222 research outputs found

    A lángkemencés atomabszorpciós spektrometriás detektálás on-line összekapcsolása elválasztástechnikai módszerekkel (HPLC, GC, CE) környezeti kémiai és speciációs analitikai vizsgálatokhoz = The on-line coupling of flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with separation techniques (HPLC, GC, LE) for environmental and speciation analytical determinations

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    A speciációs analitikai vizsgálatok eredményessége azon múlik, sikerül-e a legjobb hatékonyságú elválasztási módszert az adott elemre legérzékenyebb detektorral megfelelő módon összekapcsolni. Munkánk célja az volt, hogy az általunk kidolgozott lángkemencés atomabszorpciós spektrometriás módszerek (BIFF-AAS, TSFF-AAS) esetén lehetővé tegyük mikroliter térfogatú minták érzékeny elemzését. Tanulmányoztuk a szerves oldószerek alkalmazásának hatását a lángkemencés detektáló módszerrel kapott jelekre. A kidolgozott nagy érzékenységű AAS technikákat a nagyteljesítőképességű folyadékkromatográfiás (HPLC) módszerrel on-line módon összekapcsoltuk. Higanyvegyületek vizsgálatán keresztül igazoltuk, hogy a kapilláris elektroforézis különböző technikái kiváló felbontóerejüknek köszönhetően jól használhatóak fémspeciációs analitikai célokra. A kimutatási képesség javítása mellett fontos törekvésünk volt, hogy az adott mérési módszerrel nagyon kis térfogatú (akár 1 microL-nél kisebb térfogatú) mintából is kellően nagy érzékenységgel lehessen az adott komponenst meghatározni. A kidolgozott analitikai módszereket környezeti, biológiai és klinikai minták elemzéséhez alkalmaztuk. | The successfulness of the speciation analysis strongly depends on how effectively the coupling of separation techniques and the most sensitive element-selective detector can be implemented. The aim of our work was to enable the developed flame furnace atomic absorption methods (BIFF-AAS, TSFF-AAS) for sensitive determination of microliter volume of samples. We studied the effect of the applied organic solvents on the the analytical response obtained by flame furnace AAS. The developed highly sensitive AAS techniques were on-line hyphenated with high performance liquid chromatography. Through the analysis of mercury compounds, it was proved that the different methods of capillary electrophoresis are excellently usable for elemental speciation analysis due to the very good separation power of these methods. Besides improving the analytical performance of the developed procedures we made efforts to dramatically reduce the volume of the sample to a minute extent (even smaller than 1 microL) and to analyze these samples sensitively. The developed analytical methods were applied in environmental, biological and clinical samples

    Study of phytoremediation by use of willow and rape

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    The mining activity surrounding the historic Pb/Zn mine at Gyöngyösoroszi (Hungary) causes heavy metal problems, being a potential risk for all organisms. One of the promising methods for cleaning of metal polluted soils is phytoremediation. Uptake and translocation of heavy metals by two selected plants, willow (Salix spp.) and rape (Brassica napus L.) was studied at Gyöngyösoroszi (Hungary), near to a lead/zinc mine, lower flooded area of Toka valley, where the soil is charged with high content of Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu (>1000, >3000, >18 and >280 mg/kg, respectively). The increased uptake and translocation rate of Cd and Zn from root to shoot indicated that phytoextraction technology is possible, while high Cu and Pb concentrations in roots with low translocation rate suggested the phytostabilisation method. Uptake and translocation rate of metals were generally higher in willow than in rape. Based on our results, under the present ecological conditions willow is rather applicable for phytoremediation purposes

    Heavy metal uptake by two radish varieties

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the soil effect on the toxic metal uptake of two radish (Raphanus sativus L.) varieties. In our pot study the control soil was chernozem brown forestry soil and the contaminated soil was one soil sample from a mine dump with high As, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn content. Characters of the examined varieties differed strongly: growing rate, capacity of metal accumulation, sensitivity to heavy metal pollution. Variety with greater growing rate in juvenile stage had a smaller heavy metal uptake capacity and higher sensitivity to toxic heavy metal content, but had a higher heavy metal uptake in the control soil. Hard available and slowly translocating element (As, Pb, Co and Cu) contents of shoots were different among the two cultivars, while the easily moving metal (Cd, Zn) content was not different

    Phytoremediation study: factors influencing heavy metal uptake of plants

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    Factors influencing heavy metal uptake of plants were studied by pot and field experiments. All results concern soils and dump samples originated from the surrounding of Pb/Zn mine at Gyöngyösoroszi characterised with high complex heavy metal content. This summarising work demonstrated effects on the heavy metal content of 20 cultivated and wild plant species, being determined with a view to phytoremediation. Influences of the most important plant species (developmental stage, plant parts, and ecological factors, such as pH-value, temperature, soil treatment with lime and lignite) were examined. Interaction between ecological factors and plant characters was demonstrated, as well as results of pot and field studies were compared. Tested plant species were grouped on the basis of their accumulation capability and susceptibility of heavy metals