1,406 research outputs found

    Congestion phenomena caused by matching pennies in evolutionary games

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    Evolutionary social dilemma games are extended by an additional matching-pennies game that modifies the collected payoffs. In a spatial version players are distributed on a square lattice and interact with their neighbors. Firstly, we show that the matching-pennies game can be considered as the microscopic force of the Red Queen effect that breaks the detailed balance and induces eddies in the microscopic probability currents if the strategy update is analogous to the Glauber dynamics for the kinetic Ising models. The resulting loops in probability current breaks symmetry between the chessboard-like arrangements of strategies via a bottleneck effect occurring along the four-edge loops in the microscopic states. The impact of this congestion is analogous to the application of a staggered magnetic field in the Ising model, that is, the order-disorder critical transition is wiped out by noise. It is illustrated that the congestion induced symmetry breaking can be beneficial for the whole community within a certain region of parameters.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    The Connection between Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty in the Field of Commercial Banks.Part 1

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    In this study, I address the following questions that are becoming increasingly important to bank managers: How are the levels of customer satisfaction and loyality when chosen online service? What are the unique drivers of online customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction? How is the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyality in the online environment? I propose a conceptual framework, develop and test hypotheses about the drivers of customer satisfaction and loyality, the relationship between satisfaction and loyality especially dissatisfaction.

    Diverging fluctuations in a spatial five-species cyclic dominance game

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    A five-species predator-prey model is studied on a square lattice where each species has two prey and two predators on the analogy to the Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock game. The evolution of the spatial distribution of species is governed by site exchange and invasion between the neighboring predator-prey pairs, where the cyclic symmetry can be characterized by two different invasion rates. The mean-field analysis has indicated periodic oscillations in the species densities with a frequency becoming zero for a specific ratio of invasion rates. When varying the ratio of invasion rates, the appearance of this zero-eigenvalue mode is accompanied by neutrality between the species associations. Monte Carlo simulations of the spatial system reveal diverging fluctuations at a specific invasion rate, which can be related to the vanishing dominance between all pairs of species associations.Comment: accepted for publication in Physical Review


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    Knowledge is a special quasi-public good which is delivered by several types of institutions, including public and private universities. Knowledge to be produced in bigger quantities, the state should contribute with budgetary financial support as subsidies or grants to cover a part of expenses. States are supporting research from public resources, especially the basic research which enjoy a smaller interest from the private research units due its small potential to be implemented and recovered throughout price. Public co-founding of research generates problems regarding the regime of patents’ ownership because financing bodies have divergent opinion regarding the utility of research in society’s development. There are different approaches offered in solving this problem, taking into account the forms of realizing this quasi-public good, approaches based especially on different type of joint-ventures. Academic research, perceived as a very important and income generating activity, is done in a very large scale of combinations between universities and private entities. These complicated relations generates information asymmetry specific to principal-agent relations in economy. The control of information asymmetry level is important because a high level corresponds to inefficient use of funds and smaller satisfaction of general needs.Knowledge, Quasi-public goods, Information Asymmetry

    Erik Heller : 1880-1958

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    Deep Learning Based SoH Estimation of Lithium-ion Batteries

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    An artificial intelligence-based approach of estimating remaining useful life for Li-ion batteries has been used in this work, where two different recursive neural networks were set up, trained and investigated for two different scenarios. The investigated battery type is the widely used 18650 battery class. The training and prediction of both networks are performed on a publicly available high-quality dataset that serves as a base for several related research works. The batteries are charged/discharged until they reach their end of life by means of capacity degradation. The charge and discharge were performed under different charging current/load profiles. Out of the available data-driven methods, LSTM (long-short term memory) and GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) neural networks are the most promising candidate since they are capable of the handling of long-term processes, such as battery aging. The two networks are parameterized, trained and tested for two different scenarios

    Mikrocirkuláció vizsgálata gasztrointesztinális sebészetben = Investigation of microcirculation in gastrointestinal surgery

