37 research outputs found

    Cerrahın anlık yönlendirilebildiği robot yardımlı endoskop kontrol sistemi mimarisi - NeuRoboScope

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    4. Türkiye Robotbilim Konferansı (ToRK 2018), 12-14 Nisan 2018, Boğaziçi ÜniversitesiBu bildiride ele alınan çalışmada endoskopik hipofiz cerrahisinde kullanılan optik-kamera sistemini, cerrahın anlık isteklerini takip ederek yönlendirilmesine izin verecek robotik sistem geliştirilmektedir. Cerrah kendisi ameliyat sahasında ameliyatı gerçekleştirirken robotu yönlendirmesi gerekmektedir. Bu gereksinim için geliştirilmekte olan özgün alt bileşenler ve toplam sistem mimarisi bildiri içinde tanıtılmıştır ve çalışmanın sonuçları benzer minimal invaziv ameliyatların robot destekli ameliyata dönüşmesine imkan verebilecektir. Bildiride sistemin gereksinimlerinin oluşturulması için yapılan testler anlatılmıştır. Üzerinde durulan sistem gereksinimlerinden birisi robotun çalışma alanı, diğeri ise cerrahın kullanım kolaylığı ile ilgilidir.TUBITAK (Proje Numaraları: 115E725 ve 115E726

    Evli bireylerde öznel iyi-oluşla ilişkili faktörler: internet üzerinden aldatma eğilimi, cinsiyet rolleri ve evlilik doyumu.

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    The main aim of this dissertation is to examine the associations of subjective well-being with online infidelity tendency, gender roles (i.e., masculinity and femininity), and marital satisfaction in married individuals. 319 nonclinical married individuals completed measures of a demographic information form, Subjective Well-Being Scale (SWS), Infidelity Tendency Scale (ITS), Bem Sex-Role Inventory-Short Version (BSRI), and Dyadic Adjustment Scale (DAS). Separate multivariate regression analyses were conducted for subjective well-being, online infidelity tendency, masculinity, femininity, and marital satisfaction to investigate the unique associations proposed in the hypotheses. Several mediation and moderation analyses were performed via Bootstrapping sampling method to test underlying mechanisms for the associations between study variables and subjective well-being. Results provided considerable support for the associations of study variables in the current sample of married individuals. Masculinity and femininity were found to be positively associated with subjective well-being. Online infidelity tendency was found to be negatively associated with subjective well-being. While the association of online infidelity tendency with masculinity was non-significant, higher online infidelity tendency was found to be associated with lower femininity. Marital satisfaction was positively correlated with subjective well-being. Online infidelity tendency was found to be as a mediator between femininity and subjective well-being. However, the indirect association between masculinity and subjective well-being through online infidelity tendency was non-significant. Additionally, marital satisfaction partially moderated the relationship between online infidelity tendency and subjective well-being. The findings were discussed in accordance with the relevant literature together with their implications for clinical practices and future studies.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Kahve zarının diyet lifi kaynağı olarak gıda formülasyonlarında kullanılması

