462 research outputs found

    ERRATUM: A Continuous Exact l0 penalty (CEL0) for least squares regularized problem

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    International audienceLemma 4.4 in [E. Soubies, L. Blanc-Féraud and G. Aubert, SIAM J. Imaging Sci., 8 (2015), pp. 1607-1639] is wrong for local minimizers of the CEL0 functional. The argument used to conclude the proof of this lemma is not sufficient in the case of local minimizers. In this note, we supplya revision of this Lemma where new results are established for local minimizers. Theorem 4.8 in that paper remains unchanged but the proof has to be rewritten according to the new version of the lemma. Finally, some remarks of this paper are also rewritten using the corrected lemma

    Experimental characterization of an earth eco-efficient plastering mortar

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    Earthen plastering mortars are becoming recognized as highly eco-efficient. The assessment of their technical properties needs to be standardized but only the German standard DIN 18947 exists for the moment. An extended experimental campaign was developed in order to assess multiple properties of a ready-mixed earth plastering mortar and also to increase scientific knowledge of the influence of test procedures on those properties. The experimental campaign showed that some aspects related to the equipment, type of samples and sample preparation can be very important, while others seemed to have less influence on the results and the classification of mortars. It also showed that some complementary tests can easily be performed and considered together with the standardized ones, while others may need to be improved. The plaster satisfied the requirements of the existing German standard but, most importantly, it seemed adequate for application as rehabilitation plaster on historic and modern masonry buildings. Apart from their aesthetic aspect, the contribution of earthen plasters to eco-efficiency and particularly to hygrometric indoor comfort should be highlighted.EMBARRO Ld

    Portances de la reconnaissance

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    Ce texte prend place dans un travail en cours sur la phénoménologie de la portance, notion au croisement de l’anthropologie et de l’ontologie, aux enjeux cliniques et éthiques nombreux. Les principales formes de portance associées à la reconnaissance sont ici envisagées, à travers les liens profonds qui nouent reconnaître et être porté, reconnaître et porter, mais aussi reconnaître et être reconnu. Accomplissement de la dimension perceptive de l’intelligence, la reconnaissance s’ouvre conjointement à l’existence et au style de l’être perçu, discerne et atteste son unicité, éprouvant ainsi l’une des trois grandes qualités ontologiques de la portance

    On the motivations for Merleau-Ponty’s ontological research

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    This paper attempts to clarify Merleau-Ponty’s later work by tracing a hitherto overlooked set of concerns that were of key consequence for the formulation of his ontological research. I argue that his ontology can be understood as a response to a set of problems originating in reflections on the intersubjective use of language in dialogue, undertaken in the early 1950s. His study of dialogue disclosed a structure of meaning-formation and pointed towards a theory of truth (both recurring ontological topics) that post-Phenomenology premises could not account for. A study of dialogue shows that speakers’ positions are interchangeable, that speaking subjects are active and passive in varying degrees, and that the intentional roles of subjects and objects are liable to shift or ‘transgress’ themselves. These observations anticipate the concepts of ‘reversibility’ and ‘narcissism’, his later view of activity and passivity, and his later view of intentionality, and sharpened the need to adopt an intersubjective focus in ontological research

    La chair ouverte à la portance de l’être

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    L’être humain est une manière singulière d’être corps, en rapport au monde, en relation avec autrui. Ce style qui constitue sa chair s’exprime dans certaines attitudes typiques marquées par une conjonction, parfois extrême, de passivité et d’activité – dès l’amplitude comme la profondeur de sa perception du monde, dans l’accueil et l’écoute qu’il peut accorder à autrui, dans une posture foncièrement interrogative intriquée avec des dimensions de consentement et de foi. Ces attitudes montrent ..

    Introdução à noção de sustentação

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    We attempt to introduce the necessity, meaning and anthropological issues surrounding anew concept, “lift” [portance]. This thinking stems from both a clinical and philosophicalbackground that explores the carnal (fleshly) foundation of desire. From a phenomenologyin dialogue with psychology, psychoanalysis and philosophy of education, the concept oflift addresses the very foundations of our openness to the world and to others

