184 research outputs found

    A gamma-ray burst remnant in our Galaxy: HESS J1303-631

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    We present the results of our investigation of the multiwavelength data on HESS J1303-631, an unidentified TeV source serendipitously discovered in the Galactic plane by the HESS collaboration. These results strongly suggest the identification of this particular source as the remnant of a Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) that happened some few tens of thousands years ago in our Galaxy at a distance on the order of 10 kpc from us. We show, through detailed calculations of particle diffusion, interaction and radiation processes of relativistic particles in the interstellar medium, that it is possible for a GRB remnant (GRBR) to be a strong TeV emitter with no observable synchrotron emission. We predict spectral and spatial signatures that would unambiguously distinguish GRBRs from ordinary supernova remnants, including: (1) large energy budgets inferred from their TeV emission, but at the same time, (2) suppressed fluxes in the radio through GeV wavebands; (3) extended center-filled emission with an energy-dependent spatial profile; and (4) a possible elongation in the direction of the past pair of GRB jets. While GRBRs can best be detected by ground-based gamma-ray detectors, the future GLAST mission will play a crucial role in confirming the predicted low level of GeV emission.Comment: Replaced by the version accepted in ApJ Letters (to appear in April/May 2006); 4 pages, 3 figure

    Radioactivity and Electron Acceleration in Supernova Remnants

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    We argue that the decays of radioactive nuclei related to 44^{44}Ti and 56^{56}Ni ejected during supernova explosions can provide a vast pool of mildly relativistic positrons and electrons which are further accelerated to ultrarelativistic energies by reverse and forward shocks. This interesting link between two independent processes - the radioactivity and the particle acceleration - can be a clue for solution of the well known theoretical problem of electron injection in supernova remnants. In the case of the brightest radio source Cas A, we demonstrate that the radioactivity can supply adequate number of energetic electrons and positrons for interpretation of observational data provided that they are stochastically pre-accelerated in the upstream regions of the forward and reverse shocks.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, revised version accepted to Phys.Rev.

    Neutral Beams from Blazar Jets

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    We treat the production of neutrons, photons, and neutrinos through photomeson interactions of relativistic protons with ambient photons in the compact inner jets of blazars. We show that the presence of the external UV radiation field makes possible strong energy losses already for protons with energies > 1 PeV, while without this component effective energy losses of protons begin only at E > 10^{18} eV. We develop a model describing the production and escape of neutrons from a comoving spherical blob, which continue to interact with the ambient external radiation field on the parsec-scale broad line region (BLR). Neutrons may carry ~10% of the overall energy of the protons accelerated beyond E ~ 1 PeV outside the BLR. Ultra-high energy (UHE) gamma rays produced in photomeson interactions of neutrons outside the blob can also escape the BLR. The escaping neutrons, gamma rays and neutrinos form a collimated neutral beam with a characteristic opening angle ~ 1/Gamma, where Gamma is the bulk Lorentz factor of the inner jet. The energy and the momentum of such beam is then mostly deposited in the extended jet due to neutron decay at distances ~ (E_n/10^{17} eV}) kpc, and through pair-production attenuation of gamma rays with energies E_g ~ 10^{15}-10^{18} eV which can propagate to distances beyond (10-100) kpc. In this scenario, neutral beams of UHE gamma rays and neutrons can be the reason for straight extended jets such as in Pictor A. Fluxes of neutrinos detectable with km-scale neutrino telescopes are predicted from flat spectrum radio quasars such as 3C 279.Comment: to appear in ApJ 586, No.1, March 20 issu

    Annihilation Emission from the Galactic Black Hole

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    Both diffuse high energy gamma-rays and an extended electron-positron annihilation line emission have been observed in the Galactic Center (GC) region. Although X-ray observations indicate that the galactic black hole Sgr A^* is inactive now, we suggest that Sgr A^* can become active when a captured star is tidally disrupted and matter is accreted into the black hole. As a consequence the galactic black hole could be a powerful source of relativistic protons. We are able to explain the current observed diffuse gamma-rays and the very detailed 511 keV annihilation line of secondary positrons by ppp-p collisions of such protons, with appropriate injection times and energy. Relativistic protons could have been injected into the ambient material if the black hole captured a 50M_\odot star at several tens million years ago. An alternative possibility is that the black hole continues to capture stars with \sim1M_\odot every hundred thousand years. Secondary positrons produced by ppp-p collisions at energies \ga 30 MeV are cooled down to thermal energies by Coulomb collisions, and annihilate in the warm neutral and ionized phases of the interstellar medium with temperatures about several eV, because the annihilation cross-section reaches its maximum at these temperatures. It takes about ten million years for the positrons to cool down to thermal temperatures so they can diffuse into a very large extended region around the Galactic center. A much more recent star capture may be also able to account for recent TeV observations within 10 pc of the galactic center as well as for the unidentified GeV gamma-ray sources found by EGRET at GC. The spectral difference between the GeV flux and the TeV flux could be explained naturally in this model as well.Comment: Accepted by ApJ on March 24, 200

