5 research outputs found

    Costos de la rehidratación oral y nasogástrica comparadas con la rehidratación endovenosa en niños con diarrea en Colombia

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    Objetivo Evaluar los costos de las terapias de rehidratación oral (TRO) y de rehidratación nasogástrica (TRN) comparadas con la terapia de rehidratación endovenosa (TRE) para corregir la deshidratación por diarrea en niños.Metodología Análisis de minimización de costos desde la perspectiva del Sistema de Salud colombiano comparando TRO (seguida de TRN ante falla de la TRO), con la TRE. El horizonte temporal fue la duración de la rehidratación. La medida de efectividad se extrajo de una revisión sistemática de literatura. Para determinar costos, se construyó un caso típico y un árbol de decisiones, a partir de revisión de guías e historias clínicas, validado con expertos. Los costos unitarios se obtuvieron de bases de datos colombianas. Costos fueron calculados en pesos colombianos (COP) y dólares americanos (USD). Se realizaron análisis de sensibilidad de una y dos vías.Resultados La TRO y la TRE son similares en efectividad para prevenir hospitalización y lograr rehidratación. En el caso base, el costo de la TRO fue 91,221COP(40.5USD)yparaTRE91,221COP (40.5 USD) y para TRE 112,944COP (50.14USD), es decir, un ahorro de $21,723 COP (9.64 USD). En los análisis de sensibilidad por regímenes de aseguramiento y complejidad del hospital, la TRO suele ser la estrategia menos costosa.Discusión Ambas intervenciones son similares en efectividad, pero la TRO, seguida de TRN ante falla de la primera resulta menos costosa que la TRE. La TRO es recomendable como primera opción para corregir la deshidratación. Deberían continuarse esfuerzos por implementar TRO y TRN en los servicios de salud en Colombia

    Guía de práctica clínica para la prevención, diagnóstico, tratamiento y rehabilitación de la falla cardiaca en población mayor de 18 años, clasificación B, C y D

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    La falla cardíaca es un síndrome clínico caracterizado por síntomas y signos típicos de insuficiencia cardíaca, adicional a la evidencia objetiva de una anomalía estructural o funcional del corazón. Guía completa 2016. Guía No. 53Población mayor de 18 añosN/

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Diagnosis of Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy in Colombia

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    Objectives: To determine the cost-effectiveness ratio of different courses of action for the diagnosis of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy in Colombia. Methods: The cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from the Colombian health system perspective. Decision trees were constructed, and different courses of action were compared considering the following tests: immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western blot (WB), multiplex polymerase chain reaction, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and the complete sequencing of the dystrophin gene. The time horizon matched the duration of sample extraction and analysis. Transition probabilities were obtained from a systematic review. Costs were constructed with a type-case methodology using the consensus of experts and the valuation of resources from consulting laboratories and the 2001 Social Security Institute cost manual. Deterministic sensitivity and scenario analyses were performed with one or more unavailable alternatives. Costs were converted from Colombian pesos to US dollars using the 2014 exchange rate. Results: In the base case, WB was the dominant strategy, with a cost of US 419.07andasensitivityof100419.07 and a sensitivity of 100%. This approach remains the dominant strategy down to a 98.2% sensitivity and while costs do not exceed US 837.38. If WB was not available, IHC had the best cost-effectiveness ratio, followed by MLPA and sequencing. Conclusions: WB is a cost-effective alternative for the diagnosis of patients suspected of having Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy in the Colombian health system. The IHC test is rated as the second-best detection method. If these tests are not available, MLPA followed by sequencing would be the most cost-effective alternative. © 201

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Diagnosis of Duchenne/Becker Muscular Dystrophy in Colombia

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    Objectives: To determine the cost-effectiveness ratio of different courses of action for the diagnosis of Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy in Colombia. Methods: The cost-effectiveness analysis was performed from the Colombian health system perspective. Decision trees were constructed, and different courses of action were compared considering the following tests: immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western blot (WB), multiplex polymerase chain reaction, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and the complete sequencing of the dystrophin gene. The time horizon matched the duration of sample extraction and analysis. Transition probabilities were obtained from a systematic review. Costs were constructed with a type-case methodology using the consensus of experts and the valuation of resources from consulting laboratories and the 2001 Social Security Institute cost manual. Deterministic sensitivity and scenario analyses were performed with one or more unavailable alternatives. Costs were converted from Colombian pesos to US dollars using the 2014 exchange rate. Results: In the base case, WB was the dominant strategy, with a cost of US 419.07andasensitivityof100419.07 and a sensitivity of 100%. This approach remains the dominant strategy down to a 98.2% sensitivity and while costs do not exceed US 837.38. If WB was not available, IHC had the best cost-effectiveness ratio, followed by MLPA and sequencing. Conclusions: WB is a cost-effective alternative for the diagnosis of patients suspected of having Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy in the Colombian health system. The IHC test is rated as the second-best detection method. If these tests are not available, MLPA followed by sequencing would be the most cost-effective alternative. © 201