33 research outputs found

    La dimension migratoire des Antilles

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    Forcée, dirigée, volontaire... la migration a toujours été au coeur des processus adaptatifs qui ont forgé l'actuelle société antillaise, soumise à rude épreuve au cours des dernières décennies : mutation statutaire, explosion démographique et exutoire migratoire massif, révolution des transports aériens et émergence d'une société "bipolaire", passage de l'économie de plantation à l'économie de transferts...Ainsi la migration, vecteur de tous ces changements et moyen d'ajustement entre espaces économiques hiérarchisés, s'articule avec de nouvelles normes de mobilité que la seule observation des phénomènes démographiques et des mouvements de population ne suffit plus à appréhender. Par son approche multidisciplinaire, cet ouvrage constitue un essai scientifique de "migratologie", qui appréhende la dimension migratoire des Antilles comme un fait de société, au travers des processus résultant des facteurs spatio-temporels caraïbéens (première partie), des déterminants institutionnels et économiques (deuxième partie), et de la dynamique des courants migratoires (troisième partie). (Résumé d'auteur

    Entrepreneurship education as human capital: implications for youth self-employment and conflict mitigation in sub-Saharan Africa

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    Previous research has focused on stable developed economies to predict that human capital and entrepreneurship education (EE) provision at the higher education (HE) level will positively affect entrepreneurial success. This article draws on the outcome of recent EE projects in two HE institutions in a conflict-torn northern Nigeria as a proxy to advocate the introduction of entrepreneurship as a compulsory component into the secondary school curriculum in Sub-Saharan Africa. Using semi-structured interview data, it is found that the provision of EE at secondary education level could help to facilitate human capital development and assist efforts to curb youth unemployment. Specifically, the study suggests that EE comprises both generic and specific human capital that increases an individual’s ability to identify and exploit opportunities, particularly for young people, and in doing so helps to reduce their vulnerability to poverty and involvement in armed conflict. Suggestions for future research and policy considerations are provided

    TVET Planning and Development

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    There are changes in society and labour market demands made to TVET and in the TVET system itself. To deal with both types of challenges, the aim for TVET planning and development is to anticipate how employment will evolve and to determine how to give individuals a knowledge base that will enable them to adapt to the changing demands and benefit from the mobility. Major research areas connected to relevant problem areas in the TVET planning and development process can be constituted by analysis of labour market developments and changes in learning contents, new insights into the development of skills, competences and expertise, integration of learning places in school and workplace, professional development of VET teachers and trainers and VET and organisational development in organisations