyperthymic and anxious subscales. After adjustment for age, gender and bipolar disorder, irritable temperament was a significant risk factor for past or present history of drug use disorders in patients treated for alcohol addiction (odds ratio [OR] 1.42, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.05-1.93). Anxious temperament was a significant risk factor for history of alcohol use disorders in patients treated for opiate addiction (OR 3.30, 95% CI 1.36-7.99), whereas the hyperthymic subscale appeared as a significant protective factor (OR 0.65, 95% CI 0.42-0.99). The results highlight the need to consider temperamental aspects in further research to improve the long-term outcome of patient with addictive disorders, who often present complex comorbidity pattern

    Sustain and reinforce transition from child to adult mental health care in Switzerland : study protocol

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    AIM A suboptimal transition in mental health care affects a young person’s wellbeing and health in the long run. We aim to identify a large cohort of young people approaching the transition boundary between child and adolescent and adult mental health services in the canton of Geneva and implement the model of managed transition for a randomly selected subset. METHODS We will perform a nested-cohort randomised controlled trial, which is a modification of the multiple cohort randomised controlled trial, where the allocation to the intervention is conducted by cluster randomisation, with each distinct mental health service constituting a cluster. We will include 387 adolescents with a mental disorder, without intellectual disability and within 18 months of reaching the transition boundary. We will randomly allocate mental health services to the intervention (managed transition) or control group (treatment as usual). The primary outcome is the patient’s health status as measured by Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) or Health of the Nation Outcome Scale for adults (HoNOS). CONCLUSIONS This is a protocol of a nested-cohort randomised controlled trial. This study will promote change in health systems management and administration. It will facilitate close collaboration between child and adolescent and adult mental health services, which for decades have been completely separated and differentiated

    Mapping child and adolescent mental health services and the interface during transition to adult services in six Swiss cantons

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    Rationale: Transition in psychiatry refers to the period where young people transit from Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) to Adult Mental Health Services (AMHS). Discontinuity of care during this period is well-documented but little is known about provisions and transition characteristics and policies across Switzerland. The aim of this article is to describe the architecture of public mental health providers in Switzerland and compare it to EU countries. Method: Two mapping surveys, developed previously for European countries, were adapted and sent to cantonal experts: the adapted European CAMHS Mapping Questionnaire (ECM-Q) assessing the architecture and functioning of CAMHS and the adapted Standardized Assessment Tool for Mental Health Transition (SATMeHT) to map CAMHS-AMHS interface. Results: Data were gathered from six cantons. Activity data and transition policies were comparable between Swiss regions and European countries. The percentage of young people below 19 years who were in care was above 2% in every responding canton with a higher proportion of boys than girls for patients <12 years of age. The transition occurred at the age of 18 years, civil majority, in each canton, and between 0 and 24% (3/7) and 25% and 49% (4/7) of young people were expected to transition. One canton (1/7) benefitted from written guidelines, at the CAMHS level only, regarding transition but none had guidelines for mapping CAMHS/AMHS interface even at the regional level. Conclusion: Despite the availability of resources and even if the possibilities of access to care are on average higher than in many European countries, issues regarding transition remain comparable in six Swiss cantons when compared to Europe. Meaning that beyond resources, it is the coordination between services that needs to be worked on. Importantly, implementing those changes would not require investing financial resources but rather working on the coordination between existing teams