287 research outputs found

    കാലാവസ്ഥാ വ്യതിയാനം തടയുന്നതിൽ ഗൃഹങ്ങളുടെ പങ്ക് (Households in combating climate change- ClimEd Series:5C)

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    Earth’s climate is always changing. In the past, it has gone through warmer and cooler periods which last for thousands of years. The changing climate can be due to natural and anthropogenic activities. Natural causes include changes in earth's orbit, sunspot activity; ocean changes and volcanic eruptions. Recently earth’s climate has been warming alarmingly which is mainly due to human activities like burning of coal, oil and natural gas which can lead to severe impacts across the globe

    Climate change world and your role

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    Earth’s climate is always changing. In the past, it has gone through warmer and cooler periods which last for thousands of years. This long term pattern of weather conditions (temperature, air pressure, humidity, precipitation, sunshine, cloudiness, and winds) prevailing in an area is the Climate change which is the most furious issue of the present world. Climate change is change in the earth’s overall climate or a long term change in the weather pattern of a region for a considerable period of time eg: change in the earth’s global temperature, or its typical precipitation pattern. It can also be any significant long-term change in the expected patterns of average weather of a region across a considerable period of time

    Benign struma ovarii-a rare monodermal ovarian teratoma-a case report

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    Struma ovarii is a rare ovarian tumour, first described in 1889 by Boettlin. It is defined by the presence of thyroid tissue comprising of >50% of overall mass. It comprises 1% of all ovarian tumours and 2-5% of all ovarian teratomas. Preoperative diagnosis of struma ovarii is difficult because symptoms, clinical presentation and ultrasound are often similar to that of ovarian carcinoma. Hence most of the patients are diagnosed post operatively. Most cases of strum aovarii are benign and can be treated by excision of the ovary or by unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. In a small number of cases, there are complications, the most important being the development of malignancy or ascites associated with pleural effusion producing a pseudo-Meigs' syndrome. This is a case of struma ovary presented with features of pseudo-Meig’s syndrome. A 68 year old post-menopausal woman presented with acute abdomen and respiratory distress with an ultrasound diagnosis of ovarian torsion, ascites and pleural effusion and found to have atrial thrombus on evaluation. She had undergone staging laparotomy, TAH+ BSO, omental biopsy and peritoneal fluid cytology. Histopathology revealed predominantly benign and mature colloid filled thyroid follicles of varying sizes lined by cuboidal epithelium surrounded by lymphocytic infiltrate and congested blood vessels, which was suggestive of struma ovary.

    Price index number and its application in fish price assessment

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    Price index number and its application in fish price assessmen

    Households in combating climate change- ClimEd Series:5

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    Earth’s climate is always changing. In the past, it has gone through warmer and cooler periods which last for thousands of years. The changing climate can be due to natural and anthropogenic activities. Natural causes include changes in earth's orbit, sunspot activity; ocean changes and volcanic eruptions. Recently earth’s climate has been warming alarmingly which is mainly due to human activities like burning of coal, oil and natural gas which can lead to severe impacts across the globe

    Transportation models: a tool for investigating market performance and efficiency decisions

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    Transportation models: a tool for investigating market performance and efficiency decision

    Assessing the consumer preferences using Conjoint Analysis: An Application in Fisheries Sector

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    Assessing the consumer preferences using Conjoint Analysis: An Application in Fisheries Secto