46 research outputs found


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    Background: International literature has shown that Postpartum Depression (PPD) has a significant social and relational impact on mothers and their partners, on the interaction between mother and child, as well as on the cognitive and emotional development of the child. The goal of this study is to increase the epidemiological knowledge of PPD and to evaluate both risk and protective factors. Subjects and methods: Our study is based on the administration of three tests, Paykel’s Life Events Scale, EPDS and MMPI-2, at three distinct time point (during the third trimester, 72 hours after delivery, and three months after delivery, respectively) to a sample of women recruited in the Prenatal Medicine Clinic at the Hospital of Perugia. The data collected was statistically analyzed. Results: The prevalence of PPD 72 hours after delivery was 11%, while the prevalence of PPD three months after delivery was 16.7%. Antepartum Depression (APD), measured using EPDS cut-offs scores of 9 and 14, was found to be a statistically significant risk factor for the development of PPD, while desired life-events during pregnancy can represent a protective factor. Conclusions: The prevalence of PPD that we measured, in agreement with that found in the literature, demonstrates that despite the fact that the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV refer to PPD only if it develops within 4 weeks after delivery, PPD can also develop after this period. Furthermore, it appears that monitoring APD and encouraging a psycho-socially serene pregnancy are important for prevention of PPD. In the case of APD it was shown that monitoring women with even light depressive symptoms is important, because these women are more likely to then develop PPD


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    Introduction: Child maltreatment is a well-known condition that is currently considered to be associated with the development of severe psychiatric conditions. Consequently, the authors decided to review the current literature in order to give a complete scenario of the situation in the world and to give recommendations about prevention and treatment as well as research goals. Methods: An electronic search was conducted through the means of MEDLINE database in order to find the most up to date peer-reviewed papers, including only those papers published in 2015. Results: 15 papers were included and analyzed the current situation in different countries: US (n.3), Australia (n.2), Ireland (n.2), Israel (n.2), China (n.2), Indonesia (n.1), Pakistan (n.1) and Norway (n.1). Discussion: Even though sexual abuse has been studied extensively, both physical and emotional abuse and neglect appear to be more represented within the population of patients that had suffered from abuse. Psychiatric disorders (mainly personality disorders, depression and anxiety), interpersonal, social and legal outcomes are important consequences of child maltreatment. Conclusions: Interventions and strategies are needed at different levels, from prevention to treatment and further research is important in order to better understand the phenomenon

    Trophic dynamics of three sympatric anuran species in a soybean agroecosystem from Santa Fe Province, Argentina

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    The conversion of forests to agroecosystems presents a challenge for biodiversity conservation. In this study, the feeding habits of three species of anurans (Rhinella fernandezae, Odontophrynus americanus and Physalaemus albonotatus) were comparedRhinella fernandezae, Odontophrynus americanus and Physalaemus albonotatus) were compared between a soybean field and a native forest in Santa Fe Province, Argentina. Our dietary assessment is based on 124 individuals (47 R. fernandezae, 45 O. americanus and 32 P. albonotatus). Lepidopteran larvae were the predominant item in anuranR. fernandezae, 45 O. americanus and 32 P. albonotatus). Lepidopteran larvae were the predominant item in anuran diets from the soybean field, whereas collembola, isopods and snails prevailed in the diets from forests. Generally, the three anuran species shifted their diets as prey differs in the two environments, but R. fernandezae and P. albonotatus maintainedR. fernandezae and P. albonotatus maintained a preference for a few prey types. Mean niche overlap in the soybean field was smaller than expected by chance, suggesting that the three anuran species are competing for limited resources. Trophic studies on other native anurans in agroecosystems should be a priority in conservation efforts due to their potential use as natural control agents, as well as for assessing the consequences of the broad conversion of natural forest to agricultural use in our region and throughout the world.Fil: Peltzer, Paola. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Attademo, Andres Maximiliano. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Lajmanovich, Rafael Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Junges, Celina Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ciencias Veterinarias del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Beltzer, Adolfo Hector. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto Nacional de Limnología. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto Nacional de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Laura Cecilia. Universidad Nacional del Litoral; Argentin

    Reproductive activity of anurans in a dominant agricultural landscape from central-eastern Argentina

