20 research outputs found

    Sikap, Jarak Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Dukungan Orang Tua untuk Kesediaan Vaksinasi HPV pada Remaja

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    This study aims to see the relationship between attitude, distance to health services, and parental support with the willingness to the HPV vaccine in adolescents. This research method is cross-sectional. The results of this study show that attitude (p=0.000) [PR= 2.234, 95% CI 1.512-3.300] and parental support (p=0.028) [PR=1.549, 95% CI 1.041-2.306] have a significant relationship with willingness to vaccinate HPV. Meanwhile, the distance from home to health services (p=0.151) [PR=0.729, 95% CI 0.464-1.145] had no relationship with willingness to vaccinate against HPV. In conclusion, adolescents with good parental attitudes and support are more likely to be willing to vaccinate against HPV. Keywords: Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Cervical Cancer, Adolescents, Attitudes, Vaccine


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    About 500.000 cervical carcinoma new cases are found with more than 250.000 death cases annually (Rasjidi, 2009). Cervical cancer is the highest prevalence of disease among women in Indonesia, it is equal to 0,80/00 (Kemenkes RI, 2015). Cervical cancer is caused by multifactors which are able to increase cervical cancer case, one of risk factors is personal hygiene. This study aims to analyze cervival cancer risk diff erence based on personal hygiene which consists of vaginal antiseptic usage, frequency of changing underpants, frequency of changing napkins, water utilization for vagina, public toilet utilization, vaginal discharge history, joint towel and underpants among childbearing women. This study is a case control study which case groups are 15–49 old women with cervical carcinoma, while control groups are 15–49 years old women and are undiagnosed cervical cancer. The result of this study showed that joint underpants has the highest Risk Diff erence (RD = 51.42%; 95% CI: 1.73-57.48). It is recommended for women to keep personal hygiene. Keyword: personal Hygiene, Cervical Cancer, Cervical Cancer ris


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    In the city of Surabaya, the number of patients with breast cancer is found and treated in 2014 was amounted to 709 cases. Family social support is regarded as one of the drivers of the patient for treatment. This study aimed to quantify the proportion of delay in treatment of breast cancer based on family and social support and analyzing the relationship of social support by the family against in the treatment of breast cancer cases in Yayasan Kanker Wisnuwardhana Surabaya. The study was conducted using cross sectional design using a quantitative approach. The interview was conducted on 40 patients with breast cancer. Samples were selected by simple random sampling. The results of comparison of proportions delay breast cancer treatment according to the status of family social support is 7.5: 3.6. Testing single relationship between social support by the family to delay treatment shows that there was a signifi cant relationship between social support with treatment of breast cancer (p <0.05). The conclusions are the proportion of delay in treatment more on the respondents were less lack support and there is a relationship between social support to the treatment of breast cancer cases in Yayasan Kanker Wisnuwardhana Surabaya. Keywords: breast cancer, delay treatment, social support

    Body Mass Index, Plasma Glucose Level, and Subjective Psychological Well-Being of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients as the Risk of Tuberculosis Coincidence

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    Background. Body Mass Index (BMI) and Plasma Glucose Level are independent risk factor for both Tuberculosis and Diabetes Mellitus, respectively, while psychological well-being might affect immune system of diabetic patients. The objective of this study was to analyze the risk of BMI, Plasma Glucose level, and subjective psychological well-being to affect tuberculosis coincidence in diabetes mellitus patients. Materials and methods. This case-control study involved 492 respondents consisting of 246 diabetes mellitus patients with TB coincidence as case group and 246 diabetes mellitus patients without TB as control. The variables analyzed were BMI, mean fasting and 2-hour plasma glucose level and subjective psychological well-being using logistic regression test. Results. The results showed that there were significant associations between BMI (p=0.001; OR 3.25 with 95% CI 1.88-5.62), mean fasting glucose levels (p=0.001; OR 3.3 with 95% CI 1.93-5.74), 2-hour plasma glucose (p=0.001; OR 1.6 with 95% CI 1.09-2.34), subjective psychological well-being (p=0.001; OR 2.02 with 95% CI 1.40-2.93) and diabetes mellitus with tuberculosis coincidence. Conclusion. BMI, Plasma Glucose level, and subjective psychological well-being are risk factors of diabetes mellitus coincidence with tuberculosis


