3,879 research outputs found

    The impact of scatterometer wind data on global weather forecasting

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    The impact of SEASAT-A scatterometer (SASS) winds on coarse resolution atmospheric model forecasts was assessed. The scatterometer provides high resolution winds, but each wind can have up to four possible directions. One wind direction is correct; the remainder are ambiguous or "aliases'. In general, the effect of objectively dealiased-SASS data was found to be negligible in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, the impact was larger and primarily beneficial when vertical temperature profile radiometer (VTPR) data was excluded. However, the inclusion of VTPR data eliminates the positive impact, indicating some redundancy between the two data sets

    LHC Coverage of RPV MSSM with Light Stops

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    We examine the sensitivity of recent LHC searches to signatures of supersymmetry with R-parity violation (RPV). Motivated by naturalness of the Higgs potential, which would favor light third-generation squarks, and the stringent LHC bounds on spectra in which the gluino or first and second generation squarks are light, we focus on scenarios dominated by the pair production of light stops. We consider the various possible direct and cascade decays of the stop that involve the trilinear RPV operators. We find that in many cases, the existing searches exclude stops in the natural mass range and beyond. However, typically there is little or no sensitivity to cases dominated by UDD operators or LQD operators involving taus. We propose several ideas for searches which could address the existing gaps in experimental coverage of these signals.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figures; v2: included new searches (see footnote 10), minor corrections and improvement

    Absorbing systematic effects to obtain a better background model in a search for new physics

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    This paper presents a novel approach to estimate the Standard Model backgrounds based on modifying Monte Carlo predictions within their systematic uncertainties. The improved background model is obtained by altering the original predictions with successively more complex correction functions in signal-free control selections. Statistical tests indicate when sufficient compatibility with data is reached. In this way, systematic effects are absorbed into the new background model. The same correction is then applied on the Monte Carlo prediction in the signal region. Comparing this method to other background estimation techniques shows improvements with respect to statistical and systematical uncertainties. The proposed method can also be applied in other fields beyond high energy physics

    Controls on atmospheric chloroiodomethane (CH2ClI) in marine environments

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    Mixing ratios of chloroiodomethane (CH2ClI) in ambient air were quantified in the coastal North Atlantic region (Thompson Farm, Durham, New Hampshire, and Appledore Island, Maine) and two remote Pacific areas (Christmas Island, Kiribati, and Oahu, Hawaii). Average mixing ratios were 0.15 ± 0.18 and 0.68 ± 0.66 parts per trillion by volume (pptv) at Thompson Farm and Appledore Island, respectively, compared to 0.10 ± 0.05 pptv at Christmas Island and 0.04 ± 0.02 pptv in Hawaii. Photolysis constrained the daytime mixing ratios of CH2ClI at all locations with the minimum occurring at 1600 local time. Daily average fluxes to the atmosphere were estimated from mixing ratios and loss due to photolysis at Appledore Island, Christmas Island and Hawaii, and were 58 ± 9, 19 ± 3, and 5.8 ± 1.0 nmol CH2ClI m−2 d−1, respectively. The measured sea‐to‐air flux from seawater equilibrator samples obtained near Appledore Island was 6.4 ± 2.9 nmol CH2ClI m−2 d−1. Mixing ratios of CH2ClI at Appledore Island increased with increasing wind speed. The maximum mixing ratios observed at Thompson Farm (1.6 pptv) and Appledore Island (3.4 pptv) are the highest reported values to date, and coincided with high winds associated with the passage of Tropical Storm Bonnie. We estimate that high winds during the 2004 hurricane season increased the flux of CH2ClI from the North Atlantic Ocean by 8 ± 2%

    What did HERA teach us about the structure of the proton?

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    Starting in 2008 the H1 and ZEUS experiments have been combining their data in order to provide the most complete and accurate set of deep-inelastic data as the legacy of HERA. The present review presents these combinations, both published and preliminary, and explores how they have been used to give information on the structure of the proton. The HERAPDF parton distribution functions (PDFs) are presented and compared with other current PDFs and with data from the Tevatron and LHC colliders.Comment: 49 pages, 49 figures, to be published in J.Phys.