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    Agriculture can modify natural systems through habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as through the effect of agrochemicals on biological traits such as reproduction. We studied anuran diversity and reproduction of assemblages from 3 sites with different degrees of agricultural activities (an agroecosystem, a transitional area, and a natural forest) located in Entre Ríos province (Argentina). We conducted several field surveys during 2 soybeancropping periods from November 2006 to April 2008. A total of 23 anuran species were identified. Richness, evenness and diversity differed among sites. No range-abundance models were statistically adequate to describe the distribution of abundances within the agroecosystem, whereas the anuran species from the other 2 sites fitted the normal logarithmic model. The location and substrates used for nuptial calling in ponds, as well as the reproductive periods of anuran species varied among sites. These findings might respond to a combination of factors, such as anuran composition, species abundances, availability of reproductive microhabitats, and variation of microclimatic characteristics among sites, the agroecosystem being the most different anuran reproductive community. Finally, our results suggest that agricultural land use have adverse effects on the reproduction of anurans in central-eastern Argentina.La agricultura puede modificar los sistemas naturales mediante la fragmentación y pérdida de hábitat, como también debido al efecto de los agroquímicos sobre rasgos biológicos tales como la reproducción. Se estudió la diversidad y la reproducción en 3 comunidades de anuros provenientes de sitios con distintos grados de actividad agrícola (un agroecosistema, una área de transición y un bosque natural) de la provincia de Entre Ríos (Argentina). Se realizaron inspecciones a campo durante 2 periodos entre la siembra y la cosecha de soja, desde noviembre de 2006 hasta abril de 2008. Se identificaron 23 especies de anuros. La riqueza, la equitatividad y la diversidad difirieron entre sitios. La distribución de abundancias dentro del agroecosistema no se ajustó a ningún modelo rango-abundancia. La ubicación y los sustratos utilizados para vocalizar por las especies como también sus periodos reproductivos variaron entre sitios. Estos resultados podrían responder a una combinación de factores tales como composición de anuros, abundancia de las especies, disponibilidad de microhabitats reproductivos y variaciones microclimáticas entre sitios, siendo el agroecosistema la comunidad reproductiva más diferente. Finalmente, se sugiere que el uso de la tierra para la agricultura tendría efectos adversos sobre la reproducción de los anuros en el centro-este de Argentina.Fil: Sanchez, Laura Cecilia. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquimica y Ciencias Biologicas. Escuela Superior de Sanidad; Argentina;Fil: Peltzer, Paola. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquimica y Ciencias Biologicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; Argentina;Fil: Lajmanovich, Rafael Carlos. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquimica y Ciencias Biologicas. Escuela Superior de Sanidad; Argentina;Fil: Manzano, Adriana Silvina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico y Transferencia de Tecnologia A la Producción; Argentina;Fil: Junges, Celina Maria. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental; Argentina;Fil: Attademo, Andres Maximiliano. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Bioquímica y Ciencias Biológicas. Laboratorio de Saneamiento Ambiental. Cátedra de Ecotoxicologia; Argentina

    Physalaemus santafecinus (Barrio, 1965). Ranita maulladora

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    Producción independiente incluida en la Categorización del Estado de Conservación de la Herpetofauna de la República Argentina. Fichas de los Taxones. Anfibios., Vaira, et al., 2012). Estas fichas son producciones independientes de un especialista o grupo de especialistas en cada taxón al que le correspondía una ficha individual por presentar cambios en el estado de conservación de sus poblaciones respecto de la categorización propuesta por Lavilla et al., 2000. La categorización de especie Insuficientemente Conocida a No Amenazada se debe a las siguientes evidencias. Tiene una distribución limitada (endemismo ecoregional) dentro de Argentina. Se distribuye en las provincias de Santa Fe, Corrientes, Chaco, Formosa, y eventualmente en Entre Ríos. Es una especie abundante que habita biotopos arenosos cercanos a cuerpos de agua temporarios donde se reproduce. Se adapta a fuertes modificaciones del hábitat, siendo frecuente su hallazgo en urbanizaciones así como también áreas agrícolas (Peltzer et al., 2006; Duré et al., 2008; Attademo, 2010; Lajmanovich et al., 2010). Posee una dieta generalista presentando una preferencia, no estricta, por isópteros, formícidos y colémbolos (Duré, 1998, 2004; Attademo, 2010; Cajade, 2012). Su potencial reproductivo se determinó sobre la base del análisis de 50 nidos de espuma, encontrándose que las hembras pueden oviponer entre 461 y 3165 huevos (1441,75 ± 432,42) (Cajade, 2012). Sus poblaciones no revisten mayores amenazas. La especie se halla protegida en numerosas áreas de conservación a lo largo de su distribución geográfica. Se sugiere reforzar la búsqueda de este taxón en distintas localidades de la provincia de Entre Ríos para confirmar su presencia permanente (Lajmanovich y Peltzer, 2001; obs. pers.) como así también en MisionesFil: Cajade, Rodrigo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Duré Pitteri, Marta Inés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Schaefer, Eduardo Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lajmanovich, Rafael Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Peltzer, Paola. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Attademo, Andres Maximiliano. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Junges, Celina Maria. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez, Laura Cecilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Levantamento das áreas de ocorrência de peixe-boi-marinho (Trichechus manatus manatus) no interior da Reserva Extrativista Marinha de Cururupu/MA e região de entorno