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    I. Kimutattuk, hogy a gyomorcsövesítés károsítja a csőgyomor cranialis harmadának vérellátását. Igazoltuk, hogy a thoracalis epidurális anaesthesia (TEA) fokozza a vasculárisan károsodott csőgyomor proximális harmadának mikrocirkulációját, egyben javítja a szöveti oxigenizációt és a belek motilitását is. Megfigyeléseink alapján javasoljuk a TEA rutinszerű klinikai alkalmazását a nyelőcső-sebészeti gyakorlatban. II. Kísérletes mechanikus icterus súlyos mikrocirkulációs károsodáshoz vezet és fokozza a bacteriális endotoxin (LPS) okozta mikrokeringési károsodásokat és jelentősen emeli a Kupffer sejtek aktiválódását. Az obstructios icterusban fokozódik az LPS okozta Kupffer sejt aktivitás és mikrokeringési károsodások is. A Kupffer sejt blokád jelentősen javította az LPS indukálta gyulladásos válaszreakciót és csökkentette a máj mikrokeringési és szöveti károsodását is. A phosphatidylcholinban (PC) gazdag táp adása kedvezően befolyásolja obstructios icterusban az endotoxaemia okozta lokális/szisztémás gyulladásos reakciókat, a perfúziós valamint szöveti károsodást. Eredményeink bizonyítják, hogy a Kupffer sejt gátlás módszere és a PC diéta megfelelő terápiás lehetőséget nyújthat a cholestasis okozta gyulladásos szövődményekkel szemben. III. Vizsgálataink igazolták, hogy a glükokortikoidok lényeges szerepet játszanak a heveny pancreatitis által előidézett gyulladásos válaszreakció kontrolljában és az extrapancreatikus szervek (tüdő, máj) károsodásainak mérséklésében. | I. Our results proved that gastroplasty dramatically impairs the blood flow in the cranial part of the gastric roll, while thoracic epidural anesthesia (TEA) significantly improves the microcirculation of the distal portion of the gastric tube and increases the intestinal motility after a gastric pull-up. These findings indicate that TEA is favorable and should be recommended during reconstructive esophageal surgery. II. Obstructive jaundice causes a severe perfusion failure with a moderate leukocyte reaction in the liver, and enhances both the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide-induced microcirculatory failure and the increased Kupffer cell activity. Kupffer cell blockade by GdCl3 reduces the microcirculatory consequences of endotoxemia, and beneficially influences the inflammatory reactions of obstructive jaundice combined with the lipopolysaccharide challenge. In experimental obstructive jaundice, the dietary phosphatidylcholine (PC) supplementation significantly ameliorates the local and systemic inflammatory reactions, perfusion failure and liver damage caused by endotoxemia. These data suggest a potential therapeutic benefit of PC supplementation to mitigate the harmful consequences of the inflammatory complications of cholestasis. III. The glucocorticoids mitigate progression of the inflammatory reaction and extrapancreatic organs (liver, lung) injuries during the early phase of acute pancreatitis


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    Inspecting the IMS structural system tensioned together from precast reinforced concrete elements, considerable corrosion, in some cases rupture of the reinforcing tendons was found in the critical floor cross-sections. On the basis of the results of investigations carried out on a typical floor panel, assuming a corrosion predictable from disclosures, possibility of failure of the critical cross-section is 15 years after its construction by about two orders of magnitude higher than prescribed in the Hungarian Standard. Complete corrosion or rupture of the reinforcing tendons in either of the directions can lead to progressive collapse of the floor due to the rearrangement of stresses. Its prevention calls for structure strengthening. Insufficient load bearing capacity of the floor structures - especially in the case of multielement systems - can be most favourably guaranteed by supplementary post- tensioning. Efficiency of the strengthening by post-tensioning depends essentially on the distribution of the normal force originating from the stressing force applied -concentrically in the block floor ribs - that can be regarded as monolithic in respect of the supplementary stressing -, as well as on moments and reactions due to concentrated forces arising in consequence of the polygonal cable arrangement and acting perpendicularly to the floor plane. For design the strengthening effect of subsequent steps of the post-tensioning and of the location of force application, the role of columns in stiffening, influence of the possible lattice models as well as the role of the 3.5 cm floor plate in stiffening and effect of joint eccentricity joint of structural elements have been investigated