    High Energy Cosmic Rays from Local GRBs

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    We have developed a model that explains cosmic rays with energies E between \~0.3 PeV and the energy of the second knee at E_2 ~ 3*10^{17} eV as originating from a recent Galactic gamma-ray burst (GRB) that occurred ~1 Myr ago within 1 kpc from Earth. Relativistic shocks from GRBs are assumed to inject power-law distributions of cosmic rays (CRs) to the highest energies. Diffusive propagation of CRs from the local GRB explains the CR spectrum near and above the first knee at E_1 ~ 3*10^{15} eV. The first and the second knees are explained as being directly connected with the injection of plasma turbulence in the interstellar medium on a ~1 pc and ~100 pc scales, respectively. Transition to CRs from extragalactic GRBs occurs at E > E_2. The origin of the ankle in the CR spectrum at E ~ 4*10^{18} eV is due to photopair energy losses of UHECRs on cosmological timescales, as also suggested by Berezinsky and collaborators. Any significant excess flux of extremely high energy CRs deviating from the exponential cutoff behavior at E> E_{GZK} = 6*10^{19} eV would imply a significant contribution due to recent GRB activity on timescales t < 10^8 yrs from local extragalactic sources within ~10 Mpc.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; to appear in the Proceedings of the Aspen2005 Workshop ``Physics at the End of the Galactic Cosmic Ray Spectrum'' (Aspen, April 2005

    The obscured gamma-ray and UHECR universe

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    Auger results on clustering of > 60 EeV ultra-high energy cosmic ray (UHECR) ions and the interpretation of the gamma-ray spectra of TeV blazars are connected by effects from the extragalactic background light (EBL). The EBL acts as an obscuring medium for gamma rays and a reprocessing medium for UHECR ions and protons, causing the GZK cutoff. The study of the physics underlying the coincidence between the GZK energy and the clustering energy of UHECR ions favors a composition of > 60 EeV UHECRs in CNO group nucleons. This has interesting implications for the sources of UHECRs. We also comment on the Auger analysis.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, in the International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP) 2007, Sendai, Japan, September 11-15, 200

    Implications of a Nonthermal Origin of the Excess EUV Emission from the Coma Cluster of Galaxies

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    The inverse Compton (IC) interpretation of the excess EUV emission, that was recently reported from several clusters of galaxies, suggests that the amount of relativistic electrons in the intracluster medium is highly significant, W_e>10^{61} erg. Considering Coma as the prototype galaxy cluster of nonthermal radiation, we discuss implications of the inverse Compton origin of the excess EUV fluxes in the case of low intracluster magnetic fields of order 0.1 muG, as required for the IC interpretation of the observed excess hard X-ray flux, and in the case of high fields of order 1 muG as suggested by Faraday rotation measurements. Although for such high intracluster fields the excess hard X-rays will require an explanation other than by the IC effect, we show that the excess EUV flux can be explained by the IC emission of a `relic' population of electrons driven into the incipient intracluster medium at the epoch of starburst activity by galactic winds, and later on reenergized by adiabatic compression and/or large-scale shocks transmitted through the cluster as the consequence of more recent merger events. For high magnetic fields B > 1 muG the interpretation of the radio fluxes of Coma requires a second population of electrons injected recently. They can be explained as secondaries produced by a population of relativistic protons. We calculate the fluxes of gamma-rays to be expected in both the low and high magnetic field scenarios, and discuss possibilities to distinguish between these two principal options by future gamma-ray observations.Comment: LaTeX, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Ap

    High-Energy Neutrinos from Photomeson Processes in Blazars

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    An important radiation field for photomeson neutrino production in blazars is shown to be the radiation field external to the jet. Assuming that protons are accelerated with the same power as electrons and injected with a -2 number spectrum, we predict that km^2 neutrino telescopes will detect about 1-to-several neutrinos per year from flat spectrum radio quasars (FSRQs) such as 3C 279. The escaping high-energy neutron and photon beams transport inner jet energy far from the black-hole engine, and could power synchrotron X-ray jets and FR II hot spots and lobes.Comment: revised paper (minor revisions), accepted for publication in PR

    A new measurement of K+(e4) decay and the s-wave pi-pi-scattering length a00

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    A sample of 400000 events from the decay K+->pi+pi-e+nu(e)(K(e4)) has been collected in experiment E865 at the Brookhaven AGS. The analysis of these data yields new measurements of the K(e4) branching ratio (4.11+-0.01+-0.11)*10**(-5)), the s-wave pi-pi scattering length a00=0.228+-0.012+-0.003, and the form factors F, G, and H of the hadronic current and their dependence on the invariant pi-pi mass