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    In Brazil there are two species of sirenians belonging to the Trichechidae family, the Antilles manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) and the Amazonian manatee (Trichechus inunguis). Both are threatened with extinction, classified as "Endangered" (EN) in the case of the manatee and "Vulnerable" (VU) for the Amazonian species. The manatee became extinct in the states of Espírito Santo, Bahia and Sergipe and, therefore, its current distribution extends along the Northeast, in the state of Alagoas, to the North region, in the state of Amapá. In Maranhão, there are frequent records of the presence of this mammal in the Reentrâncias Maranhenses, and thus the region is considered an important refuge for the species. Aiming to confirm this assumption, the objective of this research was to carry out a survey of the areas of records of manatees inside the RESEX Cururupu and surrounding region and the ecological attributes that allow the presence of the species. In the present study, three records of marine manatee strandings inside the RESEX Cururupu were verified and 100 interviews were carried out in 5 communities around. It was identified that the occurrence of the manatee is associated with the entire length of the Uru River, and only the lower course of the river is located within the Conservation Unit. Bacteriological and physical-chemical analyzes indicated parameters within the normal range and conducive to the good development of the species. Ethnomapping with environmental characterization of the area of influence of the Uru River was carried out, indicating the main points of view of the animal, such as the presence of banks of aquatic macrophytes, places of occurrence of fresh water and the possible route used by the manatee.En Brasil existen dos especies de sirenios pertenecientes a la familia Trichechidae, el manatí de las Antillas (Trichechus manatus manatus) y el manatí amazónico (Trichechus inunguis). Ambos se encuentran amenazados de extinción, clasificados como "En Peligro" (EN) en el caso del manatí y "Vulnerable" (VU) para la especie amazónica. El manatí se extinguió en los estados de Espírito Santo, Bahía y Sergipe y, por tanto, su distribución actual se extiende por el Nordeste, en el estado de Alagoas, hasta la región Norte, en el estado de Amapá. En Maranhão, son frecuentes los registros de la presencia de este mamífero en las Reentrâncias Maranhenses, por lo que la región es considerada un importante refugio para la especie. Con el objetivo de confirmar esta suposición, el objetivo de esta investigación fue realizar un relevamiento de las áreas de registros de manatíes dentro de la RESEX Cururupu y región aledaña y los atributos ecológicos que permiten la presencia de la especie. En el presente estudio se verificaron tres registros de varamientos de manatíes marinos dentro de la RESEX Cururupu y se realizaron 100 entrevistas en 5 comunidades aledañas. Se identificó que la ocurrencia del manatí está asociada a todo el largo del río Uru, y solo el curso bajo del río se encuentra dentro de la unidad de conservación. Los análisis bacteriológicos y físico-químicos indicaron parámetros dentro de la normalidad y propicios para el buen desarrollo de la especie. Se realizó un etnomapeo con caracterización ambiental del área de influencia del río Uru, indicando los principales puntos de vista del animal, como la presencia de bancos de macrófitos acuáticos, lugares de ocurrencia de agua dulce y la ruta posible utilizada por el manatí.No Brasil existem duas espécies de sirênios pertencentes à família Trichechidae: o peixe-boi-marinho-das-Antilhas (Trichechus manatus manatus) e o peixe-boi-amazônico (Trichechus inunguis). Ambas estão ameaçadas de extinção, classificadas como "Em perigo" (EN), no caso do peixe-boi-marinho, e "Vulnerável" (VU), para a espécie amazônica. O peixe-boi-marinho foi extinto nos estados do Espírito Santo, Bahia e Sergipe e, portanto, sua distribuição atual se estende ao longo do Nordeste, no estado de Alagoas, até a região Norte, no estado do Amapá. No Maranhão, há registros frequentes da presença desse mamífero nas Reentrâncias Maranhenses, e dessa forma a região é considerada um importante refúgio para a espécie. Visando confirmar esse pressuposto, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi realizar o levantamento das áreas de registros de peixes-boi-marinhos no interior da Reserva Extrativista (RESEX) Cururupu e região de entorno e os atributos ecológicos que permitem a presença da espécie. No presente estudo, foram verificados três registros de encalhes de peixe-boi marinho no interior da RESEX Cururupu e realizadas 100 entrevistas em 5 comunidades do entorno. Identificou-se que a ocorrência do peixe-boi está associada a toda extensão do rio Uru, sendo que apenas o curso baixo do rio está localizado no interior da unidade de conservação. Análises bacteriológicas e físico-químicas indicaram parâmetros dentro da normalidade e propícios ao bom desenvolvimento da espécie. Foi realizado o etnomapeamento com caracterização ambiental da área de influência do rio Uru, indicando os principais pontos de avistagem do animal, como presença de bancos de macrófitas aquáticas, locais de ocorrência de água doce e o possível percurso utilizado pelo peixe-boi-marinho

