314 research outputs found

    Combined effects of AHR, CYP1A1, and XRCC1 genotypes and prenatal maternal smoking on infant birth size : Biomarker assessment in the Hokkaido Study

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    Objectives: We investigated the individual and combined effects of maternal polymorphisms encoding the aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AHR; rs2066853), cytochrome P450 (CYP) 1A1 (rs1048963), and the X-ray-complementing gene 1 (XRCC1; rs1799782) and prenatal smoking in relation to infant birth size. Methods: Totally, 3263 participants (1998 non-smokers and 1265 smokers) were included in the study between 2003 and 2007. Two groups of mothers were distinguished by plasma cotinine levels by ELISA measured during the third trimester (cut-off = 11.48 ng/mL). We conducted data analysis using multiple linear regression models. Results: Infants whose mothers smoked and had AHR-GG, CYP1A1-AG/GG, and XRCC1-CT/TT genotypes weighed, -145 g less than those born of mothers who did not smoke and had the AHR-GA/AA, CYP1A1-AA, and XRCC1-CC genotypes (95% CI: -241, -50). Conclusions: We demonstrated that infants whose mothers smoked during pregnancy with the combination of AHR, CYP1A1, and XRCC1 polymorphisms had lower birth size

    Mutant analyses reveal different functions of fgfr1 in medaka and zebrafish despite conserved ligand–receptor relationships

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    AbstractMedaka (Oryzias latipes) is a small freshwater teleost that provides an excellent developmental genetic model complementary to zebrafish. Our recent mutagenesis screening using medaka identified headfish (hdf) which is characterized by the absence of trunk and tail structures with nearly normal head including the midbrain–hindbrain boundary (MHB). Positional-candidate cloning revealed that the hdf mutation causes a functionally null form of Fgfr1. The fgfr1hdf is thus the first fgf receptor mutant in fish. Although FGF signaling has been implicated in mesoderm induction, mesoderm is induced normally in the fgfr1hdf mutant, but subsequently, mutant embryos fail to maintain the mesoderm, leading to defects in mesoderm derivatives, especially in trunk and tail. Furthermore, we found that morpholino knockdown of medaka fgf8 resulted in a phenotype identical to the fgfr1hdf mutant, suggesting that like its mouse counterpart, Fgf8 is a major ligand for Fgfr1 in medaka early embryogenesis. Intriguingly, Fgf8 and Fgfr1 in zebrafish are also suggested to form a major ligand–receptor pair, but their function is much diverged, as the zebrafish fgfr1 morphant and zebrafish fgf8 mutant acerebellar (ace) only fail to develop the MHB, but develop nearly unaffected trunk and tail. These results provide evidence that teleost fish have evolved divergent functions of Fgf8–Fgfr1 while maintaining the ligand–receptor relationships. Comparative analysis using different fish is thus invaluable for shedding light on evolutionary diversification of gene function

    有機フッ素化合物曝露と子どもの健康 : 子どもの健康と環境に関する北海道スタディ

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    サステナブルで安心な社会の構築へ向けて : 予防原則という考え方(Towards a Safe and Sustainable Society : Applicability of the Precautionary Perspective) 2013年11月5日. 北海道大学学術交流会館小講堂 , 札幌市

    The feasibility of aromatherapy massage to reduce symptoms of Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance : A pilot study

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    Objectives: Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance (IEI) is an acquired disorder with multiple recurrent symptoms, which is associated with diverse environmental factors that are tolerated by the majority of people. IEI is an illness of uncertain aetiology, making it difficult to treat using conventional medicine. Therefore, there is a need for novel therapies to control the symptoms of IEI. The objective of this study was to evaluate the feasibility and impact of aromatherapy massage for individuals with IEI. Design: Non-blinded crossover trial Setting: IEI patients who attended a clinic in Sapporo city were recruited, and sixteen patients were enrolled. Participants were clinically examined by an experienced medical doctor and met the criteria included in the working definition of IEI disorder. Interventions: During the active period, participants received four one-hour aromatherapy massage sessions every two weeks. During the control period, the participants did not receive any massages. Main outcome measurements: Scores on the IEI-scales trigger checklist, symptoms, life impact, and the State Anxiety Inventory were assessed before and after each period. Short-term mood enhancement was evaluated using the Profiles of Mood Status (POMS) before and after sessions. Results: Due to period effects, evaluation of the results had to be restricted to the first period, and the result showed no effect of intervention. All six sub-scales of the POMS improved after each session. (mean score differences: 4.89 to 1.33, p<0.05). Conclusions: Aromatherapy was well tolerated by subjects with IEI; however, aromatherapy, as applied in this study, did not suggest any specific effects on IEI condition

    The relationship between atopic dermatitis and indoor environmental factors : a cross-sectional study among Japanese elementary school children

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    Objectives: This study aimed to determine that home environmental factors were associated with atopic dermatitis in Japanese elementary school children. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, a total of 4,254 children in 12 public elementary schools in Sapporo city in Hokkaido, Japan were examined. Atopic dermatitis was defined using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire. The questionnaires also contained 14 questions about the child’s home environment. To obtain multivariate-adjusted ORs for atopic dermatitis in relation to the home environment, we controlled for possible confounders including gender, school grade, parental history of allergies, number of siblings, and whether the child was firstborn. The study participants were then divided into two groups according to gender, and a stratified analysis was performed to obtain adjusted ORs for atopic dermatitis in relation to the home environment. Results: The prevalence of atopic dermatitis in our sample was 16.7 %. Using fully adjusted models, the risk factors for atopic dermatitis were found to be the household use of a non-electric heating system without a ventilation duct to the outside (compared to the use of an electric heating system), having visible mould in the house, having a mouldy odour in the house, and condensation on the windowpanes in the house odds ratios (OR 1.25–1.54). In our stratified analysis, having visible mould and having a mouldy odour in the house were relevantly found to be risk factors for boys (OR 1.28–1.64). However, these associations were not found among girls. Conclusions: To improve children’s health, further study is needed to corroborate the findings

