39 research outputs found

    Analysing the Expert Judgment of a Rehabilitation Counsellor: A Case Study

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    This case study analysed the expert judgments of a rehabilitation counsellor. The counsellor was given 37 accident victims' self-ratings of health, energy, daily activities, self-esteem, personal relations, financial resources and living conditions. The accident victims also rated their own overall quality of life as poor or good. The expert was required to make judgments about whether the quality of life was poor or good in each case and matched the ratings of the accident victims in 64.8% of cases. The results suggest that under conditions of uncertainty and complexity an expert may be more accurate than chance but still fail to use the properties of information to their maximum advantag

    Which components of instruction influence student interest?

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    This study investigated how subject interest is related to components of instruction, the nature of the subject and/or student factors. Students (N=524) from over 30 technical and further education colleges completed a survey on aspects of teaching and their interest in a subject. Student ratings of the 12 components of instruction and subject interest were uniformly positive. The overall average of the 12 questions on different aspects of teaching was 3.3 (ratings ranged from I to 4). This correlated 0.46 with the rating of subject interest. There was no significant effect of age, gender, being in the first or later years of a course or whether attending full time or part time on the level of interest in the subject. A significantly high and positive correlation with the level of subject interest was observed for those subjects which were rated highly in terms of preparing people for a career (r= 0.55; p \u3c.0.01). The most important instructional factors were: the ability to explain concepts clearly, helping students to understand and demonstrating the relevance of the subject

    Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Efficacy for Reducing Recidivism Rates of Moderate- and High-Risk Sexual Offenders: A Scoping Systematic Literature Review

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    Published ArticleThis literature scoping review compared recidivism rates of moderate- and highrisk sexual offenders who received cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) oriented treatments. Ten empirical studies from 2001 to 2014 were selected for review that met the following criteria: (a) Treatment program included a CBT-based intervention with a comparative intervention; (b) participants included adult, male, moderate- and high-risk sexual offenders only; and (c) follow-up data for up to 12 months. Data were analyzed using a summative metric for recidivism rate comparisons (N = 3,073 for CBT and N = 3,588, for comparison approaches). Sexual offense recidivism rates varied from 0.6% to 21.8% (with CBT) and from 4.5% to 32.3% (with comparison intervention). The within-sample median rate of violent recidivism with a history of sexual offense was 21.1% (with CBT) versus 32.6% (comparison). Sexual offenders had a general felonies (within-sample) median recidivism rate of 27.05% (with CBT) versus 51.05% (comparison). The evidence supports the conclusion that CBT in its various forms is an efficacious treatment modality to prevent offense recidivism by sexual offenders. Suggestions for future research are considered

    El test de intereses profesionales. Un instrumento de diagn贸stico breve y estandarizado para su uso en Orientaci贸n Educativa y profesional

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    ABSTRACTThis article describes the Career Interest Test (Version 3.0), which is a 63-item forced choice, individually- or group-administered assessment of seven vocational interest categories: Outdoor, Practical, Scientific, Creative, Business, Office and People Contact interests It is designed for use in educational and vocational contexts as a practical guide to adolescent career planning. The Career Interest Test is now made freely available for professional use and is also available for free on-line use th- rough www.myfuture.edu.au or www.qualifax ie or www.smartfutire.edu.au The Career Interest Test offers psychologists and career counsellors information at low cost and with brief testing time. Results can be used to provide reassurance about choices, to narrow the range of options or to stimulate career exploration by indicating the types of work that individuals may want to explore It is based on the premise that vocational interests (ie, activity preferences) may be inferred from consistent pat- terns of likes and dislikes. Technical data on the validity and reliability of the responses are provided.RESUMENEn este art铆culo se describe el Career Interest Test (Test de Intereses Profesionales, Versi贸n 3.0), que eval煤a 7 categor铆as de intereses vocacionales: Exterior, Pr谩ctico, Cient铆fico, Creativo, Negocios, Administrativo y Contacto con Gente. Est谩 compuesto por 63 items de elecci贸n obligatoria, y puede聽administrarse de forma individual o grupal. Su finalidad es la de proporcionar un instrumento pr谩ctico que sirva de gu铆a para la planificaci贸n de la carrera de adolescentes, complement谩ndose con otros instrumentos y t茅cnicas de orientaci贸n educativa y profesional. El Career Interest Test est谩 disponible de forma gratuita para su uso profesional (para aplicaciones a peque帽a escala), y tambi茅n se puede acceder al mismo a trav茅s de las siguientes direcciones: www.myfuture.edu.au, www.qualifax.ie o www.smartfutire.edu.au (en ingl茅s, tambi茅n ha sido traducido para el Medio Oriente y Asia del Sur). La elaboraci贸n de este instrumento de diagn贸stico formaba parte de un proyecto de investigaci贸n longitudinal (Athanasou, 1986, 1990, 2003), que ha culminado con su publicaci贸n en el dominio p煤blico, adem谩s de los resultados obtenidos con la muestra participante.ABSTRACTThis article describes the Career Interest Test (Version 3.0), which is a 63-item forced choice, individually- or group-administered assessment of seven vocational interest categories: Outdoor, Practical, Scientific, Creative, Business, Office and People Contact interests It is designed for use in educational and vocational contexts as a practical guide to adolescent career planning. The Career Interest Test is now made freely available for professional use and is also available for free on-line use th- rough www.myfuture.edu.au or www.qualifax ie or www.smartfutire.edu.au The Career Interest Test offers psychologists and career counsellors information at low cost and with brief testing time. Results can be used to provide reassurance about choices, to narrow the range of options or to stimulate career exploration by indicating the types of work that individuals may want to explore It is based on the premise that vocational interests (ie, activity preferences) may be inferred from consistent pat- terns of likes and dislikes. Technical data on the validity and reliability of the responses are provided

    Revista espa帽ola de orientaci贸n y psicopedagog铆a

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    El Career Interest Test est谩 disponible de forma gratuita para su uso profesional y tambi茅n se puede acceder al mismo a trav茅s de las siguientes direcciones web: www.my future.edu.au ; www.qualifax.ie ; www.smartfutire.edu.au. Resumen tomado de la publicaci贸nSe describe el Career Interest Test (Test de Intereses Profesionales), que eval煤a siete categor铆as de intereses vocacionales: exterior, pr谩ctico, cient铆fico, creativo, negocios, administrativo y contacto con gente. Est谩 compuesto por 63 items de elecci贸n obligatoria y puede administrarse de forma individual o grupal. Su finalidad es la de proporcionar un instrumento que sirva de gu铆a para la planificaci贸n de la carrera de adolescentes, complement谩ndose con otros instrumentos y t茅cnicas de orientaci贸n educativa y profesional. La elaboraci贸n de este instrumento de diagn贸stico form贸 parte de un proyecto de investigaci贸n longitudinal que culmin贸 con su publicaci贸n en el dominio p煤blico. El test proporciona informaci贸n a psic贸logos y orientadores a un bajo coste y en poco tiempo. Los resultados pueden utilizarse para ayudar a reafirmar las elecciones realizadas, reducir el abanico de opciones disponibles, o potenciar la exploraci贸n de la carrera al se帽alar tipolog铆as de trabajo concretas que lo sujetos pueden querer explorar con m谩s detalle.MadridBiblioteca de Educaci贸n del Ministerio de Educaci贸n, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agust铆n, 5 - 3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]