    Impactos antrópicos aos ambientes manguezais em áreas de ocorrência do Peixe-boi-marinho trichechus manatus manatus no litoral brasileiro: uma revisão

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    The Antillean manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus) is an aquatic mammal that inhabits coastal, estuarine, and mangrove areas along Brazil's North and Northeastern regions. Currently, the species is classified as ‘Endangered' due to habitat loss and degradation by multiple anthropic activities. The present study is a review of the impacts caused by shrimp farms, salt farms, sugar cane plantation and oil extraction to mangrove and estuarine environments, the manatees' occurrence area on the Brazilian coast. The searching methodology was defined start in 1980 and end in 2022 and limited to impacts caused by activities occurring at the manatees' occurrence areas. Our research resulted in 36 studies, unevenly distributed among the Brazilian states of North and Northeastern regions. While 81% of the studies regarding the impacts of shrimp farms were from Ceará state; Piauí yielded no studies of any of the selected enterprises. In the discussion we present the potential impacts caused by such human activities at mangrove and estuaries ecosystem health, and, consequently on the health and conservation of the Antillean manatee in Brazil, highlighting the need for environmental laws reinforcement and expansion to provide the species and its habitat conservation.El manatí (Trichechus manatus manatus) es un mamífero acuático que habita mares, manglares y estuarios en las regiones Norte y Nordeste de Brasil. La especie está categorizada como 'En peligro' de extinción en Brasil debido a la ocurrencia de actividades humanas, incluida la caza en el pasado y la constante degradación y pérdida de su hábitat que ocurren hasta el día de hoy. El presente estudio trata de una revisión bibliográfica sobre los impactos de las principales actividades humanas que representan una amenaza para la especie en el litoral brasileño, considerando su potencial de degradación y presentando perspectivas futuras para apoyar medidas de protección para la conservación de la especie en Brasil. La metodología de búsqueda se definió con el año 1980 como punto de partida y se limitó a análisis en el área de ocurrencia del manatí. Los resultados demuestran la fragilidad de los manglares, a pesar de la existencia de leyes ambientales para proteger este ecosistema en Brasil, destacando la necesidad de reforzar y ampliar las acciones de protección y fiscalización.   O peixe-boi-marinho (Trichechus manatus manatus) é um mamífero aquático que habita mares, áreas de manguezais e estuários nas regiões Norte e Nordeste do Brasil. A espécie é categorizada como ‘Em Perigo' de extinção no Brasil devido à constante degradação e perda do seu habitat. O presente estudo trata de uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os impactos da carcinicultura, da salina, da plantação de cana-de-açúcar e da extração de gás e petróleo nos manguezais e estuários na área de ocorrência da espécie. A metodologia de busca foi definida tendo como ponto de partida o ano de 1980 até o ano de 2022 e limitando-se a análises na área de ocorrência do peixe-boi- marinho. A busca pelo Google Scholar resultou na obtenção de 36 estudos, os quais se distribuem desigualmente entre os estados brasileiros da região Norte e Nordeste. O estado do Ceará apresentou 81% do total de estudos sobre o impacto da carcinicultura, enquanto a busca por empreendimentos de qualquer natureza no Piauí resultou na ausência de estudos. Na discussão abordamos os potenciais impactos causados por tais atividades antrópicas na saúde ecossistêmica de manguezais e estuários e, consequentemente, na saúde e conservação do peixe-boi-marinho no Brasil, ressaltando a necessidade de reforço e ampliação das ações de proteção e fiscalização dessas áreas para a manutenção das populações de peixe-boi-marinho na costa brasileira

    Categorización del estado de conservación de los anfibios de la República Argentina