    Carne e Espelho em Merleau-Ponty

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    Interwoven with natural structurations and personal history, the flesh, in Merleau-Ponty's gradually-forged conception, is nourished by the combined influences of neurology, Gestalt psychology and psychoanalysis. This triple influence undergirds a recurring theme in his later writings: the mirror. "The flesh is a mirror phenomenon," Merleau-Ponty tells us. The unpublished manuscripts reveal that this famous clause refers neither directly to Husserl, nor to Wallon and Lacan, but is driven by contemporary readings of Paul Schilder and Wolfgang Metzger, who study the phenomena of distanciated migrations of the body-image in vision. The mirror mingles objective body with phenomenal body, in an effective community between my lived body and its external image. It shows how the flesh lives both within and outside of itself, animated by an essential incompleteness that engages perception in a process of incorporation and, thus, hints at intercorporeity.   Entrelaçada com estruturações naturais e história pessoal, a carne, na concepção gradualmente  forjada  por  Merleau-Ponty,  é  nutrida  pelas  influências  combinadas  da neurologia, Gestalt psicologia e psicanálise. Essa tripla influência sustenta um tema recorrente em seus últimos escritos: o espelho. "A carne é um fenômeno de espelho", nos diz Merleau-Ponty. Os manuscritos não publicados revelam que esta famosa sentença não se refere diretamente a  Husserl,  nem  a  Wallon  e  Lacan,  mas  é conduzida pelas  leituras contemporâneas  de  Paul  Schilder e Wolfgang Metzger,  que  estudam  o  fenômeno  de migrações distanciadas da imagem corporal na visão.  O espelho mistura corpo objetivo e corpo fenomenal, em uma comunidade efetiva entre meu corpo vivido e sua imagem externa. Ele mostra como a carne vive tanto em si quanto fora de si, animada por uma incompletude essencial que envolve a percepção em um processo de incorporação e, consequentemente, aponta para a intercorporeidade. 

    Endurer la surprise

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    1. Active passivité La surprise, en tant que telle, implique un « dehors », un événement dans notre relation au monde : elle n’est pas purement immanente à notre vie psychique. Il est impossible de se faire à soi-même une véritable surprise, il est bien difficile de simuler mentalement un effet de surprise. Plus transversal qu’un simple sentiment, le phénomène de la surprise peut solliciter l’ensemble de notre être, à commencer par notre institution corporelle la plus élémentaire. La surprise..

    Assessment of durability of biobased earth composites

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    Bio-based earth composites present various environmental benefits, such as usable wastes, coproducts, abundant or renewable materials, etc. Moreover, the incorporation of bioaggregates in the earth matrix allows the buildings to act as an effective carbon sink. A growing number of studies are now focusing on the mechanical and hygrothermal properties of bio-based earth building materials. However, the durability of these types of material is a major concern, and knowledge of their various aspects is essential to anticipate maintenance and sustain the performance levels. Here, the durability of compressed earth composites, valorizing discarded earth containing 3% of barley straw, hemp shiv, or rice husk, is investigated. Due to the lack of internationally recognized standards to assess the durability of earthen materials and products, we proposed some testing procedures and discussed their relevance. The addition of these three bioaggregates decreases stiffness, as estimated by ultrasound velocity, and improves the resistance to impact and erosion by water. However, water absorption under low pressure is increased, and dry abrasion resistance is decreased. Moreover, the rice husk composite presents the best compromise.publishersversionpublishe

    Characterization of the microbiome associated with in situ earthen materials

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    Background The current increase in public awareness of environmental risks is giving rise to a growth of interest in the microbiological safety of buildings. In particular, microbial proliferation on construction materials can be responsible for the degradation of indoor air quality that can increase health-risk to occupants. Raw earth materials are still widely used throughout the world and, in some cases, are linked to heritage habitats, as in the southwest of France. Moreover, these building materials are currently the subject of renewed interest for ecological and economic reasons. However, the microbial status of earthen materials raises major concerns: could the microbiome associated with such natural materials cause disease in building occupants? Very few analyses have been performed on the microbial communities present on these supports. Characterizing the raw earth material microbiome is also important for a better evaluation and understanding of the susceptibility of such materials to microbial development. This study presents the distribution of in situ bacterial and fungal communities on different raw earth materials used in construction. Various buildings were sampled in France and the microbial communities present were characterized by amplicon high-throughput sequencing (bacterial 16S rRNA gene and fungal ITS1 region). Bacterial culture isolates were identified at the species level by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Results The major fungal and bacterial genera identified were mainly associated with conventional outdoor and indoor environmental communities, and no specific harmful bacterial species were detected on earthen materials. However, contrary to expectations, few human-associated genera were detected in dwellings. We found lower microbial alpha-diversity in earthen material than is usually found in soil, suggesting a loss of diversity during the use of these materials in buildings. Interestingly enough, the main features influencing microbial communities were building history and room use, rather than material composition. Conclusions These results constitute a first in-depth analysis of microbial communities present on earthen materials in situ and may be considered as a first referential to investigate microbial communities on such materials according to environmental conditions and their potential health impact. The bacterial and fungal flora detected were similar to those found in conventional habitats and are thought to be mainly impacted by specific events in the building’s life, such as water damage