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    Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a communicable disease with rapid spread and the potential to cause death. In 2019, Kediri District had the fourth-highest number of DHF cases in East Java Province and was reported to have experienced a DHF outbreak. Objective: This study aimed to describe dengue cases in Kediri District in 2017-2021 under non-pandemic and COVID-19 pandemic conditions. Methods: Using a total sampling technique, descriptive research with a case series design was conducted using secondary data from the Health Profiles and the Central Bureau of Statistics of Kediri District in 2017-2021. The studied variables included the number of dengue cases, sex, age, area, population, population density, morbidity rate, Lateral Flow Immunoassay (LFI), and rainfall. Data were analyzed using an epidemiological approach based on people, places, and times and visualized with tables and diagrams. Results: The majority of DHF cases occurred in males and the 5-14 years age group in both the COVID-19 non-pandemic (52.88%; 55.96%) and COVID-19 pandemic conditions (51.14%; 58.56%). The incidence rate (IR) increased with population density and the number of dengue cases in the non-COVID-19 pandemic. It decreased with a decrease in dengue cases when the population density increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under all conditions, high dengue cases were found in months with high rainfall. Conclusion: The pattern of DHF incidence in Kediri District in 2017-2021 is mostly in males and the age group of 5-14 years, when there is an increase in population density, and in January

    Prevalence and risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus in Asia: a review

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    Introduction. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a global problem that occurs in the world. This case occurred in pregnant women at 24-28 weeks of gestation. The global prevalence of GDM varies widely from 1% to 28%. Objective. The purpose of this study is to describe the prevalence of GDM in Asia and the risk factors for GDM. Materials and Methods. This research method used a systematic review for observational studies. The research inclusion criteria were original English papers, with full text published in peerreviewed journals. Method of 23 international articles in 2012-2022, which have articles that meet the requirements to be researched subjects regarding the description of the average prevalence of GDM cases in Asia and the risk factors for GDM. Results. The results of the study found that the lowest prevalence of GDM was in India at 1.9%, and the highest prevalence was found in Australia at 30%. The average risk factors for GDM are a family history of DM, BMI > 25 kg/m2, multiparity and history of GDM in previous pregnancies, and history of abortion. The results of a journal review also show that mothers who give birth to GDM have a 48% risk of developing DM in the future. Conclusion. Based on the conclusion in this study, with the wide variation in GDM prevalence rates, it is better to set a GDM risk factor score so that other health services can use these indicators as the gold standard for screening GDM

    Effectiveness of a multicentre nasopharyngeal carcinoma awareness programme in Indonesia

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    Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of a nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) awareness programme on the short-term and long-term improvement of knowledge and referral of patients with NPC by primary healthcare centres (PHCCs) staff in Indonesia. Design: The NPC awareness programme consisted of 12 symposia including a Train-The-Trainer component, containing lectures about early symptoms and risk factors of NPC, practical examination and the referral system for NPC suspects. Before and after training participants completed a questionnaire. The Indonesian Doctors Association accredited all activities. Participants: 1 representative general practitioner (GP) from each PHCC attended an NPC awareness symposium. On the basis of the Train-The-Trainer principle, GPs received training material and were obligated to train their colleagues in the PHCC. Results: 703 GPs attended the symposia and trained 1349 staff members: 314 other GPs, 685 nurses and 350 midwives. After the training, respondents’ average score regarding the knowledge of NPC symptoms increased from 47 points (of the 100) to 74 points (p<0.001); this increase was similar between symposium and Train-The-Trainer component (p=0.88). At 1½ years after the training, this knowledge remained significantly increased at 59 points (p<0.001). Conclusions: The initial results of this NPC awareness programme indicate that the programme effectively increases NPC knowledge in the short and long term and therefore should be continued. Effects of the improved knowledge on the stage at diagnoses of the patients with NPC will still need to be scrutinised. This awareness programme can serve as a blueprint for other cancer types in Indonesia and for other developing countries


