203 research outputs found

    Workflow processing using ERP objects

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    Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) Systems, and Workflow Management Systems (WFMS) evolved parallel in the past. The main business drivers for automation came from the ERP world, but the WFMS solutions discovered their own way figuring out the necessity of such applications without ERP as well. In our paper we follow only the usage of workflows in ERP systems. The central elements of built-in workflows are the ERP objects, which embed and handle the business data providing real life meaning of business objects as well. The capabilities of built-in workflow systems of such ERP solutions are presented via two market-leaders: SAP and Microsoft Dynamics AX. Both solutions are dealing with ERP objects in sence of the workflow management. We recognized and present the weaknesses and restrictions of the built-in workflow systems on these two ERP examples. In our paper we describe the results of our analysis of the interoperability of the built-in workflow systems as well and demonstrate the required add-on functionalities to provide usable cross-system workflows in such an environment. We also mention the possibility of using a built-in workflow as a full-featured WFMS

    Javában taggelünk

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    Digestate: A New Nutrient Source - Review

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    Kazinczy Ferenc művei (kritikai kiadás) = Works of Ferenc Kazinczy (critical edition)

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    A jelen pályázati ciklus végére értek be a mintegy tízesztendős alapozó és előkészítő munkálatok, mostanra elkészült a sorozat első öt kötete (közel háromezer B5-ös oldal terjedelemben), a három genetikus feldolgozási elvet követő önéletírás (Pályám emlékezete, Fogságom naplója, Erdélyi levelek) és két fordításokat tartalmazó forráskiadás (Nagyobb fordítások, Drámafordítások). Reméljük, a 2009-es Kazinczy-emlékévben köteteink meg is fognak jelenni (ez most elsősorban a kiadói pályázatok sikerességétől függ, amit a jelen pályázatból e célra tudtunk fordítani, azt megtettük). Számos további kötet munkálatai folynak, némelyik a befejezéshez közeledik. Párhuzamosan zajlik az elektronikus kiadás fejlesztése, hiszen abba minden kötet anyaga belekerül, csak a hordozó közeg eltérő lehetőségei és igényei szerint átalakítva. Az elkészült elektronikus bibliográfia mellett összeállt az akadémiai kéziratos hagyaték katalógusa, s az ebben feltárt anyagot mintegy hatvanezer digitális fotón archiváltuk. Reményeink és terveink szerint a Kazinczy-kiadás munkálatai folyamatosak lesznek a továbbiakban is. | Preparatory works, which we began ten years ago, have been fulfilled by the end of present research project. Five volumes of the series have already been completed by now (cca. 3000 pages, format B/5): three of these genetic editions belong to the autobiographes (Pályám emlékezete, Fogságom naplója, Erdélyi levelek), and two of them to the traslations (Nagyobb fordítások, Drámafordítások). We hope that these books will be issued in Kazinczy-Jubilee-Year 2009. (We support these volumes from the budget of present project with the maximum possible sum, success of issuing depends on the result of applications for additional funding, submitted by our publishers.) We are working on several further volumes, a few of them are to be completed. Developing the database of the digital edition is in progress simultaneously, because this version will include the texts of all printed volumes, by the adaptation of the completed works to the special needs and requirements of the digital edition. Beside a digital Kazinczy-bibliography, we have also completed the catalogue of his manuscripts held in the Archive of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. All these materials have already been digitalized, and gone through image processing (cca. 60.000 frames). We hope and aim to ensure a continuous and uninterrupted process of publishing the Kazinczy oeuvre

    Automatic structuring and correction suggestion system for Hungarian clinical records

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    The first steps of processing clinical documents are structuring and normalization. In this paper we demonstrate how we compensate the lack of any structure in the raw data by transforming simple formatting features automatically to structural units. Then we developed an algorithm to separate running text from tabular and numerical data. Finally we generated correcting suggestions for word forms recognized to be incorrect. Some evaluation results are also provided for using the system as automatically correcting input texts by choosing the best possible suggestion from the generated list. Our method is based on the statistical characteristics of our Hungarian clinical data set and on the HUMor Hungarian morphological analyzer. The conclusions claim that our algorithm is not able to correct all mistakes by itself, but is a very powerful tool to help manually correcting Hungarian medical texts in order to produce a correct text corpus of such a domain

    New approaches of storing ERP data

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