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    A más de una década de la primera Lista Roja de herpetofauna propuesta por la Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (Lavilla et al., 2000), se recategorizaron los anfibios a partir de nueva información taxonómica, biogeográfica, bio-ecológica y de modificaciones metodológicas respecto a la evaluación anterior. Mediante la participación de 35 especialistas de toda la Argentina se reevaluaron 175 taxones de anfibios (171 en la anterior) incluyendo 23 taxones nuevos para Argentina y obteniéndose como resultado la inclusión de 51 especies en la Lista Roja (8 En Peligro, 11 Amenazadas, 32 Vulnerables), 21 Insuficientemente Conocidas y 103 No Amenazadas. En relación con la categorización anterior de la AHA, los cambios de categorías han sido: un taxón descendió de las categorías En Peligro a Amenazado, siete taxones descendieron de Amenazados o Vulnerables a Insuficientemente Conocidos y nueve de Insuficientemente Conocidos a No Amenazados. Tres No Amenazados y 10 Insuficientemente Conocidos fueron elevados a distintas categorías de amenaza, nueve taxones Vulnerables fueron elevados a Amenazados, cinco de Vulnerables a En Peligro, y un taxón fue elevado de Amenazado a En Peligro. De 23 taxones no evaluados en el 2000, 16 se ubican en la categoría No Amenazados, tres en Insuficientemente Conocidos y cuatro en Vulnerables. Estas modificaciones son el resultado de: (1) mayor información sistemática, biogeográfica y bio-ecológica disponible para la evaluación,(2) cambios en cuanto a las presiones antrópicas sobre las especies o sus hábitats, (3) modificaciones metodológicas que incluyeron instructivos para aplicar los conceptos, la discusión y consenso entre especialistas y el análisis de las incertidumbres.More than a decade after the first red list of herpetofauna proposed by the Asociación Herpetológica Argentina (Lavilla et al., 2000), we recategorized amphibians based on new taxonomic, biogeographical, bio-ecological information and methodological changes in the former evaluation. Through the participation of 35 specialists from all over Argentina 175 taxa of amphibians (171 in the previous categorization) are reevaluated including 23 new taxa added to Argentina, obtaining as results the inclusion of 51 Red List species (8 Endangered, 11 Threatened, 32 Vulnerable), 21 Insufficiently Known and 103 Not Threatened. In relation to the former categorization of the AHA the changes were: one taxon descended from Critically Endangered to Endangered, seven taxa descended from Endangered orVulnerable to Insufficiently Known, and nine from Insufficiently Known to Not Threatened. Three Not Threatened and 10 Insufficiently Known were elevated to different categories of threat, nine taxa were elevated from Endangered to Vulnerable, five from Vulnerable to Endangered, and one from Threatened was elevated to Critically Endangered. Of 23 taxa not evaluated in 2000, 16 are placed as Not Threatened, three Vulnerable, and four Insufficiently Known. These changes are the result of: (1) more available information for evaluation from systematic, biogeography and bio- ecology, (2) changes in human pressures over the species or over their habitats, (3) methodological changes that included recommendations for applying concepts, discussion and consensus among experts and analysis of uncertainties.Asociación Herpetológica Argentin

    Perinatal depression: A study of prevalence and of risk and protective factors

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    Background: International literature has shown that Postpartum Depression (PPD) has a significant social and relational impact on mothers and their partners, on the interaction between mother and child, as well as on the cognitive and emotional development of the child. The goal of this study is to increase the epidemiological knowledge of PPD and to evaluate both risk and protective factors. Subjects and methods: Our study is based on the administration of three tests, Paykel’s Life Events Scale, EPDS and MMPI-2, at three distinct time point (during the third trimester, 72 hours after delivery, and three months after delivery, respectively) to a sample of women recruited in the Prenatal Medicine Clinic at the Hospital of Perugia. The data collected was statistically analyzed. Results: The prevalence of PPD 72 hours after delivery was 11%, while the prevalence of PPD three months after delivery was 16.7%. Antepartum Depression (APD), measured using EPDS cut-offs scores of 9 and 14, was found to be a statistically significant risk factor for the development of PPD, while desired life-events during pregnancy can represent a protective factor. Conclusion: The prevalence of PPD that we measured, in agreement with that found in the literature, demonstrates that despite the fact that the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV refer to PPD only if it develops within 4 weeks after delivery, PPD can also develop after this period. Furthermore, it appears that monitoring APD and encouraging a psycho-socially serene pregnancy are important for prevention of PPD. In the case of APD it was shown that monitoring women with even light depressive symptoms is important, because these women are more likely to then develop PPD