45 research outputs found

    Аналіз передумов формування регіональної конкурентоспроможності в соціально-економічній сфері

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    У статті здійснено аналіз основних чинників, що зумовлюють необхідність вирішення нагальних питань у сфері соціально-економічного розвитку вітчизняних регіонів. Детально прокоментовано основні показники соціально-економічного розвитку в Україні. Визначено проблеми української економіки, що зумовлені зокрема недосконалістю розвитку та підтримки соціальної складової. Зазначено переваги від формування стратегії соціально-економічного розвитку держави на регіональному рівні. Запропоновано актуальні напрями реалізації регіональних проектів у соціальній сфері.В статье проанализированы основные факторы, которые обусловливают необходимость решения современных проблем в сфере социально-экономического развития отечественных регионов. Детально прокомментированы основные показатели социально-экономического развития в Украине. Определены проблемы украинской экономики, которые обусловлены в частности несовершенством развития и поддержки социальной составляющей. Определены преимущества от формирования стратегии социально-экономического развития государства на региональном уровне. Предложены актуальные направления реализации региональных проектов в социальной сфере.The article analyzes the main factors that contribute to the need to solute urgent issues in the sphere of social and economic development of regions. It is commented in detail the main indicators of social and economic development in Ukraine. The problems of the Ukrainian economy caused by imperfections including development and maintenance of the social component are identified. The benefits from the formation of social and economic development at the regional level are indicated. Directions of regional projects realization in the social sphere are proposed. Modern regional development of Ukraine confirms spread of negative trends such as deepening of regional disparities, worsening of social and economic problems of the regions due to lack of effective system of implementation of the state regional policy in social and economic sphere. It is necessary to regulate regional development of Ukraine with strengthening of effective factors through qualitative use of decentralization of power due to reduced direct financial assistance and the use of preferences and guarantees. The main areas of regional projects implementation in the social sphere should be: creating long-term plan of infrastructure development in the regions; joint development of communal medical network, wellness and spa and other facilities of social purpose with departmental, business and private funding. There are such advantages of forming a strategy of social and economic potential of the state at the regional level: the needs of the region is best known for stakeholders (regional governments, businesses, NGOs, local communities); definition of strategic directions of development at the regional level encourages businesses, organizations, non-profit sector, local communities in the process of regional governance; promoting decentralized management processes; the possibility of optimal coordination of local interests with regional and so on

    NCN-Type Pincer Complexes of Subporphyrinatoboron(III)

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    The first NCN-type subporphyrin pincer complexes <b>3Pd</b> and <b>3Pt</b> have been synthesized via Suzuki coupling of 2,13-diborylsubporphyrin with 2-iodopyridine, followed by metalation with PdCl<sub>2</sub>(MeCN)<sub>2</sub> or K<sub>2</sub>PtCl<sub>4</sub>, respectively. 2,13-Diiminosubporphyrin <b>4</b> was also prepared via formylation of 2,13-dilithiosubporphyrin followed by imination with aniline but was found to be unsuitable as a precursor of organometallic species. The complexes <b>3Pd</b> and <b>3Pt</b> displayed perturbed optical properties presumably due to the d­(metal)π­(subporphyrin) orbital interactions

    Metal Complexes of <i>meso–meso</i> Linked Corrole Dimers

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    Cobalt, gallium, silver, and copper complexes of 5,5′-linked corrole dimer <b>1</b> and 10,10′-linked corrole dimer <b>2</b> were synthesized by metalations with Co­(OAc)<sub>2</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O, GaCl<sub>3</sub>, AgOAc, and Cu­(OAc)<sub>2</sub>·H<sub>2</sub>O, respectively, in good yields. The structures of cobalt­(III), gallium­(III), and silver­(III) complexes have been unambiguously revealed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Their optical and electrochemical properties have been studied, which revealed different electronic interactions between the two corrole units depending upon the positions of <i>meso–meso</i> linkage and axial-ligand coordination modes

    Metal Complexes of <i>meso–meso</i> Linked Corrole Dimers

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    Cobalt, gallium, silver, and copper complexes of 5,5′-linked corrole dimer <b>1</b> and 10,10′-linked corrole dimer <b>2</b> were synthesized by metalations with Co­(OAc)<sub>2</sub>·4H<sub>2</sub>O, GaCl<sub>3</sub>, AgOAc, and Cu­(OAc)<sub>2</sub>·H<sub>2</sub>O, respectively, in good yields. The structures of cobalt­(III), gallium­(III), and silver­(III) complexes have been unambiguously revealed by X-ray diffraction analysis. Their optical and electrochemical properties have been studied, which revealed different electronic interactions between the two corrole units depending upon the positions of <i>meso–meso</i> linkage and axial-ligand coordination modes

