148 research outputs found

    Influence Of Principals’ Autocratic Leadership Style On Students’academic Achievement In Kenya Certificate Of Public Secondary Education Examinations In Awendo Sub-County, Migori County, Kenya

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    Ordinarily, every educational institutional leaders, especially the principals are called upon to exercise strong instructional leadership in their schools. They are faced with the task of increasing student achievement while maintaining order through acceptable student behaviour which may require changing school performance. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of principals’ autocratic leadership styles on students’ academic achievement in KCSE in Awendo Sub-County, Migori County, Kenya. This study was anchored on the contingency theory of leadership suitable for assessing the leader according to underlying traits; situations faced by the leader and construct a proper match between the two. This model was used to determine principals’ styles effectiveness in schools. The study was conducted using a descriptive survey research design. The population for this study consisted of 42 principals and 547 teachers, in public secondary schools in Awendo Sub-County, Migori County, Kenya. The researcher used purposive sampling technique to get 42 principals and 5 Zonal Quality Assurance and Standard Officers (ZQASOs) because they are the only ones who existed in the study area. The target population of teachers was 547 and 30 percent of this was 164 teachers sampled. Questionnaires were used as the tools for collecting the data from both the teachers and principals. The researcher used the test retest method to enhance instrument reliability which yielded .078. The results of data analysis were presented in mainly tables, and pie-charts. The study found out that 69.9 percent often drive hard when there is a job to be done and easily get recognized as the leader of the group. Another 83.3 percent often act without consultations. The study recommended that Principals need to involve all stakeholders in decision making and running of the schools. The researchers endeavored to adhere to all ethical requirements including plagiarism and confidentiality among others. Keywords: Kenya, principals, autocratic, leadership, styles, students, achievement

    A global information system for the conservation and sustainable use of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (PGRFA)

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    Poster presented at 2008 Annual Meeting of TD WG-Biodiversity Information Standards. Fremantle ( Australia), 19-24 Oct 200

    Statistical analysis for plant genetic resources: Clustering and indices in R made simple

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    This handbook aims to give researchers tools and methods to analyse mathematically complex morphological characterization data. R is a powerful software language and environment for statistical computing and graphics, developed by volunteers from around the world, working together over the Internet. The core development team consists of fewer than twenty programmers who maintain and develop the general R environment, with contributions from many others. A much larger number of contributors write individual statistical packages for R that address specific needs. Statisticians and researchers write many of these statistical packages for their own research purposes, ensuring that R is in the forefront of developments in statistics. Another of R's strengths is the ease with which well-designed publication-quality plots can be produced, including mathematical symbols and formulae where needed. On the down side, if you are used to pointand-click interfaces, you may find that R has a relatively steep learning curve. As one of the developers of R once put it, R is not designed to make easy things simple, but to make difficult things possible. Nonetheless, several projects are working on making R easier to use, and interfaces should improve in the near future. We would not propose R had we not found that it has many facilities useful to the analysis of plant genetic resources data, facilities not commonly found in other statistical packages. We also believe that with a step-by-step guide, providing examples of typical analyses required in plant genetic resources research, most researchers will be able to implement such analyses quite simply on their own data. This tutorial provides such a guide, beginning with simple examples that soon demonstrate the power of R, and allows users to gradually become acquainted with the more complex aspects. Just enough explanation of the statistics is given for readers with a basic understanding of the subject to understand the output of the analyses

    Evaluation of adoption potential of modern technologies in potato value chain by smallholder farmers in Kenya: Nyandarua County pilot case study.

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    In Kenya, smallholder potato farmers endeavor to increase their production through various approaches, most commonly by expanding areas under production and repeatedly planting potato on the same site, with the latter resulting in build-up of diseases. Compounded with limited access to options to improve productivity, these farmers yield less than 10 t ha, much below realistic yields of 20 to 30 t ha. In an attempt to address these constraints, a study in the framework of the pilot project Potato Initiative Africa lead by International Potato Center (CIP) evaluated modern interventions to improve yields and reduce harvest and post-harvest losses along the production chain

