35 research outputs found

    Blocking optimal kk-arborescences

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    Given a digraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) and a positive integer kk, an arc set F⊆AF\subseteq A is called a \textbf{kk-arborescence} if it is the disjoint union of kk spanning arborescences. The problem of finding a minimum cost kk-arborescence is known to be polynomial-time solvable using matroid intersection. In this paper we study the following problem: find a minimum cardinality subset of arcs that contains at least one arc from every minimum cost kk-arborescence. For k=1k=1, the problem was solved in [A. Bern\'ath, G. Pap , Blocking optimal arborescences, IPCO 2013]. In this paper we give an algorithm for general kk that has polynomial running time if kk is fixed

    On the tractability of some natural packing, covering and partitioning problems

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    In this paper we fix 7 types of undirected graphs: paths, paths with prescribed endvertices, circuits, forests, spanning trees, (not necessarily spanning) trees and cuts. Given an undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) and two "object types" A\mathrm{A} and B\mathrm{B} chosen from the alternatives above, we consider the following questions. \textbf{Packing problem:} can we find an object of type A\mathrm{A} and one of type B\mathrm{B} in the edge set EE of GG, so that they are edge-disjoint? \textbf{Partitioning problem:} can we partition EE into an object of type A\mathrm{A} and one of type B\mathrm{B}? \textbf{Covering problem:} can we cover EE with an object of type A\mathrm{A}, and an object of type B\mathrm{B}? This framework includes 44 natural graph theoretic questions. Some of these problems were well-known before, for example covering the edge-set of a graph with two spanning trees, or finding an ss-tt path PP and an s′s'-t′t' path P′P' that are edge-disjoint. However, many others were not, for example can we find an ss-tt path P⊆EP\subseteq E and a spanning tree T⊆ET\subseteq E that are edge-disjoint? Most of these previously unknown problems turned out to be NP-complete, many of them even in planar graphs. This paper determines the status of these 44 problems. For the NP-complete problems we also investigate the planar version, for the polynomial problems we consider the matroidal generalization (wherever this makes sense)

    A new approach to splitting-off

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    Covering symmetric skew-supermodular functions with hyperedges

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    In this paper we give results related to a theorem of Szigeti that concerns the covering of symmetric skew-supermodular set functions with hyperedges of minimum total size. In particular, we show the following generalization using a variation of Schrijver’s supermodular colouring theorem: if p1 and p2 are skewsupermodular functions whose maximum value is the same, then it is possible to find in polynomial time a hypergraph of minimum total size that covers both of them. Note that without the assumption on the maximum values this problem is NP-hard. The result has applications concerning the local edge-connectivity augmentation problem of hypergraphs and the global edge-connectivity augmentation problem of mixed hypergraphs. We also present some results on the case when the hypergraph must be obtained by merging given hyperedges