4 research outputs found

    The Form of Officer of Land Deed Officer (PPAT) in Distribution of Rights to Land Joint Assets Post Divorce

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    The distribution of land rights to joint assets after the divorce needs to use a deed made by PPAT, because basically PPAT is a Land Deed Maker Official whose main task is to carry out some land registration activities by making a deed as evidence that a legal action has been taken regarding land rights or property rights. For the Flats Unit, which will be used as the basis for the registration of changes in land registration data caused by the legal act. The type of research used is normative legal research, with a research approach to legislation and concepts. Legal materials consist of primary and secondary legal materials. The analytical method used is description, evaluation, argumentation and interpretation. The deed of collective agreement can be used as the basis for entering the name of the ex-wife or ex-husband that has not been recorded in the certificate due to joint ownership which must be divided due to divorce as stated in PP 24 of 1997 Article 37 paragraph (2) regarding land registration. As long as the head of the national land agency office judges that the truth is sufficient, it can be implemented, because the National Land Agency is a government institution that has discretionary authority as stated in Act No. 30 of 2014 concerning government administration. From the names that have emerged between the ex-husband and the ex-wife, the process of Sharing Joint Rights is carried out using the APHB Deed (Deed of Sharing Joint Rights) made by PPAT

    Pusat Kegiatan Industri Kreatif di Denpasar (Denpasar Creative Hub)

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    Industri Kreatif merupakan salah satu sektor yang diharapkan mampu menjadi kekuatan baru ekonomi di Indonesia, seiring dengan kondisi sumber daya alam yang semakin. Denpasar, umumnya Bali dikenal dengan potensi pariwisatanya yang dimana perkembangan industri pariwisata di Bali sangat terkait dengan perkembangan industri kreatif. Kedua industri ini berjalan seiring dan saling melengkapi. Contohnya dengan meningkatnya industri pariwisata maka kebutuhan akomodasi seperti penginapan semakin meningkat, yang dimana proses ini membutuhkan bantuan dari sektor kreatif seperti arsitek, DKV, Cindramata, dll. Salah satu permasalahan yang dialami pelaku industrif di Bali adalah rendahnya pemahaman terhadap selera pasar. Para pelaku industri kreatif cenderung berjalan secara individual, dan juga kurang acara yang mempertemukan kreator dengan buyer-nya. Melihat beberapa kendala yang ada dan memaksimalkan potensi, serta merayakan semangat untuk berkarya dan berkolabroasi maka dibutuhkannya sebuah Creative Hub sebagai ruang sharing, kolaborasi, komersil, produksi, dll yang merupakan salah satu solusi untuk menanggapi permasalahan – permasalahan tersebut. Perancangan didasari oleh konteks yang dimana arsitektur itu berada, dengan konsep tata massa “Sanga Mandala” sebagai dasar awal yang kemudian di selaraskan kembali dengan isu/ fenomena yang ada, fungsi bangunan dan tapak demi menghasilkan sebuah ruang yang nyaman untuk berkolaborasi, berkarya, dan memamerkan karya serta ramah lingkungan


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    Rheumatoid arthritis (AR) is one of the joint diseases commonly experienced by people with complaints of pain and limited range of joint motion. Management for patients who experience joint stiffness and pain can be done through exercise. Knee streecing exercise (KSE) is an activity of stretching the muscles in the knee area to increase muscle flexibility and range of joint motion. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving Knee Stretching Exercise (KSE) on achieving range of motion (ROM) and Pain Intensity in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients. This research design is quantitative with pre-experimental design using one group pretest and posttest design approach. The sample in this study were 45 elderly who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis (RA) according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instruments used in this study were the gionometer and numerical rating scale (NRS). Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon rank test. Statistical test results showed that there was an effect of Knee Stretching Exercise (KSE) on the intensity of Pain and Achievement of Range of Motion in Reumathoid Athritis patients with a p value of 0.0001 (p <0.05). A decrease in the intensity of pain experienced by respondents after being given KSE training. The range of joint motion in the respondents increased to full flexion (1350) and full extension (0-10). It is suggested that the community routinely conduct KSE training because it is easy and simple to do. Keyword : Knee streecing exercise (KSE); range of motion; pain intensit


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    Kendang Bali is one of the instruments incorporated in this karawitan art. Balinese kendang can be played alone, called a kendang tunggal, where this type of game has a high level of difficulty understanding the tone of the Balinese drums played because some variations of the tone have similar sounds to other tones. Knowing the tone that is in the kendang song automatically can make it easier to learn it. The first approach method used to classify the tone of a kendang tunggal song is segmentation. The onset detection method is used to segment a kendang song with a variation of the hop size parameter. The segmented tone of the punch will be classified using the Backpropagation method. Feature values of autocorrelation, ZCR, STE, RMSE, Spectral Contrast, MFCC, and Mel spectrogram will be used in the classification process. This study performed variations in hop size values in onset detection and obtained the proper configuration at a value of 110. The addition of the normalization process to the onset detection method also helps the segmentation process of kendang songs correctly. The optimal backpropagation architecture obtained is learning rate 0.9, neuron hidden layer 10, and epoch 2000 produces an accuracy of 60.92%