    School Characteristics, Use of Project Method and Learner Achievement in Physics

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate how school characteristics affect the usage of the PM and the consequent impact on learner achievement in physics (LAP). Data was collected using Students Achievement Tests (SAT) and questionnaire for physics teachers. Stratified Sampling was applied to select 84 schools comprising boys, girls and mixed schools from seven provinces of Kenya. Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze the data. ANOVA, chi-square and multiple-regression were used to test the hypothesis. The key findings of the study were that PM enhances the learning of physics; Single sex schools performed better than mixed schools; the type of schools in terms of gender, whether day or boarding were not factors in the usage of project method. In view of these research findings, the researchers recommend that the government come up with a policy that enhances the establishment of more single sex schools, enhance resource mobilization for the teaching of physics, review the teacher training component so as to encompass the PM as an alternative teaching strategy, and in-service physics teachers on the role of school characteristics in the study of physics. Key words: Physics; Learner Achievement in Physics (LAP); Project Method PM; School Characteristics (SC)

    Substance Abuse among Public Secondary School Students: Prevalence, Strategies and Challenges for Public Secondary School Managers in Kenya: A Case Study of Kisumu East Sub County

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    Substance abuse among public secondary school students is reality that is spreading at an alarming rate. If not checked, it could destroy the youth who are in their formative stage in life. Its outcomes include school dropouts, injuries, loss of lives, destruction of properties, moral decadence, misallocation of resources, indiscipline and compromised academic standards. According to the findings of a study conducted in 2005 on substance abuse in five major cities in Kenya, Kisumu and Nakuru lead the rest of the major cities and towns in the country in the prevalence of substance abuse. The study established that the factors that influence students most into substance abuse were peer pressure, media influence, frustrations and copying of idols. Alcohol, Cigarettes, Miraa/Khat and Marijuana were found to be the most commonly abused substances in dealing with substance abuse among students. The three strategies used most frequently by managers of public secondary schools were; use of professional counsellors, teachings on substance abuse, and training of peer educators while challenges encountered by managers of public secondary schools (principals, deputy principals and heads of departments) were found to be the rehabilitation of substance abusers, reducing the prevalence of substance abuse, and improving the performance of substance abusers. The study’s recommendations were that a comprehensive curriculum on substance abuse be introduced in schools, areas around the schools should be made as drug free as possible, the education of students on substance abuse should start in primary schools, the Teachers’ Service Commission should post full time professional counsellors to public secondary schools, and the government should establish free rehabilitation centres to cater for students who are substance abusers. The findings of this study are significant to the managers of public secondary schools in Kisumu East Sub County because it may help them to better understand the issues related to substance abuse among students in their schools and to come up with effective strategies to be used in addressing substance abuse related issues. It is significant to educational planners and economists whose concerns are optimal utilization of inputs and outputs for efficiency of educational systems. Keywords: Substance Abuse, Public Secondary Schools, Students, Prevalence, Strategies, Challenges, Managers, Kisumu East Sub County, Kenya

    Feeds and Forages Intervention Strategies for Improved Livestock Nutrition and Productivity in the Northwest Highlands of Vietnam

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    Livestock production in Vietnam is critical for livelihoods particularly for ethnic minorities in the Northwest Highlands (NWH). Improved livestock management and productivity can be achieved through better feed management and increased cultivation of improved forages, to meet animal nutrition demand. This study aimed at assessing feed intervention strategies to address context-specific feed-related challenges, mainly winter feed shortage in Mai Son district, Son La province, Vietnam. Feed interventions included promotion of improved forages (grasses and legumes) and capacity building on animal nutrition techniques including feed preservation, feed mix and feeding regimes for cattle and pigs. Willing farmers selected from a list of improved forages, were provided with seeds and planting materials, and guided on forage planting, management, and utilization. Farmers reported increased awareness on feed technologies, increased yield, and availability of high-quality feed for their livestock, as well as challenges encountered in forage utilization. Initial results from this study show the potential of feed and forage technologies in improving livestock productivity and lays a foundation for scaling these interventions in Vietnam

    Domestic Violence and its Influence on Students: the Prevalent of the Various Forms of Domestic Violence in Bungoma County, Kenya

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    The study aimed to investigate the influence of domestic violence on students’ classroom behaviour in secondary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. The study explored this by examining the extent to which various forms of domestic violence (DV) influenced students’ classroom behaviour. The research utilized the theory of behavioural psychology, which emphasizes that behaviour is acquired or learnt from the surrounding. Descriptive survey design was used. The target population comprised of 1600 individuals, from which 648 were sampled using purposeful, stratified and random sampling. The study sampled 36 principals, 36 guidance and counselling teachers and 576 students. The research tools were: questionnaires for the students, interview schedule for the principals and guidance and counselling teachers. The questionnaires were analysed quantitatively and the interviews data was analysed qualitatively. The findings reveal students are victims of DV. Secondly their personality is affected. The study recommends measures to be taken against the perpetrators depending on individual differences and schools to be facilitated with rehabilitation facilities for student victims
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