11 research outputs found

    Development aid for energy in Small Island Developing States

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    Abstract Background Energy is given high priority in the national development agendas of most Small Island Developing States (SIDS) because it is intertwined with social, economic and environmental challenges. Many SIDS experience heavy fiscal burdens associated with imported fuels, some have very low electricity access rates, and islands also have a strong interest in the transition to cleaner energy because they are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. This paper presents a global mapping of development finance for SIDS’ energy sectors. We analyse whether energy aid has increased following international commitments to support developing countries tackle climate change and whether this is supporting renewable energy, whether finance has been targeted to different recipient countries based on either their income status or their electricity access rates and whether electricity access rates have substantially improved during this time, and whether financial commitments are actually being disbursed. Methods Focusing mainly on the period 2002–2016, we use data reported by bilateral and multilateral sources to the Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development’s Development Assistance Committee on financial support to 37 SIDS. Our analysis includes almost 5700 energy-related transactions between 2002 and 2016. Data on populations and electricity access rates of individual countries come from the World Bank’s Open Data platform. Results We observe an increase in funding since 2009 and a shift towards renewables, and solar particularly, though oil-fired plants and other non-renewables continue to be funded. Energy aid is unevenly spread between SIDS, on a total and a per capita basis. There is little correlation between the allocations made to individual countries and either their income or energy access gaps, and improvements in electricity access have been slow in those countries where the gap is largest. We also identify low disbursement rates, suggesting implementation problems. Conclusions There is an urgent need to improve the quantity and quality of aid to help SIDS tackle their significant energy challenges. While the trend towards more funding for renewables is positive, low disbursement levels and limited support for strengthening local human and institutional capacities may be limiting its effectiveness

    Together Alone : BASIC countries and the climate change conundrum

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    Siden 2009 har Brasilien, Sydafrika, Indien og Kina – de såkaldte BASIC-lande – samarbejdet i de internationale klimaforhandlinger. Dette afspejler deres stræben efter en større indflydelse på den globale politik. Men der er nogle der hævder at gruppens fremgangsmåde har blokeret for fremskridt i forhandlingerne. Dette er dog en overfladisk betragtning. Hvis man ønsker en reel indsigt i BASIC-gruppens fremgangsmåde, er det nødvendigt at forstå udviklingsproblemerne i hvert enkelt land og den geopolitiske værdi som de ser i et samarbejde. Der er tale om fire forskellige lande, og derfor er det de indenrigspolitiske prioriteringer som definerer grænserne for deres samarbejde, og hvad de kan bidrage med i klimadiskussionerne. Denne rapport, som Nordisk Ministerråd har bestilt fra Stockholm Environment Institute, giver en mere nuanceret forståelse for BASIC-samarbejdet. En sådan forståelse er af afgørende betydning hvis de internationale klimaforhandlinger skal lykkes

    Mobilizing climate finance flows : Nordic approaches and opportunities

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    If the Agreement’s goal - limit the global temperature increase below 2°C - is to be met, all financial flows need to shift dramatically and rapidly from current investment patterns to 2°C compatible pathways. This study analyses the roles Nordic actors might play in mobilizing finance flows internationally and outlines a roadmap that can guide joint Nordic action during the next five to ten years. While the roadmap covers components of “climate related ODA” and climate compatible contributions from the private sector, the focus of the roadmap lies on the crucial bridging and dialogue that is required between key actors. Building on identified Nordic strengths and areas needing accelerated international support, the report concludes with a set of immediate next steps to operationalize the roadmap in 2017-2018