    Synthesis of Spirocyclic Diarylfluorenes by One-Pot Twofold S<sub>N</sub>Ar Reactions of Diaryl Sulfones with Diarylmethanes

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    Treatment of dibenzothiophene dioxides with cyclic diarylmethanes in the presence of KN­(SiMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> results in the formation of fluorene-based spirocyclic tetraarylmethanes in a single operation. The transformation would proceed via an intermolecular S<sub>N</sub>Ar reaction of the dioxides with cyclic diaryl­methyl­potassium followed by intramolecular S<sub>N</sub>Ar cyclization. This straightforward strategy provides a wide range of spirocyclic diarylfluorenes including unusual ones that are otherwise difficult to synthesize

    Regiocontrolled Palladium-Catalyzed Arylative Cyclizations of Alkynols

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    Tuning the reactivity of arylpalladium intermediates enables control of catalytic arylative <i>5-exo</i> and <i>6-endo</i> cyclizations of alkynols. The two modes of cyclizations represent a rare example of controllable, regioselective difunctionalization of alkynes. The cyclizations are useful in offering a divergent synthesis of oxygen-containing heterocycles, which is of synthetic use for further derivatization. Formal synthesis of an hNK-1 receptor antagonist also showcases the utility of our arylative cyclization

    Synthesis of 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclopentenes by Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction of Homopropargyl-Substituted Dicarbonyl Compounds with Organic Halides via 5-<i>Endo-Dig</i> Cyclization

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    Palladium catalysts with bulky biaryl phosphine ligands allow homopropargyl-substituted dicarbonyl compounds to undergo intramolecular addition via a rare 5-<i>endo-dig</i> pathway. C–C bond forming reductive elimination follows the addition to introduce alkenyl and alkynyl as well as aryl groups by using the corresponding organic halides. The cyclization is versatile enough to be applicable to the synthesis of highly substituted dihydropyrrole and a fused tricyclic compound

    <i>meso‑β</i> Dibenzo[<i>a,g</i>]corannulene-Fused Porphyrins

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    FeCl<sub>3</sub>-mediated oxidative fusion of <i>meso</i>-linked dibenzo­[<i>a,g</i>]­corannulene–porphyrin dyads <b>6M</b> afforded fused porphyrins <b>7M</b> bearing a five-membered ring connection, but similar oxidation of β-linked dyads <b>9M</b> provided fused porphyrins <b>10M</b> bearing a six-membered ring connection, both in a regiospecific manner. While fused dyads <b>10M</b> exhibit modestly red-shifted absorption and fluorescence profiles, fused dyads <b>7M</b> display characteristically red-shifted absorption bands reflecting antiaromatic dehydropurpurin electronic networks

    Synthesis of 1,2-Disubstituted Cyclopentenes by Palladium-Catalyzed Reaction of Homopropargyl-Substituted Dicarbonyl Compounds with Organic Halides via 5-<i>Endo-Dig</i> Cyclization

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    Palladium catalysts with bulky biaryl phosphine ligands allow homopropargyl-substituted dicarbonyl compounds to undergo intramolecular addition via a rare 5-<i>endo-dig</i> pathway. C–C bond forming reductive elimination follows the addition to introduce alkenyl and alkynyl as well as aryl groups by using the corresponding organic halides. The cyclization is versatile enough to be applicable to the synthesis of highly substituted dihydropyrrole and a fused tricyclic compound

    Synthesis of Spirocyclic Diarylfluorenes by One-Pot Twofold S<sub>N</sub>Ar Reactions of Diaryl Sulfones with Diarylmethanes

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    Treatment of dibenzothiophene dioxides with cyclic diarylmethanes in the presence of KN­(SiMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> results in the formation of fluorene-based spirocyclic tetraarylmethanes in a single operation. The transformation would proceed via an intermolecular S<sub>N</sub>Ar reaction of the dioxides with cyclic diaryl­methyl­potassium followed by intramolecular S<sub>N</sub>Ar cyclization. This straightforward strategy provides a wide range of spirocyclic diarylfluorenes including unusual ones that are otherwise difficult to synthesize