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    Bu çalışmada, fonksiyonel bir bileşen olarak kahve çekirdeği zarının kek formülasyonunda kullanılması ve kek kalitesi üzerine etkisinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla işlem görmemiş ve su ile işlem görmüş kahve çekirdeği zarı %20, 25 ve 30 oranlarında un ve yağ ikamesi olarak kek formülasyonlarında kullanılmış ve kahve çekirdeği zarının kekin fiziksel, kimyasal ve duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkisi belirlenmiştir. İşlem görmemiş kahve çekirdeği zarının nem ve karbonhidrat miktarı ile su tutma kapasitesi işlem görmüş kahve çekirdeği zarından daha düşük, kül, protein, fenolik madde, toplam antioksidan madde, kafein ve 5-HMF miktarı ise daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Kahve çekirdeği zarını yağ ikamesi olarak içeren keklerin spesifik hacim ve pişme kaybı değerleri arasında önemli bir farklılığın olmadığı, işlem görmüş kahve çekirdeği zarı içeren keklerin nem içeriğinin daha yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. Kahve çekirdeği zarı içeren keklerin kek içi renginin kontrol örneğe kıyasla daha koyu, daha kırmızımsı ve daha az sarımsı olduğu gözlenmiştir. Kahve çekirdeği zarı içeren keklerin kek içi sertliğinin daha yüksek olduğu, kekin iç yapışkanlık değerinin azaldığı, çiğnenebilirlik değerinin ise arttığı saptanmıştır. Kahve çekirdeği zarı ikamesi ile keklerin kül, ham lif ve toplam antioksidan madde değerlerinin arttığı belirlenmiştir. Keklerin duyusal özellikleri değerlendirildiğinde lif ikamesinin keklerin kek içi rengini koyulaştırdığı, elle ve ağızda sertliği, lifliliği, kahve tadı ve acı tadı arttırdığı saptanmıştır. İşlem görmemiş kahve çekirdeği zarını yağ ikamesi olarak içeren keklerin gözenek homojenliği ve iç yapışkanlık değerlerinde azalma olduğu belirlenmiştir. Kahve çekirdeği zarı un ve yağ ikamesi olarak kullanıldığında kekin nem içeriğinin etkilemediği, ancak işlem görmemiş kahve çekirdeği zarının keklerde tatlılığı azalttığı saptanmıştır. İşlem görmüş kahve çekirdeği zarı yağ ikamesi olarak kullanıldığında keklerde yağlılığın azaltıldığı farkedilmemiş, işlem görmemiş kahve çekirdeği zarının ikame edildiği keklerde ise yağlılığın azaldığı farkedilmiştir. İşlem görmüş kahve çekirdeği zarının un ve yağ ikamesi olarak kullanıldığı keklerin fiziksel ve duyusal kalitesinin işlem görmemiş kahve çekirdeği zarı içeren keklere göre daha iyi olduğu ve %30 oranında kek formülasyonunda kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.In this study, use of coffee silverskin as a functional ingredient in cake formulations and to investigate its effect on the cake quality was aimed. Untreated coffee silverskin and coffee silverskin treated with water was used in cake formulations as flour and fat substitute at 20, 25 and 30% and effect of coffee silverskin on physical, chemical and sensory quality of cakes were determined. Moisture, carbohydrate content and water holding capacity of untreated coffee silverskin were found to be lower than treated coffee silverskin, whereas ash, protein, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, caffeine and 5-HMF content were found to be higher. No significant difference were determined between specific volume and weight loss values of the cakes containing the untreated coffee silverskin as fat substitute, but moisture content of cakes containing treated coffee silverskin was higher than others. It was observed that crumb colour of cakes containing coffee silverskin was darker, reddish and less yellowish. Crumb hardness of cakes containing coffee silverskin was higher, cohesiveness value of cake decreased and chewiness value increased. Ash, total antioxidant activity and crude fiber value of the cakes increased with the addition of the coffee silverskin. When the sensory characteristics of cakes were evaluated, by fiber substitution crumb colour become darker, manuel hardness and oral hardness, fibrousness, coffee taste and bitter taste increase. Decrease was determined in crumb porosity and cohesiveness values ​​of the cakes containing the untreated coffee silverskin as fat substitute. Use of coffee silverskin as flour and fat substitute did not affect the moisture content of cakes, but use of untreated coffee silverskin decreased the sweetness of cakes. Decrease in fattiness of the cakes was not noticed when treated coffee silverskin was used as fat substitute, but decrease in fattiness of cakes was noticed by substitution of untreated coffee silverskin. The physical and sensory qualities of cakes with treated coffee silverskin used as flour and fat substitute were found to be better than cakes containing untreated coffee silverskin and it can be used as 30% in cake formulation

