12 research outputs found

    Application of GIS-technologies in inventories of cultural heritage objects by the example of Kharitonov garden, Yekaterinburg

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    This study examines the use of GIS-materials of various specifications for the inventories of objects of cultural heritage on the example of the object of federal importance "Kharitonov Palace, XIX century", the city of Yekaterinburg. The paper presents a detailed algorithm for making vegetation inventories in historical garden-park complexes. A comparative assessment of accuracy of the established standards and the developed methods of inventory process is given. As a result of this approach, it was possible to give a comprehensive description of the entire territory of the Kharitonov garden as part of the restoration and biological assessment of the vegetation, landscape and architectural survey, individual plant inventory of cultural heritage object of federal importance "Kharitonov Palace, XIX century". © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Ecological consequences of the playgrounds' reconstruction of specialized "park-stadium Khimmash", in Yekaterinburg

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    In connection with the World Cup in 2018 in the Russian Federation, including the qualifying matches of the World Championship in Yekaterinburg, the Government of the Sverdlovsk Regiondecided to place a training ground on the territory of the "Park-stadium Khimmash". For this purpose, a sports field reconstruction project was created and implemented. The article is devoted to the assessment of negative consequences for plantings of the "Park-stadium Khimmash" in Yekaterinburg as a result of the construction, which led to the destruction of 388 trees, 95 of them are pine trees. The park historically originated on the site of a natural pine plantation. Cutting down so many trees led to further disintegration of the stand. According to the project, the replacement of felled large park trees of pine and birch by willow and apple trees is recommended, which led to the destruction of natural landscapes that have survived in the urban environment. At the same time, not only the aesthetic perception is worsened, but the ecological criteria of the industrial area of the city are also reduced. First of all, the oxygen-producing possibilities of the plantation decreased, which is reflected in the economic assessment of the consequences. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Prognosis of yard area landscaping condition due to reconstruction by the example of Krasnoufimsk city

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    Annotation. At the present time the federal program of improvement of yard areas in Sverdlovsk region is coming into effect. Therefore, a compound landscape analysis of project areas was held and the consequences of their reconstruction were assessed. The main attention was paid to the parameters which reflect the balance of the territory: the area of roads, driveways, sidewalks, children's playgrounds, landscaping, including separately taken into account area under the lawn. Results of the research confirm that the reconstruction will reduce the area of green territories. Due to reconstruction, the share occupied by green areas, is reduced three times in two out of three of investigated yards. And only in one yard the reduction is not so significant - only by 15 %. The positive aspect implemented in all yards is a specific separation of the children's playground. The project also includes complete removal of large trees and their replacement with a few shrubs. Eventually the research of yard area landscaping projects proves that tree-and-shrub's planting is not prioritized and, unfortunately, due to reconstruction will be presented in a much more simplified version compared to the existing one, thus it will negatively affect the environmental situation of the city. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Modern approach to inventory of urban green spaces using GIS-technologies (in terms of the city of Rostov-on-Don)

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    As a result of the survey, a geospatial database was generated - a digital twin of Rostov-on-Don green structure facilities. The work was performed with the use of advanced knowledge-intensive technologies by means of unmanned aircrafts, mobile laser scanning, automation of data recording and transmission. The obtained results allow for estimation of quantitative and qualitative condition of landscaping and greening of the areas of separate districts and the city in broader terms for the given period, and they are the basis for prospective planning both of operating expenses for spaces maintenance and expenditures for new construction and repair of facilities. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    The history of development of three historical public gardens in the city of Perm

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    The city of Perm, founded in 1723, has turned into a metropolis within three centuries. The Kama River plays an important role in development of the city; the first large environmental objects are also connected with the river. Some of them have been preserved to the present day, these are the embankment, F M Reshetnikov public garden, and Ural Volunteers public garden. The purpose of the presented work is to determine the degree of transformation of the appearances of the mentioned above public gardens, basing on a comprehensive survey of their current state and a retrospective analysis. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Zonal changes in the annual plant fall-off and forest litter reserves in pine forests of Western Siberia

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    Specific features and general regularities of the annual plant fall-off and forest litter accumulation in the cranberry-true moss group of pine forests of different forest zones of Western Siberia are discussed. Copyright © 2003 by MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" (Russia)

    The organization of a tourist and recreation cluster on the territory of the forest park shartash

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    It was decided to organize a tourist and recreational cluster on the territory of the forest park Shartash in order to create a comfortable urban environment and to develop tourism as a priority industry under terms of program of development of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region. Close location to the city, convenient transport links, favorable pond for water recreation facilities, high aesthetic parameters, architectural and artistic advantages of the territory provide a significant flow of visitors. Forest park Shartash has a complete set of natural resources that determine the uniqueness of the object. To classify the project proposals under terms of organizing tourist and recreation cluster on the territory of forest park it is recommended to supplement and specify current functional zoning with allocation of additional recreational and protected areas. © 2020 ACM