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    Saat ini Indonesia mengalami transisi epidemiologi, yaitu adanya beban ganda kesehatan karena semakin meningkatnya industrialisasi dan urbanisasi menyebabkan meningkatnya angka prevalensi penyakit tidak menular seperti obesitas dan diabetes di Indonesia serta prevalensi penyakit menular seperti tuberkulosis yang masih tetap tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyusun indeks prediktif tuberkulosis berdasarkan faktor biologis, sosial, lingkungan, dan kesejahteraan psikologis penderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan rancang bangun case control, melibatkan 492 responden dengan 246 responden kelompok kasus adalah penderita diabetes mellitus dengan koinsidensi tuberkulosis, dan 246 responden penderita diabetes mellitus tanpa tuberkulosis sebagai kontrol. Variabel yang diteliti adalah faktor biologis (usia, jenis kelamin, kendali glikemik (glycemic control), gejala klinis tuberkulosis, keluhan subyektif terkait komplikasi diabetes mellitus, indeks massa tubuh, durasi menderita diabetes mellitus tipe 2), faktor sosial (yang meliputi pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan terkait pencegahan tuberkulosis, pendapatan, riwayat keluarga tuberkulosis, riwayat kontak intensif dengan penderita tuberkulosis sebelumnya, riwayat pekerjaan beririko tertular), faktor kualitas lingkungan rumah tempat tinggal, serta kesejahteraan psikologis (psychological well-being). Analisis dilakukan dengan uji regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indeks prediktif yang disusun memenuhi formulasi sebagai berikut: - 3,218 + 0,867 x Usia (≤55 tahun) + 1,339 x Jenis kelamin (laki-laki) + 1,493 x riwayat kontak dengan penderita sebelumnya (ada) + 1,089 x Kontrol glikemik (buruk) + 1,622 x gejala klinis tuberkulosis (> 3 gejala) + 1,183 x Indeks Massa Tubuh (≤18,5kg/m2) + 0,891 x Durasi diabetes mellitus (≤10 tahun) + 0,454 x Ventilasi rumah (≤10% luas lantai) + 0,583 x Kesejahteraan psikologis (buruk). dengan sensitivitas 82,9%, nilai spesifitasnya 65,0%, dengan tingkat akurasi 74,0%, nilai duga positif 70,4% dan nilai duga negatif79,2%. Dengan tersusunnya indeks prediktif diharapkan petugas kesehatan khususnya di fasilitas layanan kesehatan primer dapat lebih meningkatkan kewaspadaan terhadap risiko terjadinya koinsidensi diabetes mellitus dengan tuberkulosis

    The Association of Socioeconomic and Nutritional with Risk of Tuberculosis in DM Type 2 Patient

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    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a diseases caused by less effective insulin use. East Java is the ten highest province for Diabetes prevalence all over Indonesia. DM patient risk higher for TB. This research aims to find out relationship between social-economy and nutrition status with TB occurrence to DM-type 2 sufferer in Kecamatan Tambaksari. This research is retrospective quantitative with case control design with age and sex corresponding. Sample of the research was counted by matching formula obtained out of 38 DM-TB sufferers for cases and 38 DM for control. Sample case and control were taken by simple random sampling. Characteristic result of DM and TB sufferers in Kecamatan Tambaksari 50% aged between 56–65 year. Amount of the sufferers 60,5% male. Education level is irrelated to the risk of TB occurrences in DM-type 2 sufferer, (p = 0.608 (> α= 0.05). Working status is related to the risk of TB occurrence to type 2 DM sufferer, (p = 0.022,OR = 3.2; 95%CI = 1.288-8.440). Waged level is related to the risk of TB occurrence to DM-type 2 sufferer, (p.= 0.009,OR = 13.214; 95%CI = 1,597-109.370). Nutrition status is related to TB occurrence to DM-type 2 sufferer, (p = 0.000, OR = 17.889; 95%CI = 4.653-68.772). The conclusion of this research is social economy factor, that is unemployed and wage < UMK, and nutrition status IMT < 18.5 related to TB occurrence to DM-type 2 sufferer. It needs to perform socialization for eating pattern regulation to DM-type 2 sufferer, TB screening to sufferer to DM-type 2 sufferer with nutrition status IMT < 18.5, and assistance for DM-type 2 with TB to have medical treatment routinely. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Diabetes Mellitus, socioeconomic, nutritional statu