    Robot yardımlı endoskopik hipofiz ameliyatının teleoperasyon sistemi tasarımı

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2018Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 88-92)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and EnglishTeleoperation, also named telerobotics,is defined as controlling a robot over a distance by a remote controller. In a teleporation setting, the human operator controls the master system(s) to the slave system(s) via wired or wireless communication channel. Genarally, in bilateral teleporation, the human operator is informed about the slave environment via feedback signals (haptic, visual or audio) sent back from the slave environment. Commonly, teleoperated systems are more preferable in hazardous environments to protect the human operator; neverthless, there many other fields where the teleoperated systems are employed for various tasks. one of these areas, where teleoperation technology is becoming more popular,is the medical area. Telesurgical equipments allow more precise performance than a humman can achieve especially in minimally invasive surgeries. The purpose of this thesisis to develop a novel teleporation system architecturewhich will be used to support the endoscopic pituitary surgery procedures which are classified under minimally invasive surgeries. Even though, the surgeon has only two hands, the proposed system aims to enable the surgeon to operate with three different surgical tools simultaneously including the endescope. he type of work is categorized under collaborative surgical robots, which incorporates a teleporation system setup. he master control unit is a ring-shaped remote controller which consists of an inertial measurement unit and a wireless module. Surgeon wears the master system during the operation while holding a surgical tool such as the aspirator, and delivers the voluntary commands to the slave system by triggering a food pedal. The slave is the endescope holder robot which is a 8 degrees-of-freedom manipulator whose 3 degrees-of-freedom are active and the rest of them are passive. here is also an indicator panel which is used to provide visual feedback to the surgeon indicating the states of the surgey and excessive force application on the tissue.TUBITAK (115E726

    Robot yardımlı endoskopik hipofiz ameliyatının teleoperasyon sistemi tasarımı

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Izmir, 2018Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 88-92)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and EnglishTeleoperation, also named telerobotics,is defined as controlling a robot over a distance by a remote controller. In a teleporation setting, the human operator controls the master system(s) to the slave system(s) via wired or wireless communication channel. Genarally, in bilateral teleporation, the human operator is informed about the slave environment via feedback signals (haptic, visual or audio) sent back from the slave environment. Commonly, teleoperated systems are more preferable in hazardous environments to protect the human operator; neverthless, there many other fields where the teleoperated systems are employed for various tasks. one of these areas, where teleoperation technology is becoming more popular,is the medical area. Telesurgical equipments allow more precise performance than a humman can achieve especially in minimally invasive surgeries. The purpose of this thesisis to develop a novel teleporation system architecturewhich will be used to support the endoscopic pituitary surgery procedures which are classified under minimally invasive surgeries. Even though, the surgeon has only two hands, the proposed system aims to enable the surgeon to operate with three different surgical tools simultaneously including the endescope. he type of work is categorized under collaborative surgical robots, which incorporates a teleporation system setup. he master control unit is a ring-shaped remote controller which consists of an inertial measurement unit and a wireless module. Surgeon wears the master system during the operation while holding a surgical tool such as the aspirator, and delivers the voluntary commands to the slave system by triggering a food pedal. The slave is the endescope holder robot which is a 8 degrees-of-freedom manipulator whose 3 degrees-of-freedom are active and the rest of them are passive. here is also an indicator panel which is used to provide visual feedback to the surgeon indicating the states of the surgey and excessive force application on the tissue.TUBITAK (115E726

    Genetic polymorphisms of Cyp19 and myostatin genes in Turkish indigenous sheep breeds

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    WOS: 000418954600008Growth and meat production traits are very important in sheep breeding. Cyp19 gene has a major role in reproductive activity and growth due to its function in estrogen synthesis. Another gene affecting growth traits is Myostatin (MSTN) gene, which mainly regulates skeletal muscle growth. In this study allele frequencies of genetic polymorphism in Cyp19 and Myostatin genes were identified by PCR-RFLP method in five indigenous Turkish sheep breeds, Chiose, Imroz, Kivircik, Zom and Morkaraman. Digestion of Cyp19 gene with HaeIII only revealed uncut AA genotype and digestion of MSTN with DraI also revealed only uncut AA genotype. Both loci analyzed in this study were found to be monomorphic in five Turkish indigenous sheep breeds. These highly conserved parts of the two genes can be useful for molecular evolutionary studies in sheep. Further studies regarding association analysis of Cyp19 and MSTN in sheep should be conducted.Istanbul University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine [VET-TB-16-1, VET-TB-16-2, BEK-2016-22550, BEK-2017-24900]This study was supported by Istanbul University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with project numbers VET-TB-16-1, VET-TB-16-2, BEK-2016-22550 and BEK-2017-2490