    Neural NILM: Deep Neural Networks Applied to Energy Disaggregation

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    Energy disaggregation estimates appliance-by-appliance electricity consumption from a single meter that measures the whole home's electricity demand. Recently, deep neural networks have driven remarkable improvements in classification performance in neighbouring machine learning fields such as image classification and automatic speech recognition. In this paper, we adapt three deep neural network architectures to energy disaggregation: 1) a form of recurrent neural network called `long short-term memory' (LSTM); 2) denoising autoencoders; and 3) a network which regresses the start time, end time and average power demand of each appliance activation. We use seven metrics to test the performance of these algorithms on real aggregate power data from five appliances. Tests are performed against a house not seen during training and against houses seen during training. We find that all three neural nets achieve better F1 scores (averaged over all five appliances) than either combinatorial optimisation or factorial hidden Markov models and that our neural net algorithms generalise well to an unseen house.Comment: To appear in ACM BuildSys'15, November 4--5, 2015, Seou

    Constraining parameter space in type-II two-Higgs doublet model in light of a 126 GeV Higgs boson

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    We explore the implications of a 126 GeV Higgs boson indicated by the recent LHC results for two-Higgs doublet model (2HDM). Identifying the 126 GeV Higgs boson as either the lighter or heavier of CP even neutral Higgs bosons in 2HDM, we examine how the masses of Higgs fields and mixing parameters can be constrained by the theoretical conditions and experimental constraints. The theoretical conditions taken into account are the vacuum stability, perturbativity and unitarity required to be satisfied up to a cut-off scale. We also show how bounds on the masses of Higgs bosons and mixing parameters depend on the cut-off scale. In addition, we investigate whether the allowed regions of parameter space can accommodate particularly the enhanced di-photon signals, ZZ* and WW* decay modes of the Higgs boson, and examine the prediction of the signal strength of Z{\gamma} decay mode for the allowed regions of the parameter space.Comment: To be published in JHEP, 20 pages, 11 figures, Figures and results are updated for the recent LHC result

    Dark matter searches at LHC

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    Besides Standard Model measurements and other Beyond Standard Model studies, the ATLAS and CMS experiments at the LHC will search for Supersymmetry, one of the most attractive explanation for dark matter. The SUSY discovery potential with early data is presented here together with some first results obtained with 2010 collision data at 7 TeV. Emphasis is placed on measurements and parameter determination that can be performed to disentangle the possible SUSY models and SUSY look-alike and the interpretation of a possible positive supersymmetric signal as an explanation of dark matter.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, Invited plenary talk given at DISCRETE 2010: Symposium On Prospects In The Physics Of Discrete Symmetries, 6-11 Dec 2010, Rome, Ital

    Heavy Ion Physics at the LHC with the ATLAS Detector

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    The ATLAS detector at CERN will provide a high-resolution longitudinally-segmented calorimeter and precision tracking for the upcoming study of heavy ion collisions at the LHC (sqrt(s_NN)=5520 GeV). The calorimeter covers |eta|<5 with both electromagnetic and hadronic sections, while the inner detector spectrometer covers |eta|<2.5. ATLAS will study a full range of observables necessary to characterize the hot and dense matter formed at the LHC. Global measurements (particle multiplicities, collective flow) will provide access into its thermodynamic and hydrodynamic properties. Measuring complete jets out to 100's of GeV will allow detailed studies of energy loss and its effect on jets. Quarkonia will provide a handle on deconfinement mechanisms. ATLAS will also study the structure of the nucleon and nucleus using forward physics probes and ultraperipheral collisions, both enabled by segmented Zero Degree Calorimeters.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, submitted to the Proceedings of Quark Matter 2006, Shanghai, China, November 14-20, 200

    Minimal dark matter in type III seesaw

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    We explore the possibility of a new dark matter candidate in the supersymmetric type III seesaw mechanism where a neutral scalar component of the Y=0 triplet can be the lightest supersymmetric particle. Its thermal abundance can be in the right range if non-standard cosmology such as kination domination is assumed. The enhanced cross-section of the dark matter annihilation to W+W- can leave detectable astrophysical and cosmological signals whose current observational data puts a lower bound on the dark matter mass. The model predicts the existence of a charged scalar almost degenerate with the dark matter scalar and its lifetime lies between 5.5 cm and 6.3 m. It provides a novel opportunity of the dark mater mass measurement by identifying slowly-moving and highly-ionizing tracks in the LHC experiments. If the ordinary lightest supersymmetric particle is the usual Bino, its decay leads to clean signatures of same-sign di-lepton and di-charged-scalar associated with observable displaced vertices which are essentially background-free and can be fully reconstructed.Comment: 3 figures, 12 pages; An error in the antiproton limit corrected; the lower bound on the dark matter mass strengthened; references added; typos correcte