176 research outputs found
Development Directions of Mobile Systems to Help Human Resources
Electronic information systems used by interior and national emergency organizations are based on the same functional components, but even within an organization, specific entities can be equipped with different types of devices from different manufacturers. Apart from the fact that today the management of increasingly complex systems requires serious expertise, it is also complicated with the diversity of system components – so in their operation it is hard to become proficient and well-skilled. The attention of the operator becomes divided, so it is not entirely focused on their task. The topicality of the matter is the growing number of security developments. The purpose of my publication is to explore the tools and user aspects – with emphasis on user overload – related to these systems
Parallelotópok 3 dimenziós hiper alakzatai = 3-Dimensional fan of parallelotopes
A P parallelotóp egy olyan konvex politóp, melynek eltolt példányai a tér egy kövezését adják és lapjai lap-lap mentén csatlakoznak. Legyen F az n-dimenziós P parallelotóp egy (n −
− 3)-dimenziós lapja. Tekintsünk egy S 3-dimenziós teret, mely
transzverzálisan metszi az F lapot. Az F lap egy kis környezetében a P parallelotóp kövezésének az S térrel vett metszete adja a kövezés 3-dimenziós poliéder alakzatát, melyet az F lap 3-
dimenziós hiper alakzatának nevezünk. Ebben a cikkben az (n−
− 3)-dimenziós lapok 3-dimenziós hiper alakzatának és az F S
szabad tér dimenzójának a kapcsolatát vizsgáljuk
On dimension of configurations
The combinatorial (or abstract) configuration is an incidence
structure, which can often be represented in Euclidean or real
projective plane by a system of points and lines. B. Grünbaum
introduced the concept of the dimension of a configuration as
the largest dimensional space into which the configuration can be embedded to preserve the incidence. In this paper we examine the dimensions of some configurations and introduce the concept of the natural d-configuration
Smartphone use can be addictive? A case report
Background and aims The use of mobile phones has become an integral part of everyday life. Young people in particular can be observed using their smartphones constantly, and they not only make or receive calls but also use different applications or just tap touch screens for several minutes at a time. The opportunities provided by smartphones are attractive, and the cumulative time of using smartphones per day is very high for many people, so the question arises whether we can really speak of a mobile phone addiction? In this study, our aim is to describe and analyze a possible case of smartphone addiction. Methods We present the case of Anette, an 18-year-old girl, who is characterized by excessive smartphone use. We compare Anette’s symptoms to Griffiths’s conception of technological addictions, Goodman’s criteria of behavioral addictions, and the DSM-5 criteria of gambling disorder. Results Anette fulfills almost all the criteria of Griffiths, Goodman, and the DSM-5, and she spends about 8 hr in a day using her smartphone. Discussion Anette’s excessive mobile phone usage includes different types of addictive behaviors: making selfies and editing them for hours, watching movies, surfing on the Internet, and, above all, visiting social sites. The cumulative time of these activities results in a very high level of smartphone use. The device in her case is a tool that provides these activities for her whole day. Most of Anette’s activities with a mobile phone are connected to community sites, so her main problem may be a community site addiction
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