    Birth cohorts in Asia : The importance, advantages, and disadvantages of different-sized cohorts

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    Asia contains half of the world's children, and the countries of Asia are the most rapidly industrializing nations on the globe. Environmental threats to the health of children in Asia are myriad. Several birth cohorts were started in Asia in early 2000, and currently more than 30 cohorts in 13 countries have been established for study. Cohorts can contain from approximately 100-200 to 20,000-30,000 participants. Furthermore, national cohorts targeting over 100,000 participants have been launched in Japan and Korea. The aim of this manuscript is to discuss the importance of Asian cohorts, and the advantages and disadvantages of different-sized cohorts. As for case, one small-sized (n = 514) cohort indicate that even relatively low level exposure to dioxin in utero could alter birth size, neurodevelopment, and immune and hormonal functions. Several Asian cohorts focus prenatal exposure to perfluoroalkyo substances and reported associations with birth size, thyroid hormone levels, allergies and neurodevelopment. Inconsistent findings may possibly be explained by the differences in exposure levels and target chemicals, and by possible statistical errors. In a smaller cohort, novel hypotheses or preliminary examinations are more easily verifiable. In larger cohorts, the etiology of rare diseases, such as birth defects, can be analyzed; however, they require a large cost and significant human resources. Therefore, conducting studies in only one large cohort may not always be the best strategy. International collaborations, such as the Birth Cohort Consortium of Asia, would cover the inherent limitation of sample size in addition to heterogeneity of exposure, ethnicity, and socioeconomic conditions

    Secular trends of urinary phthalate metabolites in 7-year old children and association with building characteristics : Hokkaido study on environment and children's health

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    The widespread commercial production and use of phthalates as plasticizers in consumer products have led to significant human exposure. Some phthalates are known to disrupt the endocrine system and result in adverse health outcomes. As such, they have been regulated in materials used for children?s items and food packages. In this study, we examined the secular trend of urinary phthalate metabolites in children and the association between metabolites and building characteristics. In total, 400 first-morning spot urine samples of 7 years old children collected from 2012 to 2017 from an ongoing birth cohort study were examined. Parents provided information on demographics and building questionnaires. We analyzed 10 urinary phthalate metabolites from five phthalate diesters using ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/ MS): MiBP, MnBP, MBzP, MEHP, MEOHP, MEHHP, MECPP, MiNP, OH-MiNP, and cx-MiNP. A multivariable regression model with creatinine-corrected metabolite levels was applied to assess secular trends during 2012?2017. The association between metabolite levels and building characteristics was investigated using a mutual-adjusted linear regression. The metabolites MnBP, MEHP, MEOHP, MEHHP, MECPP, and OH-MiNP were detected in all samples. The highest median concentration was for MECPP 37.4 ng/mL, followed by MnBP and MEHHP at concentrations of 36.8 and 25.8 ng/mL, respectively. Overall, DBP, BBzP, and DINP metabolite concentrations in this study were comparable to or lower than those in previous studies from Japan and other countries in a similar study period. Higher concentrations of DEHP metabolites were observed in this study than in children from the USA and Germany, as per previous reports. Despite updated phthalate regulations and reports of production volume change in Japan, all the measured metabolites showed a stable trend between 2012 and 2017. Higher phthalate metabolite levels were observed among children from households with low annual income, those who lived in old buildings, and those with window opening habits of ?1 h than <1 h. In contrast, children in houses that vacuumed 4 or more days/week showed a lower level of MnBP than those in houses that vacuumed <3 days/ week. This study demonstrates that the internal exposure level of phthalates in Japanese children was stable from 2012 to 2017. Our findings suggest that phthalate exposure in children is consistent. Thus, improvements in the indoor environment, such as frequent vacuuming, may reduce exposure. Biomonitoring of phthalates is critical for elucidating their possible health effects and developing mitigation strategies

    Quantifying bisphenol A in maternal and cord whole blood using isotope dilution liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry and maternal characteristics associated with bisphenol A

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    Bisphenol A (BPA) is endocrine disrupting chemical that have been detected among general population. Exposure levels among pregnant women and their fetus are yet largely unknown among Japanese. We have developed a new method of measuring total BPA in whole blood samples by using isotopic dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC/MS/MS). For eliminating possible contaminations, we have used glass cartridge instead of polypropylene cartridge and successfully reduced background levels. Additionally gap retention technique was applied to improve sensitivity. We also confirmed no external contamination by measuring free BPA in the samples. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was 0.040 ng/ml. With this developed method, we determined total BPA concentrations of 59 maternal blood at delivery and 285 cord blood samples in prospective birth cohort study and investigated factors possibly related to total BPA levels. Total BPA levels ranged from below LOQ to 0.419 ng/ml and for maternal blood and from below LOQ to 0.217 ng/ml for cord blood, respectively. The geometric mean was 0.051 ng/ml for maternal blood and 0.046 ng/ml for cord blood, respectively. Although no correlation was observed between maternal and fetal blood levels of total BPA, our result suggested fetal exposure to BPA. We have found that younger mothers, frequent beef and pork consumption during pregnancy were positively associated with maternal total BPA levels. We confirmed in utero exposure to BPA, which highlights the importance of further studies of investing the effects of fetus BPA exposure on health outcomes