    Landscape analysis via modeling of the city map

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    Landscape-architectural analysis as a method of urban environment quality assessment applied for historical part of Yekaterinburg. The essence of the method and its results are in the paper. A scheme of the environment quality on the city map developed based on the research. Streets and intersections, which have a great importance for the transportation system of the city, have on average higher quality of the urban environment. Improving of landscaping quality is preferred way of environment development, because of its efficiency, which confirmed by statistical processing of the results. © 2018 CEUR-WS. All rights reserved

    Characteristic of the Shape and Size of the Horizontal Crown Projection of Cherry Maak (Padus Maackii Rupr Kom) in Yekaterinburg

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    Vital status and decorative qualities of cherry Maak (Padus Maackii Rupr Kom) trees at the plantings of greenery of Yekaterinburg vary widely depending on local factors affected on a particular planting. Accurate data about the peculiarities of the crown formation of the used plant species are necessary for optimizing the spatial patterns of existing plantings and for the proper design of new plantings. The following tasks were performed in order to study the needs of cherry Maak trees in free space for normal development of the crown: to fix the linear dimensions of the crown in different directions; to find out what is the impact on the development of individual parts of the crown caused by their exposure and interaction with neighboring plants; to determine the areas of the horizontal crown projections of the surveyed trees; to determine the distance between trees that does not violate their viability. The radiuses of the crown projections of cherry Maak trees in age from 30 to 50 years in group plantings were measured during the study. For a tree for each direction were noted the factors affecting on the development of the crown from this side, and the distance to the factor. The selection was sorted by "free" and "limited" conditions of development to determine the degree of deformation of the crown of the surveyed trees in the direction of free space and in the directions where there is an interaction with the crowns of neighboring plants. The average horizontal crown projection of the of the trees under full development in the conditions of group plantings of greenery in Yekaterinburg has a shape of almost an exact circle of radius 3,5 +/- 0,06 m. This indicator decreased by 21,2 % compared to the average for the entire set of measurements and is 2,8 +/- 0,07 meters in the direction of the space limitations. The expansion of the crown takes place in the direction of open space and the average radius increased by 26,5 % compared to the average for the entire set of measurements and it is 4,5 +/- 0,07 m. Considering that the average planting step of cherry Maak trees in terms of group plantings in the city of Yekaterinburg is large enough, approximately 5,1 m, the obtained deviations can be considered as the norm. The dependence between exposition of different parts of the crown on light side and the degree of their development was not installed. The average area of the horizontal crown projection of the cherry Maak trees under full development of the crown in terms of group plantings in the city of Yekaterinburg is about 40 m.Жизненное состояние и декоративные качества деревьев черемухи Маака на объектах озеленения г. Екатеринбурга сильно варьируют в зависимости от локальных факторов, действующих на конкретную посадку. Для оптимизации пространственной структуры существующих посадок и правильного проектирования новых необходимы точные данные об особенностях формирования кроны используемых видов растений. В целях изучения потребностей деревьев черемухи Маака в свободном пространстве для нормального развития крон были поставлены следующие задачи: зафиксировать линейные размеры крон в различных направлениях; выяснить, какое влияние на развитие отдельных частей крон оказывает их экспозиция и взаимодействие с соседними растениями; определить площади горизонтальных проекций крон обследованных деревьев; установить расстояние между деревьями, не нарушающее их жизнеспособности. В ходе исследования были измерены по восьми направлениям радиусы проекций крон деревьев черемухи Маака в возрасте от 30 до 50 лет в групповых посадках. По каждому направлению для дерева отмечались факторы, влияющие на развитие кроны с данной стороны и расстояние до фактора. Выборка была рассортирована по «свободным» и «ограниченным» условиям развития для определения степени деформации крон обследованных деревьев в направлении свободного пространства и в тех направлениях, где происходит взаимодействие с кронами соседних растений. Среднестатистическая горизонтальная проекция крон деревьев черемуха Маака, достигших полного развития в условиях групповых посадок на территории г. Екатерин-бурга, имеет форму практически правильной окружности радиусом 3,5±0,06 м. В направлении пространственного ограничения этот показатель уменьшается на 21,2 % относительно среднего по всей совокупности измерений и составляет 2,8±0,07 м. В направлении открытого пространства происходит разрастание части кроны, средний радиус увеличивается на 26,5 % относительно среднего по всей совокупности измерений и составляет 4,5±0,07 м. Учитывая, что средний шаг посадки деревьев черемухи Маака в условиях групповых посадок г. Екатеринбурга достаточно велик, около 5,1 м, полученные отклонения можно считать нормой. Зависимости между экс-позицией разных частей кроны по странам света и степенью их развития не установ-лено. Средняя площадь горизонтальной проекции крон деревьев черемуха Маака, достигших полного развития кроны в условиях групповых посадок, составляет около 40 м2